Hogg and the rest of the gun grabbing students are a perfect example of what is wrong with humanity.

Jerry Clower, a noted comedian, once put forth an observation. Everyone has an ideal, of what a perfect world would be. That idea is unique, and always has one similarity. Everyone’s point of view is that they themselves, are perfect, and if everyone was more like them, the world would be as perfect as humanly possible.

If you all were more like me, then the world would be better, if not perfect. That is arrogance beyond belief. We all know we can be better, and some of us admit we could be much better. We read, watch documentaries and otherwise try and learn. Yet, the more perfect we see ourselves as, the less we need to learn, the less we need to change. Hogg and the students are in their own eyes, perfect. It’s all of us who are wrong. We aren’t as enlightened, as woke as they are.

All of the visions of the future require one other thing. We all have to give up our rights, and our individuality, to conform to their view.

Hogg has no issue with everyone else giving up their rights, be they the first, or second amendment rights. He denigrates NRA and the members, and the people who support the ideals of the NRA while not actually joining. Yet his favorite Amendment is the First, which among other things protects the right of free association. It is actually peaceably assemble, but you get the idea.

We are free to join any group, and advocate for any cause we like. Just as Hogg is. The difference is what those associations hope to gain. For the NRA, and the supporters of the Second Amendment, they are advocating for their rights under the 2nd Amendment. An Amendment that young Mr. Hogg and the Students haven’t ever heard of, or studied apparently.

History is vital. It tells the story of how we got here. The more history you learn, the smarter choices you can make, and this is the key, the more mistakes you can avoid.

Do I want all of you to be like me? No. One of me is plenty. Mr. Hogg has the first amendment right to say any crazy thing he wants. But the lesson Hogg is learning is this. So does everyone else. I would argue to the limit of my ability for Hogg to be able to speak his mind. I would argue the same for anyone, no matter how much I disagree. I know that principle is not unique, it comes from the world history I’ve studied. Voltaire talked about it much. I’ve quoted the principles of St. Augustine more than once on this board.

I believe what I believe, and I have reasons to believe it, not just an idea, or a feeling. I have a foundation for that belief, which is why I am able to write about the subjects I comment on with some ease, because it’s not just a knee jerk reaction, but a considered opinion. I may be wrong according to you, and I may not be as well read as some others, but that is a failing I am still trying to rectify by reading and studying history. A better understanding of how we got to this point, and a better more complete view going forward. With luck, I’ll be smarter than I ever was just as I die, because I never stopped learning.

Hogg and the students demand that we become more like them, because in their views, they are perfect. When I was a kid, there was a bumper sticker my Mother got and put on her car. It said. “Teenagers, move out of your parents house now, while you still know everything.”

I was once young, and arrogant enough to think I knew it all. We all were. My parents tolerated me some, and corrected my erroneous beliefs often. It’s a shame that young Mr. Hogg hasn’t had the advantage of that kind of care from his parents. Because it will make him a better person, even if after he learns what he is talking about, he continues to disagree with me.

Oh, and the only change I’d make if I was in control of the world. I’d call on the people to stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Focus on your own life, and you’ll probably be a lot happier.

yes, how dare they not want to be shot at by trash with guns.

they are what is RIGHT about humanity.

NRA shills are what is wrong with it.
If you all were more like me, then the world would be better, if not perfect. That is arrogance beyond belief.

It is huh.

So you're saying we should all walk around with stupid ideas that won't work?

Think I'll pass.

Jerry Clower, a noted comedian, once put forth an observation. Everyone has an ideal, of what a perfect world would be. That idea is unique, and always has one similarity. Everyone’s point of view is that they themselves, are perfect, and if everyone was more like them, the world would be as perfect as humanly possible.

If you all were more like me, then the world would be better, if not perfect. That is arrogance beyond belief. We all know we can be better, and some of us admit we could be much better. We read, watch documentaries and otherwise try and learn. Yet, the more perfect we see ourselves as, the less we need to learn, the less we need to change. Hogg and the students are in their own eyes, perfect. It’s all of us who are wrong. We aren’t as enlightened, as woke as they are.

All of the visions of the future require one other thing. We all have to give up our rights, and our individuality, to conform to their view.

Hogg has no issue with everyone else giving up their rights, be they the first, or second amendment rights. He denigrates NRA and the members, and the people who support the ideals of the NRA while not actually joining. Yet his favorite Amendment is the First, which among other things protects the right of free association. It is actually peaceably assemble, but you get the idea.

We are free to join any group, and advocate for any cause we like. Just as Hogg is. The difference is what those associations hope to gain. For the NRA, and the supporters of the Second Amendment, they are advocating for their rights under the 2nd Amendment. An Amendment that young Mr. Hogg and the Students haven’t ever heard of, or studied apparently.

History is vital. It tells the story of how we got here. The more history you learn, the smarter choices you can make, and this is the key, the more mistakes you can avoid.

Do I want all of you to be like me? No. One of me is plenty. Mr. Hogg has the first amendment right to say any crazy thing he wants. But the lesson Hogg is learning is this. So does everyone else. I would argue to the limit of my ability for Hogg to be able to speak his mind. I would argue the same for anyone, no matter how much I disagree. I know that principle is not unique, it comes from the world history I’ve studied. Voltaire talked about it much. I’ve quoted the principles of St. Augustine more than once on this board.

I believe what I believe, and I have reasons to believe it, not just an idea, or a feeling. I have a foundation for that belief, which is why I am able to write about the subjects I comment on with some ease, because it’s not just a knee jerk reaction, but a considered opinion. I may be wrong according to you, and I may not be as well read as some others, but that is a failing I am still trying to rectify by reading and studying history. A better understanding of how we got to this point, and a better more complete view going forward. With luck, I’ll be smarter than I ever was just as I die, because I never stopped learning.

Hogg and the students demand that we become more like them, because in their views, they are perfect. When I was a kid, there was a bumper sticker my Mother got and put on her car. It said. “Teenagers, move out of your parents house now, while you still know everything.”

I was once young, and arrogant enough to think I knew it all. We all were. My parents tolerated me some, and corrected my erroneous beliefs often. It’s a shame that young Mr. Hogg hasn’t had the advantage of that kind of care from his parents. Because it will make him a better person, even if after he learns what he is talking about, he continues to disagree with me.

Oh, and the only change I’d make if I was in control of the world. I’d call on the people to stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Focus on your own life, and you’ll probably be a lot happier.



The term "snowflake" keeps running across my screen when I read this butthurt shit.

Hogg and the rest of the gun grabbing students are a perfect example of what is wrong with humanity

Yeah it's so "wrong" to protest being shot at. The wrongest wrongity of wrongitude imaginable.

Well if being shot at makes you an expert. Then there is thousands of veterans that would disagree.
Hogg wasn't shot at.
Jerry Clower, a noted comedian, once put forth an observation. Everyone has an ideal, of what a perfect world would be. That idea is unique, and always has one similarity. Everyone’s point of view is that they themselves, are perfect, and if everyone was more like them, the world would be as perfect as humanly possible.

If you all were more like me, then the world would be better, if not perfect. That is arrogance beyond belief. We all know we can be better, and some of us admit we could be much better. We read, watch documentaries and otherwise try and learn. Yet, the more perfect we see ourselves as, the less we need to learn, the less we need to change. Hogg and the students are in their own eyes, perfect. It’s all of us who are wrong. We aren’t as enlightened, as woke as they are.

All of the visions of the future require one other thing. We all have to give up our rights, and our individuality, to conform to their view.

Hogg has no issue with everyone else giving up their rights, be they the first, or second amendment rights. He denigrates NRA and the members, and the people who support the ideals of the NRA while not actually joining. Yet his favorite Amendment is the First, which among other things protects the right of free association. It is actually peaceably assemble, but you get the idea.

We are free to join any group, and advocate for any cause we like. Just as Hogg is. The difference is what those associations hope to gain. For the NRA, and the supporters of the Second Amendment, they are advocating for their rights under the 2nd Amendment. An Amendment that young Mr. Hogg and the Students haven’t ever heard of, or studied apparently.

History is vital. It tells the story of how we got here. The more history you learn, the smarter choices you can make, and this is the key, the more mistakes you can avoid.

Do I want all of you to be like me? No. One of me is plenty. Mr. Hogg has the first amendment right to say any crazy thing he wants. But the lesson Hogg is learning is this. So does everyone else. I would argue to the limit of my ability for Hogg to be able to speak his mind. I would argue the same for anyone, no matter how much I disagree. I know that principle is not unique, it comes from the world history I’ve studied. Voltaire talked about it much. I’ve quoted the principles of St. Augustine more than once on this board.

I believe what I believe, and I have reasons to believe it, not just an idea, or a feeling. I have a foundation for that belief, which is why I am able to write about the subjects I comment on with some ease, because it’s not just a knee jerk reaction, but a considered opinion. I may be wrong according to you, and I may not be as well read as some others, but that is a failing I am still trying to rectify by reading and studying history. A better understanding of how we got to this point, and a better more complete view going forward. With luck, I’ll be smarter than I ever was just as I die, because I never stopped learning.

Hogg and the students demand that we become more like them, because in their views, they are perfect. When I was a kid, there was a bumper sticker my Mother got and put on her car. It said. “Teenagers, move out of your parents house now, while you still know everything.”

I was once young, and arrogant enough to think I knew it all. We all were. My parents tolerated me some, and corrected my erroneous beliefs often. It’s a shame that young Mr. Hogg hasn’t had the advantage of that kind of care from his parents. Because it will make him a better person, even if after he learns what he is talking about, he continues to disagree with me.

Oh, and the only change I’d make if I was in control of the world. I’d call on the people to stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Focus on your own life, and you’ll probably be a lot happier.

yes, how dare they not want to be shot at by trash with guns.

they are what is RIGHT about humanity.

NRA shills are what is wrong with it.

So when I was shot at, and the overwhelming desire I had was for a chance to shoot back, that was wrong? When did the universal instinct become wrong? When did the universal right of self defense become wrong? It is practiced by every creature on earth, but it is just wrong according to you. Pfui.
If you all were more like me, then the world would be better, if not perfect. That is arrogance beyond belief.

It is huh.

So you're saying we should all walk around with stupid ideas that won't work?

Think I'll pass.

Jerry Clower, a noted comedian, once put forth an observation. Everyone has an ideal, of what a perfect world would be. That idea is unique, and always has one similarity. Everyone’s point of view is that they themselves, are perfect, and if everyone was more like them, the world would be as perfect as humanly possible.

If you all were more like me, then the world would be better, if not perfect. That is arrogance beyond belief. We all know we can be better, and some of us admit we could be much better. We read, watch documentaries and otherwise try and learn. Yet, the more perfect we see ourselves as, the less we need to learn, the less we need to change. Hogg and the students are in their own eyes, perfect. It’s all of us who are wrong. We aren’t as enlightened, as woke as they are.

All of the visions of the future require one other thing. We all have to give up our rights, and our individuality, to conform to their view.

Hogg has no issue with everyone else giving up their rights, be they the first, or second amendment rights. He denigrates NRA and the members, and the people who support the ideals of the NRA while not actually joining. Yet his favorite Amendment is the First, which among other things protects the right of free association. It is actually peaceably assemble, but you get the idea.

We are free to join any group, and advocate for any cause we like. Just as Hogg is. The difference is what those associations hope to gain. For the NRA, and the supporters of the Second Amendment, they are advocating for their rights under the 2nd Amendment. An Amendment that young Mr. Hogg and the Students haven’t ever heard of, or studied apparently.

History is vital. It tells the story of how we got here. The more history you learn, the smarter choices you can make, and this is the key, the more mistakes you can avoid.

Do I want all of you to be like me? No. One of me is plenty. Mr. Hogg has the first amendment right to say any crazy thing he wants. But the lesson Hogg is learning is this. So does everyone else. I would argue to the limit of my ability for Hogg to be able to speak his mind. I would argue the same for anyone, no matter how much I disagree. I know that principle is not unique, it comes from the world history I’ve studied. Voltaire talked about it much. I’ve quoted the principles of St. Augustine more than once on this board.

I believe what I believe, and I have reasons to believe it, not just an idea, or a feeling. I have a foundation for that belief, which is why I am able to write about the subjects I comment on with some ease, because it’s not just a knee jerk reaction, but a considered opinion. I may be wrong according to you, and I may not be as well read as some others, but that is a failing I am still trying to rectify by reading and studying history. A better understanding of how we got to this point, and a better more complete view going forward. With luck, I’ll be smarter than I ever was just as I die, because I never stopped learning.

Hogg and the students demand that we become more like them, because in their views, they are perfect. When I was a kid, there was a bumper sticker my Mother got and put on her car. It said. “Teenagers, move out of your parents house now, while you still know everything.”

I was once young, and arrogant enough to think I knew it all. We all were. My parents tolerated me some, and corrected my erroneous beliefs often. It’s a shame that young Mr. Hogg hasn’t had the advantage of that kind of care from his parents. Because it will make him a better person, even if after he learns what he is talking about, he continues to disagree with me.

Oh, and the only change I’d make if I was in control of the world. I’d call on the people to stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Focus on your own life, and you’ll probably be a lot happier.



The term "snowflake" keeps running across my screen when I read this butthurt shit.

Hogg and the rest of the gun grabbing students are a perfect example of what is wrong with humanity

Yeah it's so "wrong" to protest being shot at. The wrongest wrongity of wrongitude imaginable.


Being shot at pales in comparison to loosing freedom, as the old saying goes, freedom isn't free. This little puke wants freedom but is unwilling to pay the price.


Where did people learn to spell "losing" as "loosing"? Serious question.
I can never remember in my own lifetime or in any of the history of the US I have read since I was in elementary school a time where people marched to beg the government to take away any rights but it's happening today.

What does that tell you abut the future of this country?

You are joking right?
These kids are a joke. The more they talk, the dumber they sound

Today is a good day to load up some 30 round mags and wear out some steel

Sound of freedom

I'm not even familiar with his comments. Nor certainly would I depend on an echo-chamber parrot site like this to tell me. That's all irrelevant. I'm more interested here in the psychology of attacking, denigrating and dehumanizing victims just because they dare stand up for their own lives.

For literally the entire time I've been on this site (and before) I've been pointing out this firearm fetishism that drives this sicko shit. And y'all fetish-parrots keep on proving me right.

1). Has NO CLUE what the 2nd Amendment is about. NONE.
2). Has no knowledge of history.
3). Is blissfully unaware (or is in favor of) the fact that 1/2 the world has fallen to Dictatorships in the last 10 years
Reverse arm shackled in a dark damp corner of a North Korean Communist "re-training" camp for life.
Last edited:
If you all were more like me, then the world would be better, if not perfect. That is arrogance beyond belief.

It is huh.

So you're saying we should all walk around with stupid ideas that won't work?

Think I'll pass.

Jerry Clower, a noted comedian, once put forth an observation. Everyone has an ideal, of what a perfect world would be. That idea is unique, and always has one similarity. Everyone’s point of view is that they themselves, are perfect, and if everyone was more like them, the world would be as perfect as humanly possible.

If you all were more like me, then the world would be better, if not perfect. That is arrogance beyond belief. We all know we can be better, and some of us admit we could be much better. We read, watch documentaries and otherwise try and learn. Yet, the more perfect we see ourselves as, the less we need to learn, the less we need to change. Hogg and the students are in their own eyes, perfect. It’s all of us who are wrong. We aren’t as enlightened, as woke as they are.

All of the visions of the future require one other thing. We all have to give up our rights, and our individuality, to conform to their view.

Hogg has no issue with everyone else giving up their rights, be they the first, or second amendment rights. He denigrates NRA and the members, and the people who support the ideals of the NRA while not actually joining. Yet his favorite Amendment is the First, which among other things protects the right of free association. It is actually peaceably assemble, but you get the idea.

We are free to join any group, and advocate for any cause we like. Just as Hogg is. The difference is what those associations hope to gain. For the NRA, and the supporters of the Second Amendment, they are advocating for their rights under the 2nd Amendment. An Amendment that young Mr. Hogg and the Students haven’t ever heard of, or studied apparently.

History is vital. It tells the story of how we got here. The more history you learn, the smarter choices you can make, and this is the key, the more mistakes you can avoid.

Do I want all of you to be like me? No. One of me is plenty. Mr. Hogg has the first amendment right to say any crazy thing he wants. But the lesson Hogg is learning is this. So does everyone else. I would argue to the limit of my ability for Hogg to be able to speak his mind. I would argue the same for anyone, no matter how much I disagree. I know that principle is not unique, it comes from the world history I’ve studied. Voltaire talked about it much. I’ve quoted the principles of St. Augustine more than once on this board.

I believe what I believe, and I have reasons to believe it, not just an idea, or a feeling. I have a foundation for that belief, which is why I am able to write about the subjects I comment on with some ease, because it’s not just a knee jerk reaction, but a considered opinion. I may be wrong according to you, and I may not be as well read as some others, but that is a failing I am still trying to rectify by reading and studying history. A better understanding of how we got to this point, and a better more complete view going forward. With luck, I’ll be smarter than I ever was just as I die, because I never stopped learning.

Hogg and the students demand that we become more like them, because in their views, they are perfect. When I was a kid, there was a bumper sticker my Mother got and put on her car. It said. “Teenagers, move out of your parents house now, while you still know everything.”

I was once young, and arrogant enough to think I knew it all. We all were. My parents tolerated me some, and corrected my erroneous beliefs often. It’s a shame that young Mr. Hogg hasn’t had the advantage of that kind of care from his parents. Because it will make him a better person, even if after he learns what he is talking about, he continues to disagree with me.

Oh, and the only change I’d make if I was in control of the world. I’d call on the people to stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Focus on your own life, and you’ll probably be a lot happier.



The term "snowflake" keeps running across my screen when I read this butthurt shit.

Hogg and the rest of the gun grabbing students are a perfect example of what is wrong with humanity

Yeah it's so "wrong" to protest being shot at. The wrongest wrongity of wrongitude imaginable.

I bet your against the wall though.
I can never remember in my own lifetime or in any of the history of the US I have read since I was in elementary school a time where people marched to beg the government to take away any rights but it's happening today.

What does that tell you abut the future of this country?

You are joking right?

Maybe you can tell me the last time people marched to have a Constitutionally guaranteed right taken away
I can never remember in my own lifetime or in any of the history of the US I have read since I was in elementary school a time where people marched to beg the government to take away any rights but it's happening today.

What does that tell you abut the future of this country?

You are joking right?

Maybe you can tell me the last time people marched to have a Constitutionally guaranteed right taken away

The march wasn't to take away a constitutionallly guaranteed right.

I can never remember in my own lifetime or in any of the history of the US I have read since I was in elementary school a time where people marched to beg the government to take away any rights but it's happening today.

What does that tell you abut the future of this country?

You are joking right?

Maybe you can tell me the last time people marched to have a Constitutionally guaranteed right taken away

The march wasn't to take away a constitutionallly guaranteed right.

So you didn't see the repeal the second amendment signs?

This was all about the second amendment
I can never remember in my own lifetime or in any of the history of the US I have read since I was in elementary school a time where people marched to beg the government to take away any rights but it's happening today.

What does that tell you abut the future of this country?

You are joking right?

Maybe you can tell me the last time people marched to have a Constitutionally guaranteed right taken away

The march wasn't to take away a constitutionallly guaranteed right.

So you didn't see the repeal the second amendment signs?

This was all about the second amendment

Nope. It was about making changes to the way we regulate firearms.

If you all were more like me, then the world would be better, if not perfect. That is arrogance beyond belief.

It is huh.

So you're saying we should all walk around with stupid ideas that won't work?

Think I'll pass.

Jerry Clower, a noted comedian, once put forth an observation. Everyone has an ideal, of what a perfect world would be. That idea is unique, and always has one similarity. Everyone’s point of view is that they themselves, are perfect, and if everyone was more like them, the world would be as perfect as humanly possible.

If you all were more like me, then the world would be better, if not perfect. That is arrogance beyond belief. We all know we can be better, and some of us admit we could be much better. We read, watch documentaries and otherwise try and learn. Yet, the more perfect we see ourselves as, the less we need to learn, the less we need to change. Hogg and the students are in their own eyes, perfect. It’s all of us who are wrong. We aren’t as enlightened, as woke as they are.

All of the visions of the future require one other thing. We all have to give up our rights, and our individuality, to conform to their view.

Hogg has no issue with everyone else giving up their rights, be they the first, or second amendment rights. He denigrates NRA and the members, and the people who support the ideals of the NRA while not actually joining. Yet his favorite Amendment is the First, which among other things protects the right of free association. It is actually peaceably assemble, but you get the idea.

We are free to join any group, and advocate for any cause we like. Just as Hogg is. The difference is what those associations hope to gain. For the NRA, and the supporters of the Second Amendment, they are advocating for their rights under the 2nd Amendment. An Amendment that young Mr. Hogg and the Students haven’t ever heard of, or studied apparently.

History is vital. It tells the story of how we got here. The more history you learn, the smarter choices you can make, and this is the key, the more mistakes you can avoid.

Do I want all of you to be like me? No. One of me is plenty. Mr. Hogg has the first amendment right to say any crazy thing he wants. But the lesson Hogg is learning is this. So does everyone else. I would argue to the limit of my ability for Hogg to be able to speak his mind. I would argue the same for anyone, no matter how much I disagree. I know that principle is not unique, it comes from the world history I’ve studied. Voltaire talked about it much. I’ve quoted the principles of St. Augustine more than once on this board.

I believe what I believe, and I have reasons to believe it, not just an idea, or a feeling. I have a foundation for that belief, which is why I am able to write about the subjects I comment on with some ease, because it’s not just a knee jerk reaction, but a considered opinion. I may be wrong according to you, and I may not be as well read as some others, but that is a failing I am still trying to rectify by reading and studying history. A better understanding of how we got to this point, and a better more complete view going forward. With luck, I’ll be smarter than I ever was just as I die, because I never stopped learning.

Hogg and the students demand that we become more like them, because in their views, they are perfect. When I was a kid, there was a bumper sticker my Mother got and put on her car. It said. “Teenagers, move out of your parents house now, while you still know everything.”

I was once young, and arrogant enough to think I knew it all. We all were. My parents tolerated me some, and corrected my erroneous beliefs often. It’s a shame that young Mr. Hogg hasn’t had the advantage of that kind of care from his parents. Because it will make him a better person, even if after he learns what he is talking about, he continues to disagree with me.

Oh, and the only change I’d make if I was in control of the world. I’d call on the people to stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Focus on your own life, and you’ll probably be a lot happier.



The term "snowflake" keeps running across my screen when I read this butthurt shit.

Hogg and the rest of the gun grabbing students are a perfect example of what is wrong with humanity

Yeah it's so "wrong" to protest being shot at. The wrongest wrongity of wrongitude imaginable.

1) the first comparison was him saying what HOGG was saying, so your snark is now towards hogg, not the OP. congrats on that one.

2) they are doing far more than protesting. they're lying their asses off about the NRA and demanding guns be banned while they bitch about their rights to opaque backpacks.

you are just going to post against ANYTHING in any manner you can and not even care if it makes sense. kinda odd but it takes all kinds i suppose.
I can never remember in my own lifetime or in any of the history of the US I have read since I was in elementary school a time where people marched to beg the government to take away any rights but it's happening today.

What does that tell you abut the future of this country?

You are joking right?

Maybe you can tell me the last time people marched to have a Constitutionally guaranteed right taken away

The march wasn't to take away a constitutionallly guaranteed right.

So you didn't see the repeal the second amendment signs?

This was all about the second amendment

Nope. It was about making changes to the way we regulate firearms.

Yeah that's why all the ban guns signs
You are joking right?

Maybe you can tell me the last time people marched to have a Constitutionally guaranteed right taken away

The march wasn't to take away a constitutionallly guaranteed right.

So you didn't see the repeal the second amendment signs?

This was all about the second amendment

Nope. It was about making changes to the way we regulate firearms.

Yeah that's why all the ban guns signs

Have you read the statement issued by the organizers regarding the purpose for the march?
Maybe you can tell me the last time people marched to have a Constitutionally guaranteed right taken away

The march wasn't to take away a constitutionallly guaranteed right.

So you didn't see the repeal the second amendment signs?

This was all about the second amendment

Nope. It was about making changes to the way we regulate firearms.

Yeah that's why all the ban guns signs

Have you read the statement issued by the organizers regarding the purpose for the march?

Survey: 89% at March For Our Lives voted for Hillary, fewer than half were there because of gun control

It was just the next chapter in the Resist movement. I wonder what will be the next chapter?

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