History Will Remember Mitch McConnell As One Of The Very Worst

You and your links are fucking idiots.... Put the blame where it lies ....Harry Reid and his nuclear option.


It was not for the Supreme Court Justices. Only the Fed justices and do you know why, the GOP would gerrymander them to death.

Don't start a war you can't finish, because pay back is a bitch ..

Yes. Are you ready for an 11 or 13 judge Supreme Court?
You and your links are fucking idiots.... Put the blame where it lies ....Harry Reid and his nuclear option.


It was not for the Supreme Court Justices. Only the Fed justices and do you know why, the GOP would gerrymander them to death.

Don't start a war you can't finish, because pay back is a bitch ..

Yes. Are you ready for an 11 or 13 judge Supreme Court?

Are you ready to be confined to a liberal work camp?
You and your links are fucking idiots.... Put the blame where it lies ....Harry Reid and his nuclear option.


It was not for the Supreme Court Justices. Only the Fed justices and do you know why, the GOP would gerrymander them to death.

Don't start a war you can't finish, because pay back is a bitch ..

Yes. Are you ready for an 11 or 13 judge Supreme Court?

In your dreams ..

When the history of the lasting damage done to American democracy over the past three decades is finally written, Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, is going to have a leading role in the chronicles.

(Except, perhaps, in Texas, where various Stalinist gomers and gomettes still hold sway over what young Gomer, Jr. will get out of his book larnin'.) McConnell will have earned this exalted place in the saga through his utter and completely shameless disregard for democratic norms and functions, as well as his utter and completely shameless disregard for, well, shame.

Mitch McConnell's Defense of Brett Kavanaugh Shows His Shameless and Cynical Disregard for Democracy
They could appoint a million Judges and the U.S. still won't return to pre-civil rights or pre-civil war conditions. The filth being spread throughout government by Trump and his thralls will be undone. Don't stress too much. If it helps, remember that in 15 years, both McConnell and Trump will likely have croaked and their memory cemented in disgrace.

The Trump SCOTUS will live for 30 years.

As well as the next one. And possibly the fourth one.

If the liberals fully understood the ramifications of Trump's correcting the Supreme Court toward being filled by Justices who strictly honor the Constitution, they'd be running around in circles and screaming their lungs out.

President Trump is ringing in the death knell for the American progressive/liberal/socialist movement. In fact, it's already dead and starting to bloat, it just hasn't realized it yet.
When the history of the lasting damage done to American democracy over the past three decades is finally written, Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, is going to have a leading role in the chronicles.

(Except, perhaps, in Texas, where various Stalinist gomers and gomettes still hold sway over what young Gomer, Jr. will get out of his book larnin'.) McConnell will have earned this exalted place in the saga through his utter and completely shameless disregard for democratic norms and functions, as well as his utter and completely shameless disregard for, well, shame.

Mitch McConnell's Defense of Brett Kavanaugh Shows His Shameless and Cynical Disregard for Democracy
They could appoint a million Judges and the U.S. still won't return to pre-civil rights or pre-civil war conditions. The filth being spread throughout government by Trump and his thralls will be undone. Don't stress too much. If it helps, remember that in 15 years, both McConnell and Trump will likely have croaked and their memory cemented in disgrace.

The Trump SCOTUS will live for 30 years.
When Thomas croaks it'll be 5-4 for the liberals. And I doubt the upcoming Democrat majority and Presidency will look kindly on 2 Justices appointed as a result of GOP treason, so impeachment will be discussed.

Even blind Stevie Wonder could see that you won't be so cocky a year from now.

You and your links are fucking idiots.... Put the blame where it lies ....Harry Reid and his nuclear option.


It was not for the Supreme Court Justices. Only the Fed justices and do you know why, the GOP would gerrymander them to death.

Don't start a war you can't finish, because pay back is a bitch ..

Yes. Are you ready for an 11 or 13 judge Supreme Court?

Are you ready to be confined to a liberal work camp?

This would be a good time to dust off all those old FEMA trailers left over from Hurricane Katrina.

Our resident white-trash liberals would feel right at home in them.
When rich folk like manager are brought to justice it's a greaaaaaaaaaaaat day right? The swamp goes down when those uber rich above the law anti Americans are found guilty.
When the history of the lasting damage done to American democracy over the past three decades is finally written, Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, is going to have a leading role in the chronicles.

(Except, perhaps, in Texas, where various Stalinist gomers and gomettes still hold sway over what young Gomer, Jr. will get out of his book larnin'.) McConnell will have earned this exalted place in the saga through his utter and completely shameless disregard for democratic norms and functions, as well as his utter and completely shameless disregard for, well, shame.

Mitch McConnell's Defense of Brett Kavanaugh Shows His Shameless and Cynical Disregard for Democracy
They could appoint a million Judges and the U.S. still won't return to pre-civil rights or pre-civil war conditions. The filth being spread throughout government by Trump and his thralls will be undone. Don't stress too much. If it helps, remember that in 15 years, both McConnell and Trump will likely have croaked and their memory cemented in disgrace.

The Trump SCOTUS will live for 30 years.

As well as the next one. And possibly the fourth one.

If the liberals fully understood the ramifications of Trump's correcting the Supreme Court toward being filled by Justices who strictly honor the Constitution, they'd be running around in circles and screaming their lungs out.

President Trump is ringing in the death knell for the American progressive/liberal/socialist movement. In fact, it's already dead and starting to bloat, it just hasn't realized it yet.
Jim Crow isn't coming back, no matter how many Judges your traitorous dotard can install before his removal.
You and your links are fucking idiots.... Put the blame where it lies ....Harry Reid and his nuclear option.


Some butthurt liberals are still stuck in stage 2 of grief, anger. :auiqs.jpg:
And you are still stuck in an everlasting stage of stupidity.

You mad bro? I have been basking in the glory of the Trump win for nearly 2 years now, its awesome! :eusa_dance:
That's only because you're an idiot.

And idiot who whooped your ass, is enjoying life in the 3%, voted for Trump and made Hillary cry, and is enjoying the Trump tax cuts, good times! :eusa_dance:Wait I forgot to point and say, AHAHAHAHA!
You didn't whoop anything, you simpleton. LOL. You're nothing but a trump bootlicker and brain dead message board poster.
Some butthurt liberals are still stuck in stage 2 of grief, anger. :auiqs.jpg:
And you are still stuck in an everlasting stage of stupidity.

You mad bro? I have been basking in the glory of the Trump win for nearly 2 years now, its awesome! :eusa_dance:
That's only because you're an idiot.

And idiot who whooped your ass, is enjoying life in the 3%, voted for Trump and made Hillary cry, and is enjoying the Trump tax cuts, good times! :eusa_dance:Wait I forgot to point and say, AHAHAHAHA!
You didn't whoop anything, you simpleton. LOL. You're nothing but a trump bootlicker and brain dead message board poster.

Who whooped your ass.
When the history of the lasting damage done to American democracy over the past three decades is finally written, Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, is going to have a leading role in the chronicles.

(Except, perhaps, in Texas, where various Stalinist gomers and gomettes still hold sway over what young Gomer, Jr. will get out of his book larnin'.) McConnell will have earned this exalted place in the saga through his utter and completely shameless disregard for democratic norms and functions, as well as his utter and completely shameless disregard for, well, shame.

Mitch McConnell's Defense of Brett Kavanaugh Shows His Shameless and Cynical Disregard for Democracy
Good to see you Leftards working so hard and so early on Trumps re-election.
When the history of the lasting damage done to American democracy over the past three decades is finally written, Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, is going to have a leading role in the chronicles.

(Except, perhaps, in Texas, where various Stalinist gomers and gomettes still hold sway over what young Gomer, Jr. will get out of his book larnin'.) McConnell will have earned this exalted place in the saga through his utter and completely shameless disregard for democratic norms and functions, as well as his utter and completely shameless disregard for, well, shame.

Mitch McConnell's Defense of Brett Kavanaugh Shows His Shameless and Cynical Disregard for Democracy
They could appoint a million Judges and the U.S. still won't return to pre-civil rights or pre-civil war conditions. The filth being spread throughout government by Trump and his thralls will be undone. Don't stress too much. If it helps, remember that in 15 years, both McConnell and Trump will likely have croaked and their memory cemented in disgrace.

The Trump SCOTUS will live for 30 years.

As well as the next one. And possibly the fourth one.

If the liberals fully understood the ramifications of Trump's correcting the Supreme Court toward being filled by Justices who strictly honor the Constitution, they'd be running around in circles and screaming their lungs out.

President Trump is ringing in the death knell for the American progressive/liberal/socialist movement. In fact, it's already dead and starting to bloat, it just hasn't realized it yet.
Jim Crow isn't coming back, no matter how many Judges your traitorous dotard can install before his removal.

You're an idiot. Jim Crow laws to you would be requiring people to present a valid ID card at the polls.

Nobody is even bringing up Jim Crow laws but you ignorant leftards. Nobody is even bringing up the subject of Roe vs. Wade regarding our next SC Justices, except you people.

We've had enough of your "Chicken Little" line of BS. The Republicans don't want dirty water and air. They're not going to push granny's wheelchair off the cliff, nor do they want grandpa to eat dog food.

Trump is not going to "crash" the stock market, nor is he going to start a war with North Korea. Nor are any of the hundreds of other things you people were scare-mongering about going to happen because Trump was elected President.

Just get over it already, ok? Sorry your girl or your crusty old curmudgeon socialist lost, but them's the breaks, mang. Nobody ever promised you that life is going to be "fair". so just grow the f*ck up and deal with it already.

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