History Then....and Now


Warrior Baek Dong Soo

My peeps!
It doesn't look like she would have much upper body strength. Xena appears to have some though.

I'd beat her like a rented mule!!!
I'm forwarding your threats and selling tickets....

Do that!!

Me.....last Halloween.....

I hope you at least let the little kids have SOME candy!

Kit Kats??????

Not a chance!

It was a fight to the death!
What is that saying about the more times change, the more they remain the same?

Well....they can't be the same as 1400 years ago......

...can they?

1. "Today in history, on August 20, 636, one of the most consequential battles between Islam and the West took place, that of Yarmuk. Not only did it decide whether the Arabian creed thrives or dies; it became a chief source of inspiration and instruction for jihadis throughout the centuries, right down to the Islamic State, or “ISIS.”

2. ...begins, perhaps unsurprisingly, with the prophet of Islam. ... On his death, some tribes that sought to break away remained Muslim but refused to pay taxes, or zakat, to the caliph, Abu Bakr, Muhammad’s successor. Branding them all apostates, the caliph initiated the Ridda (“apostasy”) Wars, which saw tens of thousands of Arabs beheaded, crucified, or burned alive.
It would fall to the second caliph, Omar bin al-Khattab (r. 634–44), to direct the full might of the once feuding Arabs — now one tribe, one umma — against “the infidel.”

3. ...thousands of Arabs flooded into Christian Syria, slaughtering and pillaging. According to Muslim historians, this was done in the name of jihad — to spread Allah’s rule on earth.

4. ...Khalid bin al-Walid, whom Muhammad had dubbed the “Sword of Allah,” commanded thousands of horsemen and camel riders behind the infantry and influenced military decisions....met under a flag of truce to negotiate. .... the empire was pleased to provide them with food and coin on condition that they return home. “It was not hunger that brought us here,” Khalid responded coolly, “but we Arabs are in the habit of drinking blood, and we are told the blood of the Romans is the sweetest of its kind, so we came to shed your blood and drink it.

5. ...8,000 marching Muslims appeared before the Roman camp carrying the severed heads of 4,000 Christians atop their spears. These were the remains of 5,000 reinforcements who had come from Amman to join the main army at Yarmuk. The Muslims had ambushed and slaughtered them. Then, as resounding cries of “Allahu akbar” filled the Muslim camp, those Muslims standing behind the remaining 1,000 Christian captives knocked them over and proceeded to carve off their heads before the eyes of their co-religionists,...

6. ...historians such as Francesco Gabrieli hold that “the battle of the Yarmuk had, without doubt, more important consequences than almost any other in all world history.”

7. ...Yarmuk continues to serve as a model of inspiration for modern-day jihadis (who, we are regularly informed, are “psychotic criminals” who have “nothing to do with Islam”).

8. As the alert reader may have noticed, the continuity between the words and deeds of the Islamic State (ISIS) and those of its predecessors from nearly 1,400 years ago are eerily similar. This of course is intentional. When ISIS proclaims that “American blood is best and we will taste it soon,” or “We love death as you love life,” or “We will break your crosses and enslave your women,” they are quoting verbatim — and thereby placing themselves in the footsteps of — Khalid bin al-Walid and his companions, the original Islamic conquerors of Syria.

9. ISIS’s black flag is intentionally patterned after Khalid’s black flag. Its invocation of the houris, Islam’s celestial sex-slaves promised to martyrs, is based on anecdotes of Muslims dying by the Yarmuk River and being welcomed into paradise by the houris. And the choreographed ritual slaughter of “infidels,” most infamously of 21 Coptic Christians on the shores of Libya, is patterned after the ritual slaughter of 1,000 captured Roman soldiers on the eve of the Battle of Yarmuk.

10. Here, then, is a reminder that, when it comes to the military history of Islam and the West, the lessons imparted are far from academic and have relevance to this day — at least for and understanding the mindset of the jihadis."
The Battle of Yarmuk: ISIS's Blueprint for Terror - Raymond Ibrahim

“Every Muslim who is well aware of the history of Islam, knows that the holy war against infidels is an integral part of Islam, and those who read history would know.”
Islamic State video calls for jihad after Brussels blasts - Reuters
Things will change when Muslims realize that that their Allah is not the Father God, unable to go by that name, and see that Jesus is indeed the Lord of Glory who judges the living and the dead. The Unseen Father does not judge in that manner. We need to judge even as the Unseen Father judges. That judging sees who loves whoever more than another, and why, and judges as to who talks like Jesus and who does not talk like Jesus. Jesus will know innocent souls who are affected by evil lies, too. Jesus had control of when he died, keeping his legs from being broken. Jesus controlled when he rose up from he dead. Muslims accepting what I type will change, allowing Christs Spirit to come into them. They will talk with a open, frank, honesty. Decit will not be on their lips. ISIS and Muslims obey the same evil spirit who is Satan. Satan, visually seen, is a bright shining being of many colors. Gold is on that being. Muslims have been going into Satan's prison. 1 Peter 3:19 - 20, KJV. That is a holding pen for final judgment.
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Things will change when Muslims realize that that their Allah is not the Father God, unable to go by that name, and see that Jesus is indeed the Lord of Glory who judges the living and the dead. The Unseen Father does not judge in that manner. We need to judge even as the Unseen Father judges. That judging sees who loves whoever more than another, and why, and judges as to who talks like Jesus and who does not talk like Jesus. Jesus will know innocent souls who are affected by evil lies, too. Jesus had control of when he died, keeping his legs from being broken. Jesus controlled when he rose up from he dead. Muslims accepting what I type will change, allowing Christs Spirit to come into them. They will talk with a open, frank, honesty. Decit will not be on their lips. ISIS and Muslims obey the same evil spirit who is Satan. Satan, visually seen, is a bright shining being of many colors. Gold is on that being. Muslims have been going into Satan's prison. 1 Peter 3:19 - 20, KJV. That is a holding pen for final judgment.

When will Democrats stop worshipping Satan?

1. They appear to be normal individuals, probably able to carry on ordinary activities and make the sort of decisions that one must make during the course of an average day......
...but when it comes to analyzing, understanding, admitting what is clear and evident about their party, the Democrat Party, they reveal an inexplicable need to like, obfuscate, misstate facts, apply double standards- why sugar coat it......they lie blatantly and continually.

2. There is one of 'em, quoted here:
“I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.”

I wrote:
“Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?”
The response:


No Price Too High

Awe poor thing. Queef out some more boot licking insults to prologue your lies with and you'll get more of the same. Central to that idea is how much government aims to steal from those who earn it: What if you find that based on Federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes, sales tax...
post 58

And another, when confronted with well-known confluence between the two groups:

...responds as predicted above:

“Yes - ALL LIES”
https://www.usmessageboard.com/thre...stand-with-nazis.898333/page-28#post-27159952 #551

Of course, we've all seen tons of these sort of denials of the truth.....and now, I've found the explanation.

3. First we need consider the source of the beliefs of the Democrat Party: Karl Marx. The same source for the Nazis and the Bolsheviks.
And we need to recall that Marx was a worshipper of Satan.
Documented in a number of places....
And I recommend these.....




4. And now for the dénouement.
The answer to the irrational and bizarre behavior of those Democrat supporters: they are "familiars."

5. I believe a definition is called for, here.

noun. Also called familiar spirit . Witchcraft and Demonology. a supernatural spirit or demon, often in the form of an animal, supposed to serve and aid a witch or other individual.
Familiar Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com

These are 'political zombies'.....intellectually dead, forced by their evil master to always deny the facts, the truth, to claim fealty to the same master that Karl Marx served.
And as such, they are more comfortable seeking death, than preserving life:
Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats
...the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).
The Democrats check every one of those boxes.

One must question whether, in the privacy of their homes, they feel more content walking on all fours.

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