Hillary's Email Lies

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
There is simply no way to spin blatant lying about national security. Take a look at the tape, starting around 2:54.

She lays out 4 points:
1) She used a personal server rather than the State Dept's for convenience because she didnt want to carry two devices.
Only problem: She had two devices already.
Second problem: If she is too stupid to use 2 devices, why is she qualified to be president?

2) Vast majority of personal emails went to state Dept employees and so were captured there.
Problem: What about the other ones? Like the ones to Sidney Blumenthal where she reveals confidential information,on Libya ones that surfaced only because he turned them over to Congress pursuant to a subpoena?

3)The State Dept asked all former Secretaries to turn over work related emails. She claims she turned over all emails that could possibly be related. We know this is false. She chose not to keep personal emails, like Chelsea's wedding, her mother's funeral, notes to friends. We know these also included State Department business, including classified information, to Clinton operatives like Blumenthal, and others.

4) She asked the State Dept to make all her emails public for everyone to see. Of course those are the ones she has already edited and vetted, not the ones she has witheld.

How does anyone excuse this level of lying, incompetence and outright fraud? How does anyone continie to support candidacy?

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