Hillary wins Iowa with incredible streak of luck: six coin tosses


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014

Rather than source a story, I have source the Google Page where you can find this story on many sources. The only article that says it didn't happen is a so-called "Fact Check" on NPR. But we all know that "Fact Checks" are liberal attempts to spin the narrative away from what really happened.

So, I think it's safe to say that Hillary won only half the votes in Iowa, against a Ben and Jerry eating, maple syrup drinking Vermont socialist.

And that means she's toast.
There were 13 precincts in Iowa that whose state delegates were determined by coin flip. Sanders won 7 of them, Hillary won 6.
I provided a source. Where's yours?


No, you sure didn't.

Linking to the results of a google search is not a "source", it's a weak attempt to overwhelm anyone who dares to disagree with piles and piles of bullshit.

Here's an actual source: No, Hillary Clinton did not win Iowa because of a coin flip - CNNPolitics.com
There were 13 precincts in Iowa that whose state delegates were determined by coin flip. Sanders won 7 of them, Hillary won 6.
I provided a source. Where's yours?


No, you sure didn't.

Linking to the results of a google search is not a "source", it's a weak attempt to overwhelm anyone who dares to disagree with piles and piles of bullshit.

Here's an actual source: No, Hillary Clinton did not win Iowa because of a coin flip - CNNPolitics.com
Clinton barely squeaked out a teeny-tiny win against a dark horse candidate.

I don't think anyone really, truly, wants Witchy-Poo to be President.

She is old, ugly and evil.
There were 13 precincts in Iowa that whose state delegates were determined by coin flip. Sanders won 7 of them, Hillary won 6.
I provided a source. Where's yours?


No, you sure didn't.

Linking to the results of a google search is not a "source", it's a weak attempt to overwhelm anyone who dares to disagree with piles and piles of bullshit.

Here's an actual source: No, Hillary Clinton did not win Iowa because of a coin flip - CNNPolitics.com
Clinton barely squeaked out a teeny-tiny win against a dark horse candidate.

I don't think anyone really, truly, wants Witchy-Poo to be President.

She is old, ugly and evil.

Ok, so what?

Do you think that your dislike of Hillary Clinton excuses your credulity to anything you read that makes her look bad?
Winning 6 out of 6 coin flips................
It is possible to win six coin flips in a row, even if the odds are against it.

Also, Hillary Clinton is the luckiest woman in America, since she has, time and again, committed crimes, told lies, and attacked rape victims, and gotten away with it.

Also, Vince Foster's "suicide" and Ron Brown's "plane crash" were extremely lucky for Hillary, since both were about to testify against her.

So yes, it is possible to believe that Hillary won six coin tosses. Satan is protecting her.
It is possible to win six coin flips in a row, even if the odds are against it.

Also, Hillary Clinton is the luckiest woman in America, since she has, time and again, committed crimes, told lies, and attacked rape victims, and gotten away with it.

Also, Vince Foster's "suicide" and Ron Brown's "plane crash" were extremely lucky for Hillary, since both were about to testify against her.

So yes, it is possible to believe that Hillary won six coin tosses. Satan is protecting her.
You are as mental. You have already been shown that there were 13 coin flips and Sanders won 7. So if you are lying for Jesus, you are in fact lying for Satan.

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