Hillary wants common ground with Pro-life movement


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2004
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In a speech to about 1000 abortion rights supporters near the New York State Capitol, Mrs Clinton firmly restated her support for the Supreme Court's ruling in Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion nationwide in 1973. But then she quickly shifted gears, offering warm words to opponents of legalized abortion and praising the influence of "religious and moral values" on delaying teenage girls from becoming sexually active.

"There is an opportunity for people of good faith to find common ground in this debate-we should be able to agree that we want every child born in this country to be wanted, cherished, and loved," Mre Clinton said

Mrs Clinton, widely seen as a possible candidate for the Democratic Part's presidential nomination in 2008, appeared to be reaching out beyond traditional core Democrats who support abortion rights. she did so by not by changing her political stands ,but by underscoring her views in preventing unplanned pregnancies, promoting adoption, recognizing the influence of religion in abstinence and championing what she has long called "teenage celibacy."

Boy she really learned something from this last election!
Im a tad skeptical with this :bsflag:
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And so the 2008 race begins!!!!!!! Warming up to the right. All the talk show guys said she would do this.

:lalala: :wtf: :lalala: :wtf:
krisy said:
And so the 2008 race begins!!!!!!! Warming up to the right. All the talk show guys said she would do this.

:lalala: :wtf: :lalala: :wtf:

Hillary is taking cues from her husband who was very good at straddling the fence on every issue.
Bonnie said:
Hillary is taking cues from her husband who was very good at straddling the fence on every issue.
Hillary is hoping that the blacks and Hispanics are as dumb as she thinks they are. She is appealing to them to stay in the party, because the dems are not as 'left wing' as painted. :rolleyes:
Kathianne said:
Hillary is hoping that the blacks and Hispanics are as dumb as she thinks they are. She is appealing to them to stay in the party, because the dems are not as 'left wing' as painted. :rolleyes:

If you look at the content of her statements she flawlessly reaches out to the other side without changing her position or risking anything to her own political future. Sure anyone can say Im for abortion rights, but I also would love to see less of them happen......... takes no guts to take that position. Also I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her that she will actually do anything about teenage celibacy once elected.
Bonnie said:
If you look at the content of her statements she flawlessly reaches out to the other side without changing her position or risking anything to her own political future. Sure anyone can say Im for abortion rights, but I also would love to see less of them happen......... takes no guts to take that position. Also I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her that she will actually do anything about teenage celibacy once elected.

Oh I did. Truth is, the dems lost significant number of Hispanic votes and more blacks than they thought possible. Both groups have moral center, much of which is concentrated towards life.

Hillary is banking on that throwing out some words will keep them in the fold, as they are too stupid to realize that she is not changing her position.
Kathianne said:
Oh I did. Truth is, the dems lost significant number of Hispanic votes and more blacks than they thought possible. Both groups have moral center, much of which is concentrated towards life.

Hillary is banking on that throwing out some words will keep them in the fold, as they are too stupid to realize that she is not changing her position.

You are absolutely correct about that, especiallly the hispanic population!!
Bonnie said:
You are absolutely correct about that, especiallly the hispanic population!!

Actually I think if the GOP could find a rational voice, the Blacks are literally more church-going and conservative on 'family values' than the Hispanics.
Kathianne said:
Actually I think if the GOP could find a rational voice, the Blacks are literally more church-going and conservative on 'family values' than the Hispanics.

Most notably in the South..........They put their whole hearts and souls into their faith.
MLK's niece took a big stand against abortion this week in the pro life march. Maybe she can be influential to some of the black community.
The liberal worldview is distasteful to most Americans. Therefore , their success has always lay in the degree to which they can misrepresent who and what they really are - and the Clintons are past masters at that sort of thing.

Now that their press agents in the old mainstream media have been exposed as the journalstically and ethically bankrupt partisans they really are, Hillary and Co. have a somewhat harder task. That won't stop them, though. Look for them to pull out all the stops.

We haven't even begun to see dirty politics yet.
musicman said:
The liberal worldview is distasteful to most Americans. Therefore , their success has always lay in the degree to which they can misrepresent who and what they really are - and the Clintons are past masters at that sort of thing.

Now that their press agents in the old mainstream media have been exposed as the journalstically and ethically bankrupt partisans they really are, Hillary and Co. have a somewhat harder task. That won't stop them, though. Look for them to pull out all the stops.

We haven't even begun to see dirty politics yet.

If Hillary does run,I think we are in for a very nasty race. Nothing compared to what we just went through. The left seems to be slowly learning that they are too left and good ol Hill will do everything she can to make sure she doesn't look Liberal. I don't think she will fool too many people though,except maybe first time voters. Four more years of Bush and people will be even less likely to listen to her. I can't imagine her dealing with the likes of Iran and North Korea!!
krisy said:
MLK's niece took a big stand against abortion this week in the pro life march. Maybe she can be influential to some of the black community.

Having had two abortions herself, how much credibility do you think she'll have?
dilloduck said:
More than any man

Can't argue with that, but don't you think it kind of hypocritical of her to come out against abortion after she's reached an age where she probably doesn't have to worry about getting pregnant?
MissileMan said:
Can't argue with that, but don't you think it kind of hypocritical of her to come out against abortion after she's reached an age where she probably doesn't have to worry about getting pregnant?

The hypocritical argument always fails because it prevents anyone who has made a mistake from ever speaking out against it. When people learn the hard way, I listen more closely.
dilloduck said:
The hypocritical argument always fails because it prevents anyone who has made a mistake from ever speaking out against it. When people learn the hard way, I listen more closely.

I understand your point...I've just never taken to "Don't do as I do, do as I say".
MissileMan said:
I understand your point...I've just never taken to "Don't do as I do, do as I say".

I just had to jump into this.........So who would you ever listen to then?? Just curious?
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