Hillary tops Jeb by 13% in new CNN poll

only care about the boosh family , all of it , saw what they did on immigration and building a foreign country in the USA . Might as well have 'hilary' as this or any boosh as they all have plans for allowing lots of immigration , same as the 'dems' Tyrone !!
It's all part of how the Collective trains their Prog droids. Hillary is so far ahead, they believe she's already President
And they base it on a network that can't tell a terrorist from a dildo....:badgrin:

CNN Mistakes Sex Toy Flag for ISIS Flag at Gay Pride Parade - Hollywood Reporter - The Hollywood Reporter

The cable news network aired an "exclusive" report after one of its international reporters claimed she saw terrorist propaganda during the London event.
CNN reported Saturday that a man was flying an ISIS flag at London's gay-pride parade, but it turned out to be a banner covered in sex toys.

CNN International reporter Lucy Pawlecalled in to the network after spotting the flag.

She reported that a man dressed in black and white "was waving what appeared to be a very bad mimicry but what appeared to be a very clear attempt to mimic the ISIS flag, the black-and-white flag with the distinctive lettering."

But both Pawle and her CNN colleagues, including anchor Suzanne Malveaux, don't seem to notice that the flag actually consists of images of dildos and butt plugs, rendered in the style of ISIS. Even Pawle noted the writing on the flag wasn't in Arabic, adding "It looks like it could be gobbledygook. But it’s very distinctive, the ISIS flag.”
Is CNN trying to become the new Onion?

What else would you expect from the Clinton News Network except fantasy and lies???

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