Hillary said don't concede


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
When Hillary told Biden to never concede it was more than just a bloviation.
It was their strategy.
When Trump was pulling ahead on election night Biden should have conceded, but they stopped the ballot counting instead.
This gave the Coupsters time to "find" more ballots, and they knew how many ballots that they would need to pull off their heist.
This was the whole purpose of the mail in ballots, because you can always "find" more.
Secret ballot counting is very obvious Voter Fraud.

Everyday I thank the lord I'm not a conservative. Being that easy to fool would be a bitch.
When Hillary told Biden to never concede it was more than just a bloviation.
It was their strategy.
When Trump was pulling ahead on election night Biden should have conceded, but they stopped the ballot counting instead.
This gave the Coupsters time to "find" more ballots, and they knew how many ballots that they would need to pull off their heist.
This was the whole purpose of the mail in ballots, because you can always "find" more.
Secret ballot counting is very obvious Voter Fraud.

Okay, let's get something straight. Vote tabulation is NEVER completed day of the election.

States are called on PROJECTIONS - that enough votes have been counted to project who will win.

California, due to it's size, has only tabulated 77% of the votes. But we know Biden will win based on projections.

We don't know who has won PA, GA, AZ, NV or NC yet because there aren't enough of the vote counted to make an accurate projection.
The president can't even get the cases unto court till after Dec. 1st because the elections commissions have that much time to count and certify their elections.

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