Hillary promised to bomb Iran to Goldman Sachs (all Zionist Jews)

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Lets' go over who worked at Goldman....

1. Henry Paulsen - W's Treasury Secretary, now a HILLARY supporter
2. former W Fed Chair CHOOSE 'em Ben Bernancke - chose to bailout Bear Stearns and not others, militant supporter of US war to help Israel - backing Hillary

Why is an investment bank obsessed with bribing our political class and pushing us into war with no US national interest?

Same reason NO JEWS died on 911... and all Goldman Sachs bigs were loaded up with defense, oil, and "homeland security" stocks...
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When our troops arrived in Afghan in 2001, we found Iran arming and funding Northern Alliance in their war against Taliban.

W's master didn't like that, so W, with our troops there and the mission not accomplished, flipped off Northern Alliance by putting Iran on the "Axis of Evil."

The next Iranian election, moderate Rafsanjani lost to Ahmadinijad.

That is the price we pay when we have a sold out traitor in the White House.

Flipping off Northern Alliance likely is the direct cause of about 200 of our military deaths in Afghan.

Iran is not our enemy - ISRAEL is.

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