Hillary: GOP agenda fanning flames of white supermacy , misogany & homophobia

The Founding Fathers designed impeachment for someone exactly like Donald Trump

It Is Time To Talk Impeaching Trump

1. to accuse (a public official) before an appropriate tribunal of misconduct in office.

Pathological lying is a form of “misconduct in office” making it an impeachable offence

Dump is a pathological liar and that is NOT what we want as our President.
We, the citizens of this great Nation must act NOW
What say you, fellow Americans-?

Pathological lying (also called pseudologia fantastica and mythomania) is a behavior of habitual or compulsive lying.[1][2] It was first described in the medical literature in 1891 by Anton Delbrueck.[2] Although it is a controversial topic,[2] pathological lying has been defined as "falsification entirely disproportionate to any discernible end in view, may be extensive and very complicated, and may manifest over a period of years or even a lifetime".[1] Individuals may be aware they are lying, or may believe they are telling the truth

Psychotherapy appears to be one of the only methods to treat a person suffering from pathological lying. No research has been performed regarding the use of pharmaceutical medication to treat pathological liars

Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body formally levels charges against a high official of government. Impeachment does not necessarily mean removal from office; it is only a formal statement of charges, akin to an indictment in criminal law, and is thus only the first step towards removal. Once an individual is impeached, he or she must then face the possibility of conviction via legislative vote, which then entails the removal of the individual from office.

Presidential Impeachment Process

Presidential Impeachment is a two stage Constitutional process. The full power of Impeachment and the removal of a sitting President resides within Congress. The actual impeachment of a President is the sole power of the House of Representatives. Once a President is impeached, the power of removing the President shifts to the U.S. Senate.

The House of Representatives starts the impeachment process by publicly investigating the charges and holding hearings. If the House of Representatives votes against impeachment the process is over and the President is not Impeached.

If the House of Representatives votes for Impeachment of the President, the process moves forward with the drawing up of the Articles of Impeachment (The official criminal charges for removal from office). The President has now been officially impeached per the United States Constitution. Once the Impeachment process is final, trials are then held in the U.S. Senate to convict or acquit the President of the Articles of Impeachment drawn against him.

*****NOTE: As of November 19, 2017 Articles of Impeachment have been drawn up against Trump

Trump could also be charged with obstruction of justice

b.t.w. 30 days in jail would bring him back down to earth as well

Lol, you never ever learn anything do you?
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The Democratic Party is fighting against racism, hate and violence…..well except for the racist Nation of Islam Democrats, racist Klan Democrats, racist La Raza Democrats, racist BLM Democrats, Muslim Brotherhood bigots, racist LULAC Democrats, CAIR bigots, racist Black Panther Democrats, racist Aztlan Nationalist Democrats, racist Affirmative Action advocate Democrats, racist Sanctuary City Democrats, violent Antifa bigots, and all of the racist demagogue Democrat Politicians, Pundits, Entertainers and Athletes………actually voting Democrat IS HATE
Hillary is the second worst racist demagogue politician in America.......
......but Barry the Magnificent will always be #1!!
The USA dodged a bullet when we rejected that insane bitch.

It's a "he" not a "her". Well, not even a he, it's a moron.
Da Moron
The Democratic Party is fighting against racism, hate and violence…..well except for the racist Nation of Islam Democrats, racist Klan Democrats, racist La Raza Democrats, racist BLM Democrats, Muslim Brotherhood bigots, racist LULAC Democrats, CAIR bigots, racist Black Panther Democrats, racist Aztlan Nationalist Democrats, racist Affirmative Action advocate Democrats, racist Sanctuary City Democrats, violent Antifa bigots, and all of the racist demagogue Democrat Politicians, Pundits, Entertainers and Athletes………actually voting Democrat IS HATE

The core of liberalism is anti-white racism.
Lol, you ignorant morons never ever learn anything do you?

Calling me an "ignorant moron" is a violation of forum rules. I am reporting your infraction.

It was pleural. The general "You" that's why "morons" ended in an "s". But it appears you got your way. You are now the only person on my ignore list. Congrats. Bye.
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Lol, you ignorant morons never ever learn anything do you?

Calling me an "ignorant moron" is a violation of forum rules. I am reporting your infraction.

It was pleural. The general "You" that's why "morons" ended in an "s". But it appears you got your way. You are now the only person on my ignore list. Congrats. Bye.

You make me feel Oh So special.

Thank you; may you and yours have a great day and beyond

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