Add 'White Supremicity' To The Long Liberal List of Those Who Cost Hillary The Election


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Public university promoting lecture series that claims ‘white supremacy’ elected Donald Trump

"The University of Maryland, a publicly funded school, is promoting a new lecture series that blames and explores America’s “commitment to white supremacy” as the reason why Donald Trump won the White House late last year."


The GOP had by far the most diverse selection of Presidential candidates last election. Despite Liberals claiming the GOP was/is a party of old white people, the only party that offered up nothing but old white people was the Democratic party.

And now another Liberal Indoctrination Camp, better known as a Liberal University, is allowing some professor - probably an old hippy liberal bomb-thrower like bill Ayers - teach how the GOP won the 2016 election because of 'White Privilege'.

White Privilege will be joining the ever-growing list of those who cost Hillary the election (according to Liberals) that include but are not limited to:
The Russians
Fake News
FBI Director Comey
Technology (she was described as 'technology challenged' by her staff)
and the lack of a larger color selection of Pants Suits

Well who ever it was, thanks. One would think that those of us who did not want her in that office would be happy. Seems like quite a lot are still fouling themselves.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... white folks is been repressed, oppressed, an' depressed...

... (oh, it's sumpin' awful)...

... so dey got together an' decided dey was mad as hell...

... an' ain't gonna take it no more."

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