Hillary drops attack ad on trump ! Boom!

Bill Maher hammers ‘Lady Trump’: Hillary was born a woman — but you’re a ‘whiny little b*tch’
Bill Maher ended Friday’s episode of Real Time by once again mocking Donald Trump’s masculinity, arguing that the stereotypes about 1950s housewives really do apply to the Republican candidate.

Yep...I love when liberals expose themselves for who they truly are. They hate blacks but will tolerate them as "useful idiots" to the cause so long as those blacks "know their place", remain on the government plantation, and vote Dumbocrat.

And they pretend to embrace "gender identity" but then make fun of a man for not being "masculine" enough. I'm telling you, this party embarrasses itself every time they open their mouth.
Protester confronts Hillary on rope line: 'You're a murderer!'

California Latinos fight off the hillary . Her entire campaign appearance was less than a minute.
Typical....liberals resort to violence and that's ok in their mind. But a person can't even hold up a sign without being physically assaulted and removed by force.

Have to wonder why he doesn't have the right to stand there with a sign? It is, after all, a public forum. There were no tickets sold for the event and there were no private invitations. So what they just did was illegal. But then again, when Hillary is involved, there is always something illegal.
Us lefties believe science you idiots believe religious end days Armageddon bullshit

Clearly you don't because the science unequivocally proves that nothing has changed with the planet, while you idiots keep predicting the Armageddon end of times because we manufacture automobiles :lmao:
97% climate scientists say you're a fucking idiot. I agree
Actually, a 100% of scientists have proven that "Global Warming" is just another liberal lie in an attempt to usurp the Constitution and steal power.

Only ignorant libtard minions (such as yourself) who blindly listen to political activists instead of science think I'm an "idiot". Here are the indisputable facts and it makes you look really stupid...

Scientists all recognize that "Global Warming" is an outright lie. Every shred of evidence has proven time and time again that it is a lie. The only people who claim otherwise are on the Democrat payroll.

Here are the facts (backed up with links) and they are indisputable:
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why have "scientists" (ie dirt-bags on the Democrat payroll) been caught in not one, but two rounds of "Climate Gate" in which they were caught talking in emails about how they falsified their research in order to make it look like "Global Warming" existed?
Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate

Three themes are emerging from the newly released emails:

(1) prominent scientists central to the global warming debate are taking measures to conceal rather than disseminate underlying data and discussions;

(2) these scientists view global warming as a political “cause” rather than a balanced scientific inquiry and

(3) many of these scientists frankly admit to each other that much of the science is weak and dependent on deliberate manipulation of facts and data.
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why has the planet been on a "cooling period" which was predicted decades in advance as part of a natural cycle?
Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why did liberals rebrand it to "Climate Change" after several years of cooler than normal periods proved them wrong? The left's entire position was that greenhouse gases were being trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up. Well then how in the hell is that also causing cooler temperatures. The same thing cannot cause opposite results. It's like saying my automobile drives both forward and backward simultaneously. Um...no. No it doesn't. I have to change the transmission manually from drive to reverse and can only do one at a time. It defies the laws of physics to proclaim that trapped greenhouse gases which are causing the earth to heat up are also causing the earth to cool down.
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why did the polar ice-cap expand a mind-boggling 60% (or over 900,000 miles) when "scientists" (ie political activists on the Dumbocrat payroll) predicted it would be completely melted by 2014?

Updated NASA Data: Global Warming Not Causing Any Polar Ice Retreat

Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum
1. Greenhouse effect.
2. Every other country is going green. The world know Republican voters are dumb. It not just us liberals who know your dumb and corporations lie.
3. This proves the media ain't liberal. The fact people like you can continue to suggest man made climate change is real.

You do understand we created the hole in the ozone with arosols, yes? Or was that a conspiracy theory too?
Us lefties believe science you idiots believe religious end days Armageddon bullshit

Clearly you don't because the science unequivocally proves that nothing has changed with the planet, while you idiots keep predicting the Armageddon end of times because we manufacture automobiles :lmao:
97% climate scientists say you're a fucking idiot. I agree
Actually, a 100% of scientists have proven that "Global Warming" is just another liberal lie in an attempt to usurp the Constitution and steal power.

Only ignorant libtard minions (such as yourself) who blindly listen to political activists instead of science think I'm an "idiot". Here are the indisputable facts and it makes you look really stupid...

Scientists all recognize that "Global Warming" is an outright lie. Every shred of evidence has proven time and time again that it is a lie. The only people who claim otherwise are on the Democrat payroll.

Here are the facts (backed up with links) and they are indisputable:
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why have "scientists" (ie dirt-bags on the Democrat payroll) been caught in not one, but two rounds of "Climate Gate" in which they were caught talking in emails about how they falsified their research in order to make it look like "Global Warming" existed?
Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate

Three themes are emerging from the newly released emails:

(1) prominent scientists central to the global warming debate are taking measures to conceal rather than disseminate underlying data and discussions;

(2) these scientists view global warming as a political “cause” rather than a balanced scientific inquiry and

(3) many of these scientists frankly admit to each other that much of the science is weak and dependent on deliberate manipulation of facts and data.
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why has the planet been on a "cooling period" which was predicted decades in advance as part of a natural cycle?
Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why did liberals rebrand it to "Climate Change" after several years of cooler than normal periods proved them wrong? The left's entire position was that greenhouse gases were being trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up. Well then how in the hell is that also causing cooler temperatures. The same thing cannot cause opposite results. It's like saying my automobile drives both forward and backward simultaneously. Um...no. No it doesn't. I have to change the transmission manually from drive to reverse and can only do one at a time. It defies the laws of physics to proclaim that trapped greenhouse gases which are causing the earth to heat up are also causing the earth to cool down.
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why did the polar ice-cap expand a mind-boggling 60% (or over 900,000 miles) when "scientists" (ie political activists on the Dumbocrat payroll) predicted it would be completely melted by 2014?

Updated NASA Data: Global Warming Not Causing Any Polar Ice Retreat

Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum
1. Greenhouse effect.
2. Every other country is going green. The world know Republican voters are dumb. It not just us liberals who know your dumb and corporations lie.
3. This proves the media ain't liberal. The fact people like you can continue to suggest man made climate change is real.

You do understand we created the hole in the ozone with arosols, yes? Or was that a conspiracy theory too?

If going green is so awesome, why do you need the government to force us to do it?

It's the liberal regressive way...
1. Greenhouse effect.
2. Every other country is going green. The world know Republican voters are dumb. It not just us liberals who know your dumb and corporations lie.
3. This proves the media ain't liberal. The fact people like you can continue to suggest man made climate change is real.

You do understand we created the hole in the ozone with arosols, yes? Or was that a conspiracy theory too?

Now that is hilarious. Every other country has fallen to at least socialism or communism. If those countries are so great, why don't you leave the U.S. and go live your "utopia" first-hand?

Second - one link is even from NASA (a part of the government). So even your own government is proving that this is false.

Third, you mentioned both "greenhouse gases" and "holes in the ozone". Well, if greenhouse gases are being "trapped" in the atmosphere and causing the planet to warm up, why have we seen colder than normal temperatures around the country over the past several years and we saw a mind-boggling 60% expansion in the polar ice-cap (over 900,000 square miles)? Oops. The facts simply don't align with the liberal propaganda and you prefer the liberal propaganda. You can't beat to accept the truth - you prefer the propaganda "comfort food" that you've grown accustomed to.

Bill Maher hammers ‘Lady Trump’: Hillary was born a woman — but you’re a ‘whiny little b*tch’
Bill Maher ended Friday’s episode of Real Time by once again mocking Donald Trump’s masculinity, arguing that the stereotypes about 1950s housewives really do apply to the Republican candidate.

Yep...I love when liberals expose themselves for who they truly are. They hate blacks but will tolerate them as "useful idiots" to the cause so long as those blacks "know their place", remain on the government plantation, and vote Dumbocrat.

And they pretend to embrace "gender identity" but then make fun of a man for not being "masculine" enough. I'm telling you, this party embarrasses itself every time they open their mouth.
Before you tell us we hate blacks, what is your feelings about black Americans in general. Places like Detroit.

You think we hate blacks? What about you. Besides the fact you called them idiots for voting Democratic. How should they vote? Please explain. Sounds like it's you who has a problem with blacks
Us lefties believe science you idiots believe religious end days Armageddon bullshit

Clearly you don't because the science unequivocally proves that nothing has changed with the planet, while you idiots keep predicting the Armageddon end of times because we manufacture automobiles :lmao:
97% climate scientists say you're a fucking idiot. I agree
Actually, a 100% of scientists have proven that "Global Warming" is just another liberal lie in an attempt to usurp the Constitution and steal power.

Only ignorant libtard minions (such as yourself) who blindly listen to political activists instead of science think I'm an "idiot". Here are the indisputable facts and it makes you look really stupid...

Scientists all recognize that "Global Warming" is an outright lie. Every shred of evidence has proven time and time again that it is a lie. The only people who claim otherwise are on the Democrat payroll.

Here are the facts (backed up with links) and they are indisputable:
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why have "scientists" (ie dirt-bags on the Democrat payroll) been caught in not one, but two rounds of "Climate Gate" in which they were caught talking in emails about how they falsified their research in order to make it look like "Global Warming" existed?
Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate

Three themes are emerging from the newly released emails:

(1) prominent scientists central to the global warming debate are taking measures to conceal rather than disseminate underlying data and discussions;

(2) these scientists view global warming as a political “cause” rather than a balanced scientific inquiry and

(3) many of these scientists frankly admit to each other that much of the science is weak and dependent on deliberate manipulation of facts and data.
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why has the planet been on a "cooling period" which was predicted decades in advance as part of a natural cycle?
Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why did liberals rebrand it to "Climate Change" after several years of cooler than normal periods proved them wrong? The left's entire position was that greenhouse gases were being trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up. Well then how in the hell is that also causing cooler temperatures. The same thing cannot cause opposite results. It's like saying my automobile drives both forward and backward simultaneously. Um...no. No it doesn't. I have to change the transmission manually from drive to reverse and can only do one at a time. It defies the laws of physics to proclaim that trapped greenhouse gases which are causing the earth to heat up are also causing the earth to cool down.
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why did the polar ice-cap expand a mind-boggling 60% (or over 900,000 miles) when "scientists" (ie political activists on the Dumbocrat payroll) predicted it would be completely melted by 2014?

Updated NASA Data: Global Warming Not Causing Any Polar Ice Retreat

Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum
1. Greenhouse effect.
2. Every other country is going green. The world know Republican voters are dumb. It not just us liberals who know your dumb and corporations lie.
3. This proves the media ain't liberal. The fact people like you can continue to suggest man made climate change is real.

You do understand we created the hole in the ozone with arosols, yes? Or was that a conspiracy theory too?

If going green is so awesome, why do you need the government to force us to do it?

It's the liberal regressive way...
Everyone knows why. It's what big business wants. Costs money to go green. Even newt admitted it. Duh
If "Global Warming" existed - why have "scientists" (ie dirt-bags on the Democrat payroll) been caught in not one, but two rounds of "Climate Gate" in which they were caught talking in emails about how they falsified their research in order to make it look like "Global Warming" existed?

You're still trying to push that particular fraud? Even the other denier cultists have given up on it. You must be seriously desperate. But then, as every bit of data says you're wrong, and honesty isn't an option for a cultist, "Making stuff up" would be the only avenue left to you.

If "Global Warming" existed - why has the planet been on a "cooling period" which was predicted decades in advance as part of a natural cycle?

Given how strongly the world is warming, sane people would judge that statement to be quite delusional.

If "Global Warming" existed - why did liberals rebrand it to "Climate Change" after several years of cooler than normal periods proved them wrong?

The Bush admin made up that term, because it thought "warming" sounded too scary. We can add history to another thing you're completely ignorant of.

The left's entire position was that greenhouse gases were being trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up.

That's not "the left's" position. It's the scientific position, and it's confirmed by all the data. Only hysterical political cultists try to make this about politics.

It defies the laws of physics to proclaim that trapped greenhouse gases which are causing the earth to heat up are also causing the earth to cool down.

Then stop saying it, as you're the only one doing so.

If "Global Warming" existed - why did the polar ice-cap expand a mind-boggling 60% (or over 900,000 miles) when "scientists" (ie political activists on the Dumbocrat payroll) predicted it would be completely melted by 2014?

Easy answer. None of that happened. Your cult fed you a line of bull, and you fell for it. Seriously, a paid shill denier Forbes blogger is your go-to science source?

At this stage, you're like a radical Islamicist screaming "Allahu Ahkbar!" over and over. You know you're not converting any of the infidels with your chanting. The point of it is for you to demonstrate, to the other cultists nearby, what a loyal member of your cult you are.
1. Greenhouse effect.
2. Every other country is going green. The world know Republican voters are dumb. It not just us liberals who know your dumb and corporations lie.
3. This proves the media ain't liberal. The fact people like you can continue to suggest man made climate change is real.

You do understand we created the hole in the ozone with arosols, yes? Or was that a conspiracy theory too?

Now that is hilarious. Every other country has fallen to at least socialism or communism. If those countries are so great, why don't you leave the U.S. and go live your "utopia" first-hand?

Second - one link is even from NASA (a part of the government). So even your own government is proving that this is false.

Third, you mentioned both "greenhouse gases" and "holes in the ozone". Well, if greenhouse gases are being "trapped" in the atmosphere and causing the planet to warm up, why have we seen colder than normal temperatures around the country over the past several years and we saw a mind-boggling 60% expansion in the polar ice-cap (over 900,000 square miles)? Oops. The facts simply don't align with the liberal propaganda and you prefer the liberal propaganda. You can't beat to accept the truth - you prefer the propaganda "comfort food" that you've grown accustomed to.
Sorry, there's just no debating it we need to go more green and what we are doing is not sustainable. Your little smoking gun doesn't change the facts. Especially when the developing world are all buying cars.

Bill Maher hammers ‘Lady Trump’: Hillary was born a woman — but you’re a ‘whiny little b*tch’
Bill Maher ended Friday’s episode of Real Time by once again mocking Donald Trump’s masculinity, arguing that the stereotypes about 1950s housewives really do apply to the Republican candidate.

Yep...I love when liberals expose themselves for who they truly are. They hate blacks but will tolerate them as "useful idiots" to the cause so long as those blacks "know their place", remain on the government plantation, and vote Dumbocrat.

And they pretend to embrace "gender identity" but then make fun of a man for not being "masculine" enough. I'm telling you, this party embarrasses itself every time they open their mouth.
Before you tell us we hate blacks, what is your feelings about black Americans in general. Places like Detroit.

You think we hate blacks? What about you. Besides the fact you called them idiots for voting Democratic. How should they vote? Please explain. Sounds like it's you who has a problem with blacks
I didn't call them "idiots" for voting Democrats - that's what your side of the aisle calls them. Your side has been referring to them as "useful idiots" since the 1960's when LBJ and other leaders decided that blacks were needed for the cause (since back then they were largely voting Republican after recognizing that conservatives ended slavery and conservatives lead the Civil Rights movement).

For the record on how I feel - I don't think "blacks" should vote any particular way. I think people (regardless of their race, creed, religion, etc.) would be wise to vote for freedom and the Constitution. Unfortunately, so much of America has lost its character and would rather trade the rights and freedoms someone else died to give them for pitiful government table scraps like Obamacare.

I don't care what category one falls under - one has to be an idiot to vote to have their rights and freedoms stripped. And that's what one is doing every time they cast a vote for a Democrat.
If "Global Warming" existed - why have "scientists" (ie dirt-bags on the Democrat payroll) been caught in not one, but two rounds of "Climate Gate" in which they were caught talking in emails about how they falsified their research in order to make it look like "Global Warming" existed?

You're still trying to push that particular fraud? Even the other denier cultists have given up on it. You must be seriously desperate. But then, as every bit of data says you're wrong, and honesty isn't an option for a cultist, "Making it all up" would be the only avenue left to you.

Absolutely hilarious. I ask a simple question and because you can't answer it, you go off on a tangent about something unrelated.

It's a simple question mamooth. Why did "scientists" (i.e. political activists on the Dumbocrat payroll) need to lie about their findings? Tell me. Answer the question. Unless of course you can't... :dunno:
If "Global Warming" existed - why has the planet been on a "cooling period" which was predicted decades in advance as part of a natural cycle?

Given how strongly the world is warming, sane people would judge that statement to be quite delusional.

Given the scientific fact that the polar ice-cap expand a mind-boggling 60% (over 900,000 square miles) and the fact that the planet has been on a natural cooling cycle (which had been predicted long in advance based on the previous documented cycles), I guarantee you that sane and informed people are laughing their ass off at you right now. You're completely uninformed and it shows. All you do is swallow down the liberal propaganda as fast as they can spoon feed it to you.
Clearly you don't because the science unequivocally proves that nothing has changed with the planet, while you idiots keep predicting the Armageddon end of times because we manufacture automobiles :lmao:
97% climate scientists say you're a fucking idiot. I agree
Actually, a 100% of scientists have proven that "Global Warming" is just another liberal lie in an attempt to usurp the Constitution and steal power.

Only ignorant libtard minions (such as yourself) who blindly listen to political activists instead of science think I'm an "idiot". Here are the indisputable facts and it makes you look really stupid...

Scientists all recognize that "Global Warming" is an outright lie. Every shred of evidence has proven time and time again that it is a lie. The only people who claim otherwise are on the Democrat payroll.

Here are the facts (backed up with links) and they are indisputable:
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why have "scientists" (ie dirt-bags on the Democrat payroll) been caught in not one, but two rounds of "Climate Gate" in which they were caught talking in emails about how they falsified their research in order to make it look like "Global Warming" existed?
Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate

Three themes are emerging from the newly released emails:

(1) prominent scientists central to the global warming debate are taking measures to conceal rather than disseminate underlying data and discussions;

(2) these scientists view global warming as a political “cause” rather than a balanced scientific inquiry and

(3) many of these scientists frankly admit to each other that much of the science is weak and dependent on deliberate manipulation of facts and data.
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why has the planet been on a "cooling period" which was predicted decades in advance as part of a natural cycle?
Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why did liberals rebrand it to "Climate Change" after several years of cooler than normal periods proved them wrong? The left's entire position was that greenhouse gases were being trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up. Well then how in the hell is that also causing cooler temperatures. The same thing cannot cause opposite results. It's like saying my automobile drives both forward and backward simultaneously. Um...no. No it doesn't. I have to change the transmission manually from drive to reverse and can only do one at a time. It defies the laws of physics to proclaim that trapped greenhouse gases which are causing the earth to heat up are also causing the earth to cool down.
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why did the polar ice-cap expand a mind-boggling 60% (or over 900,000 miles) when "scientists" (ie political activists on the Dumbocrat payroll) predicted it would be completely melted by 2014?

Updated NASA Data: Global Warming Not Causing Any Polar Ice Retreat

Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum
1. Greenhouse effect.
2. Every other country is going green. The world know Republican voters are dumb. It not just us liberals who know your dumb and corporations lie.
3. This proves the media ain't liberal. The fact people like you can continue to suggest man made climate change is real.

You do understand we created the hole in the ozone with arosols, yes? Or was that a conspiracy theory too?

If going green is so awesome, why do you need the government to force us to do it?

It's the liberal regressive way...
Everyone knows why. It's what big business wants. Costs money to go green. Even newt admitted it. Duh

The poor and the middle class will be the ones paying the cost, not big business. What you're saying is that you're prefectly happy to impose crushing energy costs on the poor.
1. Greenhouse effect.
2. Every other country is going green. The world know Republican voters are dumb. It not just us liberals who know your dumb and corporations lie.
3. This proves the media ain't liberal. The fact people like you can continue to suggest man made climate change is real.

You do understand we created the hole in the ozone with arosols, yes? Or was that a conspiracy theory too?

Now that is hilarious. Every other country has fallen to at least socialism or communism. If those countries are so great, why don't you leave the U.S. and go live your "utopia" first-hand?

Second - one link is even from NASA (a part of the government). So even your own government is proving that this is false.

Third, you mentioned both "greenhouse gases" and "holes in the ozone". Well, if greenhouse gases are being "trapped" in the atmosphere and causing the planet to warm up, why have we seen colder than normal temperatures around the country over the past several years and we saw a mind-boggling 60% expansion in the polar ice-cap (over 900,000 square miles)? Oops. The facts simply don't align with the liberal propaganda and you prefer the liberal propaganda. You can't beat to accept the truth - you prefer the propaganda "comfort food" that you've grown accustomed to.
Sorry, there's just no debating it we need to go more green and what we are doing is not sustainable. Your little smoking gun doesn't change the facts. Especially when the developing world are all buying cars.

I genuinely love and appreciate the honesty. Still, I can't help but laugh at the insanity. A "smoking gun" is all that matters. It's the term used to signify indisputable evidence in a court of law. So, yes, the "smoking gun" does change the "facts". It shows what was previously presented as "fact" was actually a lie.
97% climate scientists say you're a fucking idiot. I agree
Actually, a 100% of scientists have proven that "Global Warming" is just another liberal lie in an attempt to usurp the Constitution and steal power.

Only ignorant libtard minions (such as yourself) who blindly listen to political activists instead of science think I'm an "idiot". Here are the indisputable facts and it makes you look really stupid...

Scientists all recognize that "Global Warming" is an outright lie. Every shred of evidence has proven time and time again that it is a lie. The only people who claim otherwise are on the Democrat payroll.

Here are the facts (backed up with links) and they are indisputable:
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why have "scientists" (ie dirt-bags on the Democrat payroll) been caught in not one, but two rounds of "Climate Gate" in which they were caught talking in emails about how they falsified their research in order to make it look like "Global Warming" existed?
Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate

Three themes are emerging from the newly released emails:

(1) prominent scientists central to the global warming debate are taking measures to conceal rather than disseminate underlying data and discussions;

(2) these scientists view global warming as a political “cause” rather than a balanced scientific inquiry and

(3) many of these scientists frankly admit to each other that much of the science is weak and dependent on deliberate manipulation of facts and data.
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why has the planet been on a "cooling period" which was predicted decades in advance as part of a natural cycle?
Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why did liberals rebrand it to "Climate Change" after several years of cooler than normal periods proved them wrong? The left's entire position was that greenhouse gases were being trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up. Well then how in the hell is that also causing cooler temperatures. The same thing cannot cause opposite results. It's like saying my automobile drives both forward and backward simultaneously. Um...no. No it doesn't. I have to change the transmission manually from drive to reverse and can only do one at a time. It defies the laws of physics to proclaim that trapped greenhouse gases which are causing the earth to heat up are also causing the earth to cool down.
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why did the polar ice-cap expand a mind-boggling 60% (or over 900,000 miles) when "scientists" (ie political activists on the Dumbocrat payroll) predicted it would be completely melted by 2014?

Updated NASA Data: Global Warming Not Causing Any Polar Ice Retreat

Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum
1. Greenhouse effect.
2. Every other country is going green. The world know Republican voters are dumb. It not just us liberals who know your dumb and corporations lie.
3. This proves the media ain't liberal. The fact people like you can continue to suggest man made climate change is real.

You do understand we created the hole in the ozone with arosols, yes? Or was that a conspiracy theory too?

If going green is so awesome, why do you need the government to force us to do it?

It's the liberal regressive way...
Everyone knows why. It's what big business wants. Costs money to go green. Even newt admitted it. Duh

The poor and the middle class will be the ones paying the cost, not big business. What you're saying is that you're prefectly happy to impose crushing energy costs on the poor.
Absolutely! It servers two purposes for liberals....

First - it will place the masses on the government plantation where they are beholden to government for their most basic needs. As such, they will be more likely to vote Dumbocrat.

Second - they will use it to "prove" how capitalsm doesn't work (even though it was true socialism that caused the problem).
It's a simple question mamooth. Why did "scientists" (i.e. political activists on the Dumbocrat payroll) need to lie about their findings? Tell me. Answer the question. Unless of course you can't... :dunno:

And I told you the answer, and it's very simple. You're just lying about everything, because it's what your political cult demands from you.

I think everyone sees how you lack the intelligence to understand how you've been played. That is, you're not deliberately dishonest; you're just gullible. However, there is no doubt that you are stating untrue things, hence you are lying, and the only person that reflects badly on is you.
If "Global Warming" existed - why have "scientists" (ie dirt-bags on the Democrat payroll) been caught in not one, but two rounds of "Climate Gate" in which they were caught talking in emails about how they falsified their research in order to make it look like "Global Warming" existed?

You're still trying to push that particular fraud? Even the other denier cultists have given up on it. You must be seriously desperate. But then, as every bit of data says you're wrong, and honesty isn't an option for a cultist, "Making it all up" would be the only avenue left to you.

Absolutely hilarious. I ask a simple question and because you can't answer it, you go off on a tangent about something unrelated.

It's a simple question mamooth. Why did "scientists" (i.e. political activists on the Dumbocrat payroll) need to lie about their findings? Tell me. Answer the question. Unless of course you can't... :dunno:
You don't want to show that "this time" the planet "may have" repaired itself. Doesn't change the fact it's not healthy what we are doing?

One day Tesla's dream is going to come true we will run everything just off the energy coming out of the earth. If we continue your way we'll run out and die eventually when we run out of oil coal and wood. Our way we will maximize evolve advance exist longer better cleaner smarter and better.
Actually, a 100% of scientists have proven that "Global Warming" is just another liberal lie in an attempt to usurp the Constitution and steal power.

Only ignorant libtard minions (such as yourself) who blindly listen to political activists instead of science think I'm an "idiot". Here are the indisputable facts and it makes you look really stupid...

Scientists all recognize that "Global Warming" is an outright lie. Every shred of evidence has proven time and time again that it is a lie. The only people who claim otherwise are on the Democrat payroll.

Here are the facts (backed up with links) and they are indisputable:
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why have "scientists" (ie dirt-bags on the Democrat payroll) been caught in not one, but two rounds of "Climate Gate" in which they were caught talking in emails about how they falsified their research in order to make it look like "Global Warming" existed?
Climategate 2.0: New E-Mails Rock The Global Warming Debate

Three themes are emerging from the newly released emails:

(1) prominent scientists central to the global warming debate are taking measures to conceal rather than disseminate underlying data and discussions;

(2) these scientists view global warming as a political “cause” rather than a balanced scientific inquiry and

(3) many of these scientists frankly admit to each other that much of the science is weak and dependent on deliberate manipulation of facts and data.
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why has the planet been on a "cooling period" which was predicted decades in advance as part of a natural cycle?
Sorry Global Warming Alarmists, The Earth Is Cooling
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why did liberals rebrand it to "Climate Change" after several years of cooler than normal periods proved them wrong? The left's entire position was that greenhouse gases were being trapped in the atmosphere causing the planet to heat up. Well then how in the hell is that also causing cooler temperatures. The same thing cannot cause opposite results. It's like saying my automobile drives both forward and backward simultaneously. Um...no. No it doesn't. I have to change the transmission manually from drive to reverse and can only do one at a time. It defies the laws of physics to proclaim that trapped greenhouse gases which are causing the earth to heat up are also causing the earth to cool down.
  • If "Global Warming" existed - why did the polar ice-cap expand a mind-boggling 60% (or over 900,000 miles) when "scientists" (ie political activists on the Dumbocrat payroll) predicted it would be completely melted by 2014?

Updated NASA Data: Global Warming Not Causing Any Polar Ice Retreat

Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum
1. Greenhouse effect.
2. Every other country is going green. The world know Republican voters are dumb. It not just us liberals who know your dumb and corporations lie.
3. This proves the media ain't liberal. The fact people like you can continue to suggest man made climate change is real.

You do understand we created the hole in the ozone with arosols, yes? Or was that a conspiracy theory too?

If going green is so awesome, why do you need the government to force us to do it?

It's the liberal regressive way...
Everyone knows why. It's what big business wants. Costs money to go green. Even newt admitted it. Duh

The poor and the middle class will be the ones paying the cost, not big business. What you're saying is that you're prefectly happy to impose crushing energy costs on the poor.
Absolutely! It servers two purposes for liberals....

First - it will place the masses on the government plantation where they are beholden to government for their most basic needs. As such, they will be more likely to vote Dumbocrat.

Second - they will use it to "prove" how capitalsm doesn't work (even though it was true socialism that caused the problem).
How did socialism send manufacturing jobs to china mexico canada and india? Arent those nations more socialist than us? Yet they are stealing our jobs? What are those nations doing right or better than us?

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