Hillary Connections To America's Enemies


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
In the last months / weeks Hillary's connections to Putin and Russia have begun to be exposed:
- Hillary sold 20% of the US supply of Uranium to Russia
--- http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/u...ssed-for-control-of-uranium-company.html?_r=0

- Hillary was caught and stopped trying to sell Aleutian Islands and their mineral rights to Russia

- Hillary's 'Charity' Sought Investors for Russian Military Weapons Research
--- http://www.g-a-i.org/u/2016/07/Report-Skolkvovo-.pdf
--- The Wall Street Journal/COMMENTARY/The Clinton Foundation, State and Kremlin Connections/ Why did Hillary’s State Department urge U.S. investors to fund Russian research for military uses?/ By Peter Schweizer/July 31, 2016 4:33 p.m. ET

- Hillary's Campaign Manager made $35 Million from a Putin-Connected Russian Co and broke the law by refusing to claim the money as required by the law
--- Report: Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Mgr John Podesta Sat on Board of Company that Bagged $35 Million from Putin-Connected Russian Govt Fund - Breitbart

- The US, despite pledged to defend the Ukraine's sovereignty, did nothing to prevent Russia from invading and taking Southern Ukraine

- Russia 'hacked' Hillary's servers, e-mails, and records 3 times, refusing the FBI's warning once and refusing to work with them to try to prevent the 3rd hacking... Hmmmm....

Hillary aided in building a coalition with Al Qaeida - the same terrorist organization that killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 and who had been recruiting jihadists for years to go to Iraq and Afghanistan to kill US troops, dragged the US into an un-authorized war, in the middle of a civil war between Al Qaeida and a dictator the US put into the power - to HELP Al Qaeida, who Obama was claiming to be 'on the fun' at the time, to take over Libya as their own safe haven.
-- http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/21/opinion/21Ackerman.html
--- Libya: Obama Admits Clinton's "Greatest Moment" Was His "Worst Mistake"
----- Given that the overthrow of Gaddafi is "one of the policies cited by Clinton as one of her chief accomplishments," as Vanity Fair's Tina Nguyen
notes, Obama's statements could be problematic for the former secretary of state.

As Sect of State Hillary protected a foreign Clinton Foundation Billionaire donor from being punished according to the law when he was caught engaging in Black Marketing with Iran, violating existing US sanctions against Iran at the time.
--- Clinton Foundation Donor Violated US Iran Sanctions (as usual, clueless Obama knows nothing)

Hillary has helped Al Qaeida, has hired Al Qaeida to protect US Ambassadors - resulting in their death, has aided Russia's military, she and her campaign manager have profited from her Russian connections, she has protected donors from violations of US law / Sanctions, she has used illegal, unauthorized unsecured servers / e-mails, sent/received classified marked materials, has broken US laws, has perjured herself...

She has engaged in illegal, treasonous, self-serving activities that have benefitted the enemies of the United States - and of course herself while jeopardizing our national security and resulting in the deaths of American citizens - yet wants to be the President of the United States.

She belongs in JAIL, not the WHITE HOUSE.
The deaf and blind don't want to and won't hear or see it. Some people seem to think its just going to go on as business as usual even though it is obvious it is not and can't.
People are just full of anti-Russian propaganda. Russia is not your enemy, Russia is Globalists' enemy. Any country can gain a lot more from the partnership with Russia that from confrontation with her.

If you are a Globalist, then yes, Russia may stand in your way.
In the last months / weeks Hillary's connections to Putin and Russia have begun to be exposed:
- Hillary sold 20% of the US supply of Uranium to Russia
--- http://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/24/u...ssed-for-control-of-uranium-company.html?_r=0

- Hillary was caught and stopped trying to sell Aleutian Islands and their mineral rights to Russia

- Hillary's 'Charity' Sought Investors for Russian Military Weapons Research
--- http://www.g-a-i.org/u/2016/07/Report-Skolkvovo-.pdf
--- The Wall Street Journal/COMMENTARY/The Clinton Foundation, State and Kremlin Connections/ Why did Hillary’s State Department urge U.S. investors to fund Russian research for military uses?/ By Peter Schweizer/July 31, 2016 4:33 p.m. ET

- Hillary's Campaign Manager made $35 Million from a Putin-Connected Russian Co and broke the law by refusing to claim the money as required by the law
--- Report: Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Mgr John Podesta Sat on Board of Company that Bagged $35 Million from Putin-Connected Russian Govt Fund - Breitbart

- The US, despite pledged to defend the Ukraine's sovereignty, did nothing to prevent Russia from invading and taking Southern Ukraine

- Russia 'hacked' Hillary's servers, e-mails, and records 3 times, refusing the FBI's warning once and refusing to work with them to try to prevent the 3rd hacking... Hmmmm....

Hillary aided in building a coalition with Al Qaeida - the same terrorist organization that killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 and who had been recruiting jihadists for years to go to Iraq and Afghanistan to kill US troops, dragged the US into an un-authorized war, in the middle of a civil war between Al Qaeida and a dictator the US put into the power - to HELP Al Qaeida, who Obama was claiming to be 'on the fun' at the time, to take over Libya as their own safe haven.
-- http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/21/opinion/21Ackerman.html
--- Libya: Obama Admits Clinton's "Greatest Moment" Was His "Worst Mistake"
----- Given that the overthrow of Gaddafi is "one of the policies cited by Clinton as one of her chief accomplishments," as Vanity Fair's Tina Nguyen
notes, Obama's statements could be problematic for the former secretary of state.

As Sect of State Hillary protected a foreign Clinton Foundation Billionaire donor from being punished according to the law when he was caught engaging in Black Marketing with Iran, violating existing US sanctions against Iran at the time.
--- Clinton Foundation Donor Violated US Iran Sanctions (as usual, clueless Obama knows nothing)

Hillary has helped Al Qaeida, has hired Al Qaeida to protect US Ambassadors - resulting in their death, has aided Russia's military, she and her campaign manager have profited from her Russian connections, she has protected donors from violations of US law / Sanctions, she has used illegal, unauthorized unsecured servers / e-mails, sent/received classified marked materials, has broken US laws, has perjured herself...

She has engaged in illegal, treasonous, self-serving activities that have benefitted the enemies of the United States - and of course herself while jeopardizing our national security and resulting in the deaths of American citizens - yet wants to be the President of the United States.

She belongs in JAIL, not the WHITE HOUSE.

....but Trump. The reality is Clinton is a threat to national security. I agree, She and her pathetic greedy minions, belong in jail. The tards will vote for her anyway.
Trump applauded Hillary? No wait, that was an Ambassador and 3 Ex-SEALS, not journalists.

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