Hillary Clinton or John Kerry in 2016

love to see it. The world class enabler for her husband's infidelity and the phony military hero.

Who's the phony military hero?

George W. Bush?

He can't run again.

I believe bush jr. could run again. The constitution says he can't be elected to the office more than 2x. His first time around was an appointment by the supreme court. The way obama keeps swinging to the right, bush jr. might be a welcome change. He was always good for a laugh too.


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Ain't gonna be no 2016 election. Martial Law will be declared by our Dictator In Chief (DIC), using one of his false flag operations to justify it.
Aren't you glad that America has Free Elections where different people run every four years?

Imagine having to live in England or North Korea where they're stuck with the same damn Hereditary Leaders forever.

England's monarchy is for show only. They have a prime minister and parliament that is elected and changes quite frequently. :cuckoo:
I would take Hillary over Kerry in a heartbeat, not that anyone in his right mind would want to clean up the mess that will be inherited..
The GOP House has put out a bogus partisan report attacking Clinton.
Seems they are still using Benghazi ... this time to attack Hillary and not Obama

Are they scared shitless about their chances of a win in 2016?

It is so far out. What are they afraid of? Maybe nothing. Maybe the GOP is carpet bombing all potential Democratic candidates
You libruls are a sad and pathetic party. You want to run a LOSER like John Effing Kerry and a proven lying FUCK like Hilly for President?? WTF
Democrats do like to keep their CAREER politicians in office until they have to be carried out on a stretcher..

Or they can go find another community organizer who didn't even finish out his ONE term in Congress to dump on US again
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poor spoonman, doesn't know how intra party political campaigning and electoral campaigning work

the troll probably imagines people actually vote for the 'better' candidate

Democrats do like to keep their CAREER politicians in office until they have to be carried out on a stretcher..

Or they can go find another community organizer who didn't even finish out his ONE term in Congress to dump on US again

Like Dick 5-time-draft-dodger Cheney and other GOP leaders?:eusa_hand:

Obama beat the shit out of so many machines it is an incredible achievement in electoral politics

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