Hillary Clinton: How Bergdahl disappeared 'doesn't matter'

Hillary's right. We bring our guys home, and it doesn't matter what they did .... until they get home. Then, if they're dirty, we punish them. We don't let our guys help the enemy, and we sure don't let other countries decide what happens to our guys.

I dont mind bringing them home to prosecute them. I do mind giving up five top level taliban for a guy we knew was a traitor.
The usual RW lynch mob...how bout letting the LAW do its job, and letting the facts come out, rather than knee jerk GOP hate talk..

Knee jerk? Hahahaha..go suck a bag a dicks frank. Your hero is guilty as hell and you know it.
Vulgar, ignorant, and stupid- the hater dupe trifecta. My only hero is truth, functional shyttehead. Which the GOP has little experience with...
Maybe the military needs a review board of some type to decide which POW's should be brought home and which one's to leave behind? We left prisoners in Korea because they elected to stay, so maybe that equation should be added to the mix. We could require American POW's to fill out a questionnaire first before we bring them back, and then we get to vote. Damn that would be fun for board members.
Millions were spent to bring home our dead, perhaps that needs a review too?
Maybe the military needs a review board of some type to decide which POW's should be brought home and which one's to leave behind? We left prisoners in Korea because they elected to stay, so maybe that equation should be added to the mix. We could require American POW's to fill out a questionnaire first before we bring them back, and then we get to vote. Damn that would be fun for board members.
Millions were spent to bring home our dead, perhaps that needs a review too?

you are talking about loyal american soldiers, not deserters and traitors. There is a huge difference. In any other country, Bergdahl would already have been executed.
Maybe the military needs a review board of some type to decide which POW's should be brought home and which one's to leave behind? We left prisoners in Korea because they elected to stay, so maybe that equation should be added to the mix. We could require American POW's to fill out a questionnaire first before we bring them back, and then we get to vote. Damn that would be fun for board members.
Millions were spent to bring home our dead, perhaps that needs a review too?

you are talking about loyal american soldiers, not deserters and traitors. There is a huge difference. In any other country, Bergdahl would already have been executed.

So you support the US government having summarily declared Bergdahl a deserter, without due process, and left him at the mercy of the enemy,

despite his guilt or innocence never being properly determined?

lol. right.
Maybe the military needs a review board of some type to decide which POW's should be brought home and which one's to leave behind? We left prisoners in Korea because they elected to stay, so maybe that equation should be added to the mix. We could require American POW's to fill out a questionnaire first before we bring them back, and then we get to vote. Damn that would be fun for board members.
Millions were spent to bring home our dead, perhaps that needs a review too?

you are talking about loyal american soldiers, not deserters and traitors. There is a huge difference. In any other country, Bergdahl would already have been executed.

So you support the US government having summarily declared Bergdahl a deserter, without due process, and left him at the mercy of the enemy,

despite his guilt or innocence never being properly determined?

lol. right.

he was in the hands of the enemy by his choice. he was a deserter the moment he left his unit and went to the other side. There is no court hearing needed to determine that. The only purpose of the court marshall is to determine his punishment, his guilt is established.
Maybe the military needs a review board of some type to decide which POW's should be brought home and which one's to leave behind? We left prisoners in Korea because they elected to stay, so maybe that equation should be added to the mix. We could require American POW's to fill out a questionnaire first before we bring them back, and then we get to vote. Damn that would be fun for board members.
Millions were spent to bring home our dead, perhaps that needs a review too?

you are talking about loyal american soldiers, not deserters and traitors. There is a huge difference. In any other country, Bergdahl would already have been executed.

So you support the US government having summarily declared Bergdahl a deserter, without due process, and left him at the mercy of the enemy,

despite his guilt or innocence never being properly determined?

lol. right.

he was in the hands of the enemy by his choice. he was a deserter the moment he left his unit and went to the other side. There is no court hearing needed to determine that. The only purpose of the court marshall is to determine his punishment, his guilt is established.
Maybe the military needs a review board of some type to decide which POW's should be brought home and which one's to leave behind? We left prisoners in Korea because they elected to stay, so maybe that equation should be added to the mix. We could require American POW's to fill out a questionnaire first before we bring them back, and then we get to vote. Damn that would be fun for board members.
Millions were spent to bring home our dead, perhaps that needs a review too?

you are talking about loyal american soldiers, not deserters and traitors. There is a huge difference. In any other country, Bergdahl would already have been executed.
I think I'll wait for the movie.
Maybe the military needs a review board of some type to decide which POW's should be brought home and which one's to leave behind? We left prisoners in Korea because they elected to stay, so maybe that equation should be added to the mix. We could require American POW's to fill out a questionnaire first before we bring them back, and then we get to vote. Damn that would be fun for board members.
Millions were spent to bring home our dead, perhaps that needs a review too?

you are talking about loyal american soldiers, not deserters and traitors. There is a huge difference. In any other country, Bergdahl would already have been executed.

So you support the US government having summarily declared Bergdahl a deserter, without due process, and left him at the mercy of the enemy,

despite his guilt or innocence never being properly determined?

lol. right.

he was in the hands of the enemy by his choice. he was a deserter the moment he left his unit and went to the other side. There is no court hearing needed to determine that. The only purpose of the court marshall is to determine his punishment, his guilt is established.
Maybe the military needs a review board of some type to decide which POW's should be brought home and which one's to leave behind? We left prisoners in Korea because they elected to stay, so maybe that equation should be added to the mix. We could require American POW's to fill out a questionnaire first before we bring them back, and then we get to vote. Damn that would be fun for board members.
Millions were spent to bring home our dead, perhaps that needs a review too?

you are talking about loyal american soldiers, not deserters and traitors. There is a huge difference. In any other country, Bergdahl would already have been executed.
I think I'll wait for the movie.

I never knew the UCMJ has a guilty until proven innocent system of justice. fascinating.

I'm willing to bet it doesn't.
...Yes we all know you people would have abandoned him. Conservative support for American soldiers has always been highly conditional. I remember how they treated veterans who protested the war and continually try to cut veterans benefits.
Who the phukk is 'you people'?

My support for American soldiers has always been extremely high and reliable.

Also, I am at the local VA hospital-campus on a regular basis in a supporting role and interact with my fellow veterans on a daily basis and have always favored an extremely high priority and the most generous possible benefits for our veterans.

Bottom line... I do more for veterans during the course of a single week than you probably do in an entire year, so... piss off.

My support for deserters and traitors, however, is far lower and far less reliable.

Learn to distinguish between support for Soldiers and lack of support for Deserters and Traitors.

Perhaps when you grow up.
Maybe the military needs a review board of some type to decide which POW's should be brought home and which one's to leave behind? We left prisoners in Korea because they elected to stay, so maybe that equation should be added to the mix. We could require American POW's to fill out a questionnaire first before we bring them back, and then we get to vote. Damn that would be fun for board members.
Millions were spent to bring home our dead, perhaps that needs a review too?

you are talking about loyal american soldiers, not deserters and traitors. There is a huge difference. In any other country, Bergdahl would already have been executed.

So you support the US government having summarily declared Bergdahl a deserter, without due process, and left him at the mercy of the enemy,

despite his guilt or innocence never being properly determined?

lol. right.

he was in the hands of the enemy by his choice. he was a deserter the moment he left his unit and went to the other side. There is no court hearing needed to determine that. The only purpose of the court marshall is to determine his punishment, his guilt is established.
Maybe the military needs a review board of some type to decide which POW's should be brought home and which one's to leave behind? We left prisoners in Korea because they elected to stay, so maybe that equation should be added to the mix. We could require American POW's to fill out a questionnaire first before we bring them back, and then we get to vote. Damn that would be fun for board members.
Millions were spent to bring home our dead, perhaps that needs a review too?

you are talking about loyal american soldiers, not deserters and traitors. There is a huge difference. In any other country, Bergdahl would already have been executed.
I think I'll wait for the movie.

I never knew the UCMJ has a guilty until proven innocent system of justice. fascinating.

I'm willing to bet it doesn't.

Of course it doesn't. If the Army did not already have evidence to convict him they would not be having a court marshall. The obozo administration was putting a lot of pressure on the pentagon to make the whole thing go away, but the Army did the right thing.

Obama made a terrible uninformed deal trying to get some political gain------------and he came off looking like an incompetent fool. Bringing the deserter's parents to the whitehouse to celebrate??????????? WTF
Perhaps YOU can explain how dealing with a terror group and giving them 5 people back doesn't endanger more US troops and citizens? Perhaps you can explain why a deserter was worth the trade but none of the Americans captured and murdered by ISIS were?
Certainly, Pub dupe. Taliban is an enemy in a war- he was a POW. ISIS is a terrorist group, grabbing civilians for money, .
The Taliban are terrorists you retard.
Not according to US and Afghan gov'ts or the UN, brainwashed, our way or the highway, functional moron. Unlike Al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc etc, they haven't gone after civilians outside Afghanistan, and WERE the Afghan gov't before 2003...
Another Taliban Enabler... go play in traffic or sumfin', wll ya?
So sorry about confronting your blind hate and ignorance...
Blah, blah, blah, endless phukking blah... better to muster the courage to name a foreign enemy rather than hate your own kind and blame your own people for everything.
Certainly, Pub dupe. Taliban is an enemy in a war- he was a POW. ISIS is a terrorist group, grabbing civilians for money, .
The Taliban are terrorists you retard.
Not according to US and Afghan gov'ts or the UN, brainwashed, our way or the highway, functional moron. Unlike Al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc etc, they haven't gone after civilians outside Afghanistan, and WERE the Afghan gov't before 2003...
Another Taliban Enabler... go play in traffic or sumfin', wll ya?
So sorry about confronting your blind hate and ignorance...
Blah, blah, blah, endless phukking blah... better to muster the courage to name a foreign enemy rather than hate your own kind and blame your own people for everything.

makes you wonder who Obama's "own people" are doesn't it? Everything the guy has done internationally has hurt the USA and helped our enemies.
Maybe the military needs a review board of some type to decide which POW's should be brought home and which one's to leave behind? We left prisoners in Korea because they elected to stay, so maybe that equation should be added to the mix. We could require American POW's to fill out a questionnaire first before we bring them back, and then we get to vote. Damn that would be fun for board members.
Millions were spent to bring home our dead, perhaps that needs a review too?

you are talking about loyal american soldiers, not deserters and traitors. There is a huge difference. In any other country, Bergdahl would already have been executed.
America is not any other country, and one of the things that makes us different is our legal system, military and civilian. Only one soldier was executed for desertion in WWII, private Eddie Slovik, so I wonder what the chances are of Bergdahl being executed?
The Taliban are terrorists you retard.
Not according to US and Afghan gov'ts or the UN, brainwashed, our way or the highway, functional moron. Unlike Al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc etc, they haven't gone after civilians outside Afghanistan, and WERE the Afghan gov't before 2003...
Another Taliban Enabler... go play in traffic or sumfin', wll ya?
So sorry about confronting your blind hate and ignorance...
Blah, blah, blah, endless phukking blah... better to muster the courage to name a foreign enemy rather than hate your own kind and blame your own people for everything.

makes you wonder who Obama's "own people" are doesn't it? Everything the guy has done internationally has hurt the USA and helped our enemies.

makes ME wonder why context means NOTHING to RW's ..
The Taliban are terrorists you retard.
Not according to US and Afghan gov'ts or the UN, brainwashed, our way or the highway, functional moron. Unlike Al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc etc, they haven't gone after civilians outside Afghanistan, and WERE the Afghan gov't before 2003...
Another Taliban Enabler... go play in traffic or sumfin', wll ya?
So sorry about confronting your blind hate and ignorance...
Blah, blah, blah, endless phukking blah... better to muster the courage to name a foreign enemy rather than hate your own kind and blame your own people for everything.

makes you wonder who Obama's "own people" are doesn't it? Everything the guy has done internationally has hurt the USA and helped our enemies.
In truth it's a mixed bag, although I'll concede the likelihood that there's far more negative than positive about his stewardship. It's what happens when we give The Keys to the touchy-feely types without adult supervision, but, judging by the past two mid-terms, I think we're done with that for a while, now. Let's hope that's true, anyway.
Maybe the military needs a review board of some type to decide which POW's should be brought home and which one's to leave behind? We left prisoners in Korea because they elected to stay, so maybe that equation should be added to the mix. We could require American POW's to fill out a questionnaire first before we bring them back, and then we get to vote. Damn that would be fun for board members.
Millions were spent to bring home our dead, perhaps that needs a review too?

you are talking about loyal american soldiers, not deserters and traitors. There is a huge difference. In any other country, Bergdahl would already have been executed.
America is not any other country, and one of the things that makes us different is our legal system, military and civilian. Only one soldier was executed for desertion in WWII, private Eddie Slovik, so I wonder what the chances are of Bergdahl being executed?

Personally, I'll settle for a long prison sentence and a DD.
Maybe the military needs a review board of some type to decide which POW's should be brought home and which one's to leave behind? We left prisoners in Korea because they elected to stay, so maybe that equation should be added to the mix. We could require American POW's to fill out a questionnaire first before we bring them back, and then we get to vote. Damn that would be fun for board members.
Millions were spent to bring home our dead, perhaps that needs a review too?

you are talking about loyal american soldiers, not deserters and traitors. There is a huge difference. In any other country, Bergdahl would already have been executed.

So you support the US government having summarily declared Bergdahl a deserter, without due process, and left him at the mercy of the enemy,

despite his guilt or innocence never being properly determined?

lol. right.

he was in the hands of the enemy by his choice. he was a deserter the moment he left his unit and went to the other side. There is no court hearing needed to determine that. The only purpose of the court marshall is to determine his punishment, his guilt is established.
Maybe the military needs a review board of some type to decide which POW's should be brought home and which one's to leave behind? We left prisoners in Korea because they elected to stay, so maybe that equation should be added to the mix. We could require American POW's to fill out a questionnaire first before we bring them back, and then we get to vote. Damn that would be fun for board members.
Millions were spent to bring home our dead, perhaps that needs a review too?

you are talking about loyal american soldiers, not deserters and traitors. There is a huge difference. In any other country, Bergdahl would already have been executed.
I think I'll wait for the movie.

I never knew the UCMJ has a guilty until proven innocent system of justice. fascinating.

I'm willing to bet it doesn't.
Your kind did with Zimmerman.
Seems the consensus is that we should have abandoned an American prisoner to the enemy on suspicion alone. More proof conservatives despise due process.

Hey einstein. We didn't abandon bergy to the enemy. He abandoned his fellow soldiers and joined up with the enemy.
America is not any other country, and one of the things that makes us different is our legal system, military and civilian. Only one soldier was executed for desertion in WWII, private Eddie Slovik, so I wonder what the chances are of Bergdahl being executed?

Did slovik join the enemy? THINK
So you support the US government having summarily declared Bergdahl a deserter, without due process, and left him at the mercy of the enemy,


Mercy of the enemy???. They're his pals, you simpleton. Admit the truth, your god obozo monster-screwed-up again.
How can libs defend what obozo did??? He traded 5 terrorists for a person he knew was likely an enemy collaborator!!!

The libs keep trying to make a silk purse out of this sow's ear and it's hilarious.

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