Hillary Clinton deleted entire servers and it was no big deal.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Smashed blackberry phones. Deleted emails. Used bleach bit to cover any tracks. Refused to turn over documents. Had servers in VERY unsecured places.

She wasn't even president with the privileges that position affords. Yet we get a DAILY drumbeat about Trump as if some new law was passed that suddenly made it criminal AFTER Hillary.

The hypocrisy is astounding. And I haven't even touched on Bidens document fiasco.

The flip side is those who screamed lock her up are now looking the other way with Trump.

It's all a shit show and quite embarrassing for our nation.
Yeah, you now live in a Communist state.
You did nothing but expected freedom and justice?

Get used to it. You ain't seen nothin yet.
Stock up on your Kleenex.

Smashed blackberry phones. Deleted emails. Used bleach bit to cover any tracks. Refused to turn over documents. Had servers in VERY unsecured places.

She wasn't even president with the privileges that position affords. Yet we get a DAILY drumbeat about Trump as if some new law was passed that suddenly made it criminal AFTER Hillary.

The hypocrisy is astounding. And I haven't even touched on Bidens document fiasco.

The flip side is those who screamed lock her up are now looking the other way with Trump.

It's all a shit show and quite embarrassing for our nation.
Mark levin explained in his usual serious tone that Biden
is in a world of shit.Unable to skip Town over.It's now fully
inescapable.He is in no uncertain terms a Co-Conspirator
to/for his Son Hunter.There need'nt be one fact proving Biden
took as much as a nickle in graft.It's not necessary.It's a proven
fact that Biden was involved in son Hunter Biden's Business.
As a C0-Conspirator.There is direhard firsthand proof that Hunter
Biden made Millions.Hunter even travelled on Air Force 2 when
Pop Biden was our Vice President.What was Hunter Biden's
qualifications for making Millions in Foreign Governments.?
Smashed blackberry phones. Deleted emails. Used bleach bit to cover any tracks. Refused to turn over documents. Had servers in VERY unsecured places.

She wasn't even president with the privileges that position affords. Yet we get a DAILY drumbeat about Trump as if some new law was passed that suddenly made it criminal AFTER Hillary.

The hypocrisy is astounding. And I haven't even touched on Bidens document fiasco.

The flip side is those who screamed lock her up are now looking the other way with Trump.

It's all a shit show and quite embarrassing for our nation.
And she was denied the presidency. And now Trump should be denied the presidency because of doing the same thing, right?
Yeah, you now live in a Communist state.
You did nothing but expected freedom and justice?

Get used to it. You ain't seen nothin yet.
Stock up on your Kleenex.

View attachment 808739
Where did that pile of gitchy goomy come from.
Because of those like Hillary,We the People should never have
expected her Failed run for Presidency and Trump Victory in 2016
would make for a Better Country.
But it did.All the while Trump being constantly persecuted
and harangued.
Where the only sure thing was how we learned in no uncertain
terms how Dirty Corrupt both the Deep State was and also the
lackey Lazy Mainstream Media.Now to be understood as the
Mainstream Scumbag Media Cabal.
She was denied the presidency by THE PEOPLE!!!!
The SWAMP is trying to deny Trump!!!!
See the difference, Casioholic?

Furthermore ... reason for a new cabal language.As George
Orwell predicted.
Combined use of Newspeak with Doublethink !
Smashed blackberry phones. Deleted emails. Used bleach bit to cover any tracks. Refused to turn over documents. Had servers in VERY unsecured places.

She wasn't even president with the privileges that position affords. Yet we get a DAILY drumbeat about Trump as if some new law was passed that suddenly made it criminal AFTER Hillary.

The hypocrisy is astounding. And I haven't even touched on Bidens document fiasco.

The flip side is those who screamed lock her up are now looking the other way with Trump.

It's all a shit show and quite embarrassing for our nation.
There’s a lot to be said about your characterization of events, but the most important thing is

No court accepts “he did it first” as a defense
Smashed blackberry phones. Deleted emails. Used bleach bit to cover any tracks. Refused to turn over documents. Had servers in VERY unsecured places.

She wasn't even president with the privileges that position affords. Yet we get a DAILY drumbeat about Trump as if some new law was passed that suddenly made it criminal AFTER Hillary.

The hypocrisy is astounding. And I haven't even touched on Bidens document fiasco.

The flip side is those who screamed lock her up are now looking the other way with Trump.

It's all a shit show and quite embarrassing for our nation.
But, but, but.....she meant no harm.....
There’s a lot to be said about your characterization of events, but the most important thing is

No court accepts “he did it first” as a defense

I doubt that you will understand this, Cultist, but.

It is not a defense of any actions that President Trump did or didn't do.
No matter how many times you invoke that strawman, it is still a strawman.

It is an indictment of The Justice System.

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