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Why are they so afraid of her being heard by Americans?
Oh, that's right, after her real interview with Charley, they realize she is a loose cannon with limited information.
She doesn't know the territory, and she tells lies that can too easily be proven to be lies.
Palin courts cameras, but dodges questions - Yahoo! News
Oh, that's right, after her real interview with Charley, they realize she is a loose cannon with limited information.
EW YORK For better or for worse, each of the four candidates comprising the Democratic and Republican tickets made headlines Tuesday. But one of them, Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, did so without uttering a word to the voters or the press.
While presidential nominees John McCain and Barack Obama each held press conferences where they addressed the Treasury Departments $700 billion rescue plan for the financial markets, and Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Biden continued to make news with his awkward remarks, Palin continued to sidestep the media to an almost unprecedented degree for a national campaign.
Perhaps as a result, Palins meetings with foreign leaders Tuesday were nearly marred by stories chronicling her campaigns brief standoff with reporters over access to her pre-meeting photo ops.
Palin, who has not held a single press conference since McCain announced her as the Republican vice presidential candidate, in the past week has held only one rally on her own, and has ditched her print press contingent to make an ice cream run with her family andto pose for staged photos with foreign leaders.
The shielding-Sarah-Palin strategy which otherwise allows for lots of photographs and information about her attractive, young family, combined with occasional rallies has worked well so far for the Alaska governor. She continues to energize the Republican base and draw considerable press attention despite never actually taking reporters'nettlesome questions. But there are increasing signs that the effectiveness of the unusual gambit may be waning.
She doesn't know the territory, and she tells lies that can too easily be proven to be lies.
Palin courts cameras, but dodges questions - Yahoo! News