'Hidden History' That Was Staring You In The Face

Voters hated Hoover and his attempts to solve the Great Depression, yet loved what FDR did....All the threads from Polislick can't change that fact.....

It's quite amusing really. Thread after thread trying to rewrite history. It will never work.

I told you, you are dismissed.

You've served your purpose....and now you've returned to look even dumber????

Where is the re-write of history?

Everything I post is linked, sourced and documented.

What 'facts' have I changed?

Take your time.
You lied about FDR being responsible for starting the Great Depression.

I never lie.

^How to spot a fraud.

I have always felt that the art of conversation is best served when all parties involved have some vague idea of what is being discussed.....but you appear to have been left out of the loop.

Out of the loop since horses pulled milk carts.
2. Then Roosevelt turned a recession into a 'Great Depression.'

It takes a special kind of retard to call the Great Depression a "recession" before FDR came along.


We also get it, you have latched on to Lebergott's methods because they support your "theory". You do realize that many others do not? Of course you do, but that is not germane to your need to defend ole Franklin.
Let me help you here.....

"Lebergott joined the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 1940. He compiled historical unemployment statistics for the time period between 1890 and the 1950s, and his statistics were widely popularized until Christina Romer and others found flaws in them and accordingly modified them."

Stanley Lebergott - Wikipedia
You have no idea why the Lebergott method was judged inaccurate. It did not include workers on government-funded work projects, hence it did not give an accurate portrayal of people who were not working. It is not that his method was inaccurate in what it portrayed, it was that it only gave a partial portrayal of actual unemployment. By not including the millions who worked on those government projects, it slanted actual people not working inaccurately. It gave only a portrayal of persons not working in private industry.
2. Then Roosevelt turned a recession into a 'Great Depression.'

It takes a special kind of retard to call the Great Depression a "recession" before FDR came along.

Bank Failures during the 1930s Great Depression
During the 20s, there was an average of 70 banks failing each year nationally. After the crash during the first 10 months of 1930, 744 banks failed – 10 times as many.

Bank Run - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com
Some 650 banks failed in 1929; the number would rise to more than 1,300 the following year.

Chart of US Gross Domestic Product, 1929-2004

1. Your lesson for today:
a. "Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933.... . If this crash had been like previous ones, the hard times would have ended in two or three years at the most, and likely sooner than that. But unprecedented political bungling instead prolonged the misery for over 10 years." Great Myths of the Great Depression | Lawrence W. Reed

b. While "The Depression" is probably the only economic downturn ever studied in government schools, few ever speak of any depressions or recessions prior to the "Great Depression."
Know how many there were?
Over thirty. And the average length was a couple of years.

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

c. "The Great Depression(1929-39) was the deepest andlongest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world. In the United States, ..." The Great Depression - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

2. One would imagine that you'd be sooooo embarrassed the last time I revealed you to be a lying fool.....this one, where you claimed to be a military expert on bombs...

"I'm retired military and an electronics expert. I know what bombs look like, and I know what clocks look like." Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I am also an electronics expert. I worked at the top of the field for decades.... All these FACTS destroy your stupid FANTASY it looks like a bomb. Even an English teacher could tell it wasn't. Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


If they thought Ahmed brought a ‘bomb’, why didn’t they evacuate the school?

Didn't we have fun????
Unemployment in the Great Depression peaked in FDR's FIRST year, 1933, a year btw that FDR wasn't president until March.

LOL, not the point now is it? I know that you are trying to deflect but that does 't work with me.

"I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started"

What was the unemployment rate in 1940 then?

You are a source of never ending humor kid.
You can't get around what Morgenthau said, I know you feel you need to, but you can't.
HE was not only there, HE was instrumental in the implementation of the policies. HE said they didn't work.
I'm sorry, I know it stings a bit but there you have it.
Actually, it is pretty easy to get around what Morgenthau said when you read the quote in the context of the entirety of his comments at the meeting where he made them and the subsequent responses of those in attendance.


Unlike you, I am able to provide real sources instead of cherry picking and relying on partisan and controversial sources.
This is raw data, a copy of Morgenthau's actual diary and his recollections of the meeting where the quote in question was made. Boring to read, but it shows how distorted and twisted you have presented his quote.
Last edited:
Once again PC starts a thread, NYCarbineer rushes in and makes her look foolish. Repeating something and expecting different results is a sign of mental illness.

PC makes herself look foolish. Carib just points it out

Can you imagine how differently you'd post if you actually knew anything.

Yes, you know so much, but just like Dale, all the stuff you know is crazy bullshit.

Interesting definition you Liberals have of 'education.'

I would have provided your quote....but I never use vulgarity.

Your posts are vulgarity.
2. Then Roosevelt turned a recession into a 'Great Depression.'

It takes a special kind of retard to call the Great Depression a "recession" before FDR came along.

Bank Failures during the 1930s Great Depression
During the 20s, there was an average of 70 banks failing each year nationally. After the crash during the first 10 months of 1930, 744 banks failed – 10 times as many.

Bank Run - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com
Some 650 banks failed in 1929; the number would rise to more than 1,300 the following year.

Chart of US Gross Domestic Product, 1929-2004

1. Your lesson for today:
a. "Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933....

Your lesson about what defines a Depression:

A depression is an unusual and extreme form of recession. Depressions are characterized by their length, by abnormally large increases in unemployment, falls in the availability of credit (often due to some form of banking or financial crisis), shrinking output as buyers dry up and suppliers cut back on production and investment, large number of bankruptcies including sovereign debt defaults, significantly reduced amounts of trade and commerce (especially international trade), as well as highly volatile relative currency value fluctuations (often due to currency devaluations). Price deflation, financial crises and bank failures are also common elements of a depression that do not normally occur during a recession.

Depression (economics) - Wikipedia

b. While "The Depression" is probably the only economic downturn ever studied in government schools, few ever speak of any depressions or recessions prior to the "Great Depression."

Actually, what is now called the Long Depression was considered the Great Depression before this one.

Know how many there were?
Over thirty. And the average length was a couple of years.

Take a good look at that list. Notice how economic downturns were more frequent and longer lasting before we went off the gold standard. They have been farther apart, and of much shorter duration, since then.

Thanks to FDR.

c. "The Great Depression(1929-39) was the deepest andlongest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world. In the United States, ..." The Great Depression - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Nope. The longest depression was the Long Depression I mentioned above. Check your own list of recessions to which you linked above, retard.

2. One would imagine that you'd be sooooo embarrassed the last time I revealed you to be a lying fool.....this one, where you claimed to be a military expert on bombs...

"I'm retired military and an electronics expert. I know what bombs look like, and I know what clocks look like." Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

I am also an electronics expert. I worked at the top of the field for decades.... All these FACTS destroy your stupid FANTASY it looks like a bomb. Even an English teacher could tell it wasn't. Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum


If they thought Ahmed brought a ‘bomb’, why didn’t they evacuate the school?

Didn't we have fun????

I can't believe you are still obsessed over this. How many times do you have to be spanked? Are you one of those freaky masochists? I feel pretty sick having to do this to you every time we meet. You should seek professional help.

First, what special kind of dumb fuck confuses an analog clock with a digital clock? How do you not know there are such things as digital clocks, and that is what the kid used? You have to have seven pounds of brain damage.

Second, the school knew it wasn't a bomb. They did not evacuate the school. The teacher kept it in her classroom for hours.

Third, the cops knew it wasn't a bomb. They put it in a police car. The same car the kid was put in. They did not call a bomb disposal unit.

Fourth, you have never pointed out where the explosive is in the device. BECAUSE THERE ISN"T ANY.

These are HUGE clues you are a dumb fuck. How come EVERYONE knows it wasn't a bomb except you and some anti-Muslim blogger?

You took the word of an online BLOGGER over common sense.

So go ahead and keep bringing this up. The more people who learn what a special kind of retard you are, the better, sweetheart.

It pleases me to know I have gotten so deep under your skin you react this way every time I post in one of your short bus topics.
Last edited:
Once again PC starts a thread, NYCarbineer rushes in and makes her look foolish. Repeating something and expecting different results is a sign of mental illness.

PC makes herself look foolish. Carib just points it out

Can you imagine how differently you'd post if you actually knew anything.

Yes, you know so much, but just like Dale, all the stuff you know is crazy bullshit.

Interesting definition you Liberals have of 'education.'

I would have provided your quote....but I never use vulgarity.

Your posts are vulgarity.

As a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to educate a Liberal....here is your vocabulary lesson:

making explicit and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions; coarse and rude.

If course....I never do so.

So....do not make the mistake you've made in this post, ever again.

And...do try to use language with the same precision that I do.

LOL, not the point now is it? I know that you are trying to deflect but that does 't work with me.

"I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started"

What was the unemployment rate in 1940 then?

You are a source of never ending humor kid.
You can't get around what Morgenthau said, I know you feel you need to, but you can't.
HE was not only there, HE was instrumental in the implementation of the policies. HE said they didn't work.
I'm sorry, I know it stings a bit but there you have it.
Actually, it is pretty easy to get around what Morgenthau said when you read the quote in the context of the entirety of his comments at the meeting where he made them and the subsequent responses of those in attendance.


Unlike you, I am able to provide real sources instead of cherry picking and relying on partisan and controversial sources.
This is raw data, a copy of Morgenthau's actual diary and his recollections of the meeting where the quote in question was made. Boring to read, but it shows how distorted and twisted you have presented his quote.

So....we agree that Morgenthau said exactly what I said he did, and that you remain a liar?

2. Then Roosevelt turned a recession into a 'Great Depression.'

It takes a special kind of retard to call the Great Depression a "recession" before FDR came along.



The reasons for the commercial bank suspensions in the 1920s and 30's according to the FDIC were problems related to the fact that many of the banks affected were smaller institutions, whose management may have been as much to blame as any other factor. A second issue that arose and could have been handled more effectively was a fear that the US would go off the gold standard and depositors rushed to convert their money to gold creating a liquidity problem for banks. According to the FDIC:

"On average, more than 600 banks failed each year between 1921 and 1929. Those failures led to the end of many state deposit insurance programs. The failed banks were primarily small, rural banks, and people in metropolitan areas were generally unconcerned. Investors and other businessmen thought that the failing institutions were weak and badly managed and that those failures served to strengthen the banking system. A major wave of bank failures during the last few months of 1930 triggered widespread attempts to convert deposits to cash. Confidence in the banking system began to erode, and bank runs became more common. In all, 1,350 banks suspended operations during 1930. Some simply closed their doors due to financial difficulties, while others were placed into receivership."

"As liquidity pressures eased during the early months of 1931, the number of bank failures declined sharply. Unfortunately, that decrease was short-lived. Great Britain abandoned the gold standard in September 1931, and some depositors feared that other countries might follow suit. Foreigners with bank accounts in the United States rushed to convert deposits to gold, primarily in the New York money market. The effect was a liquidity crisis that caused the failure of 2,293 banks in 1931, or nearly four times the average annual number of failures during the 1920s. Losses incurred by depositors in 1931 ($390.5 million) exceeded losses incurred by depositors for the entire six-year period between 1921 and 1926 ($383.6 million.)"

FDIC: Managing the Crisis: The FDIC and RTC Experience

The same article goes on to say:

"Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president in November 1932, and rumors circulated that his administration would devalue the dollar. Concerns about the future of the dollar created even greater liquidity pressures.".....

"Sudden withdrawal demands in certain parts of the country started a panic of massive proportions. State after state declared bank holidays.1- The panic reached a peak during the first three days of March 1933 following the failure of an estimated 4,000 banks so far that year. As one of his first official acts, President Roosevelt proclaimed a nationwide bank holiday beginning on March 6, 1933, which lasted four days. The financial system was on the verge of collapse, and both the manufacturing and agricultural sectors were operating at a fraction of capacity. Administration officials quickly began to draft legislation designed to resolve the banking crisis."

It wasn't a depression until Roosevelt became president.

PC makes herself look foolish. Carib just points it out

Can you imagine how differently you'd post if you actually knew anything.

Yes, you know so much, but just like Dale, all the stuff you know is crazy bullshit.

Interesting definition you Liberals have of 'education.'

I would have provided your quote....but I never use vulgarity.

Your posts are vulgarity.

As a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to educate a Liberal....here is your vocabulary lesson:

making explicit and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions; coarse and rude.

If course....I never do so.

So....do not make the mistake you've made in this post, ever again.

And...do try to use language with the same precision that I do.


You're so dishonest till you won't even give the entire definition.
  1. lacking sophistication or good taste; unrefined.
    "the vulgar trappings of wealth"
    synonyms: tasteless, crass, tawdry, ostentatious, flamboyant, overdone, showy, gaudy, garish,brassy, kitsch, kitschy, tinselly, loud; More
2. Then Roosevelt turned a recession into a 'Great Depression.'

It takes a special kind of retard to call the Great Depression a "recession" before FDR came along.



The reasons for the commercial bank suspensions in the 1920s and 30's according to the FDIC were problems related to the fact that many of the banks affected were smaller institutions, whose management may have been as much to blame as any other factor. A second issue that arose and could have been handled more effectively was a fear that the US would go off the gold standard and depositors rushed to convert their money to gold creating a liquidity problem for banks. According to the FDIC:

"On average, more than 600 banks failed each year between 1921 and 1929. Those failures led to the end of many state deposit insurance programs. The failed banks were primarily small, rural banks, and people in metropolitan areas were generally unconcerned. Investors and other businessmen thought that the failing institutions were weak and badly managed and that those failures served to strengthen the banking system. A major wave of bank failures during the last few months of 1930 triggered widespread attempts to convert deposits to cash. Confidence in the banking system began to erode, and bank runs became more common. In all, 1,350 banks suspended operations during 1930. Some simply closed their doors due to financial difficulties, while others were placed into receivership."

"As liquidity pressures eased during the early months of 1931, the number of bank failures declined sharply. Unfortunately, that decrease was short-lived. Great Britain abandoned the gold standard in September 1931, and some depositors feared that other countries might follow suit. Foreigners with bank accounts in the United States rushed to convert deposits to gold, primarily in the New York money market. The effect was a liquidity crisis that caused the failure of 2,293 banks in 1931, or nearly four times the average annual number of failures during the 1920s. Losses incurred by depositors in 1931 ($390.5 million) exceeded losses incurred by depositors for the entire six-year period between 1921 and 1926 ($383.6 million.)"

FDIC: Managing the Crisis: The FDIC and RTC Experience

The same article goes on to say:

"Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president in November 1932, and rumors circulated that his administration would devalue the dollar. Concerns about the future of the dollar created even greater liquidity pressures.".....

"Sudden withdrawal demands in certain parts of the country started a panic of massive proportions. State after state declared bank holidays.1- The panic reached a peak during the first three days of March 1933 following the failure of an estimated 4,000 banks so far that year. As one of his first official acts, President Roosevelt proclaimed a nationwide bank holiday beginning on March 6, 1933, which lasted four days. The financial system was on the verge of collapse, and both the manufacturing and agricultural sectors were operating at a fraction of capacity. Administration officials quickly began to draft legislation designed to resolve the banking crisis."

It wasn't a depression until Roosevelt became president.


Regarding these bank failures here are a few other interesting facts:

"The national averages obscure the considerable regional and urban/rural variation. Figure 2 highlights the disproportionate share of rural bank failures: of the 5712 bank suspensions during the 1920s, 4515 (79%) occurred in towns of less than 2500 population."

The reason for the failure of these small banks is understandable:

"O. M. W. Sprague, professor of banking and finance at Harvard, testified before the House Committee on Banking and Currency in 1930 that the great majority of banks failed because they were unable to withstand the stress exerted by the persistence of unprofitable prices for the products of agriculture and animal husbandry -- stress that was particularly severe because it was experienced after years of a bounding prosperity and extreme appreciation in value of farm property, and a large increase in the number of farms mortgaged and the amount of mortgage indebtedness."

"Whether agriculture was depressed in the twenties is still debated; it depends on one's standards. If the late teens are used as the base, then agricultural income in the twenties was depressed, but if one compares agricultural income or its growth with the pre-war period, then conditions in the twenties appear normal. Our view is that there was no general agricultural depression, and that the majority of farmers fared well in the twenties."

Structural Causes of Rural Bank Failures in the | Cliometrics Society

What was the unemployment rate in 1940 then?

You are a source of never ending humor kid.
You can't get around what Morgenthau said, I know you feel you need to, but you can't.
HE was not only there, HE was instrumental in the implementation of the policies. HE said they didn't work.
I'm sorry, I know it stings a bit but there you have it.
Actually, it is pretty easy to get around what Morgenthau said when you read the quote in the context of the entirety of his comments at the meeting where he made them and the subsequent responses of those in attendance.


Unlike you, I am able to provide real sources instead of cherry picking and relying on partisan and controversial sources.
This is raw data, a copy of Morgenthau's actual diary and his recollections of the meeting where the quote in question was made. Boring to read, but it shows how distorted and twisted you have presented his quote.

So....we agree that Morgenthau said exactly what I said he did, and that you remain a liar?

I never said the quote was not made or inaccurate, I said you were distorting it and taking it out of context and anyone who chooses to check the link I provided backs up my analysis and conclusion. All they have to do is read it instead of the cherry picked portion you provided. The minutes of the entire meeting are even more revealing but a much longer read.
Can you imagine how differently you'd post if you actually knew anything.

Yes, you know so much, but just like Dale, all the stuff you know is crazy bullshit.

Interesting definition you Liberals have of 'education.'

I would have provided your quote....but I never use vulgarity.

Your posts are vulgarity.

As a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to educate a Liberal....here is your vocabulary lesson:

making explicit and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions; coarse and rude.

If course....I never do so.

So....do not make the mistake you've made in this post, ever again.

And...do try to use language with the same precision that I do.


You're so dishonest till you won't even give the entire definition.
  1. lacking sophistication or good taste; unrefined.
    "the vulgar trappings of wealth"
    synonyms: tasteless, crass, tawdry, ostentatious, flamboyant, overdone, showy, gaudy, garish,brassy, kitsch, kitschy, tinselly, loud; More

Stop lying.

This is the meaning one implies when claiming vulgarity:

"making explicit and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions; coarse and rude."

That's the colloquial meaning.

  1. (of language) used in ordinary or familiar conversation; not formal or literary.
    synonyms: informal, conversational, everyday, nonliterary; More
    Now I've taught you two words.....more than you learned throughout your government schooling.
You are a source of never ending humor kid.
You can't get around what Morgenthau said, I know you feel you need to, but you can't.
HE was not only there, HE was instrumental in the implementation of the policies. HE said they didn't work.
I'm sorry, I know it stings a bit but there you have it.
Actually, it is pretty easy to get around what Morgenthau said when you read the quote in the context of the entirety of his comments at the meeting where he made them and the subsequent responses of those in attendance.


Unlike you, I am able to provide real sources instead of cherry picking and relying on partisan and controversial sources.
This is raw data, a copy of Morgenthau's actual diary and his recollections of the meeting where the quote in question was made. Boring to read, but it shows how distorted and twisted you have presented his quote.

So....we agree that Morgenthau said exactly what I said he did, and that you remain a liar?

I never said the quote was not made or inaccurate, I said you were distorting it and taking it out of context and anyone who chooses to check the link I provided backs up my analysis and conclusion. All they have to do is read it instead of the cherry picked portion you provided. The minutes of the entire meeting are even more revealing but a much longer read.

You just lied again....it was perfectly within context.

  1. the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed.

He said what he meant.

" “We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong…somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises…I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started…And an enormous debt to boot!”

Morgenthau Diary, May 9, 1939, Franklin Roosevelt Presidential Library

And what he meant was that the New Deal...Roosevelt....was an unmitigated failure.

As are you.
Yes, you know so much, but just like Dale, all the stuff you know is crazy bullshit.

Interesting definition you Liberals have of 'education.'

I would have provided your quote....but I never use vulgarity.

Your posts are vulgarity.

As a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to educate a Liberal....here is your vocabulary lesson:

making explicit and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions; coarse and rude.

If course....I never do so.

So....do not make the mistake you've made in this post, ever again.

And...do try to use language with the same precision that I do.


You're so dishonest till you won't even give the entire definition.
  1. lacking sophistication or good taste; unrefined.
    "the vulgar trappings of wealth"
    synonyms: tasteless, crass, tawdry, ostentatious, flamboyant, overdone, showy, gaudy, garish,brassy, kitsch, kitschy, tinselly, loud; More

Stop lying.

This is the meaning one implies when claiming vulgarity:

"making explicit and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions; coarse and rude."

That's the colloquial meaning.

  1. (of language) used in ordinary or familiar conversation; not formal or literary.
    synonyms: informal, conversational, everyday, nonliterary; More
    Now I've taught you two words.....more than you learned throughout your government schooling.

You intentionally deleted the definition and portrayed one example as if it were the only definition. You are a coward and a liar.
Interesting definition you Liberals have of 'education.'

I would have provided your quote....but I never use vulgarity.

Your posts are vulgarity.

As a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to educate a Liberal....here is your vocabulary lesson:

making explicit and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions; coarse and rude.

If course....I never do so.

So....do not make the mistake you've made in this post, ever again.

And...do try to use language with the same precision that I do.


You're so dishonest till you won't even give the entire definition.
  1. lacking sophistication or good taste; unrefined.
    "the vulgar trappings of wealth"
    synonyms: tasteless, crass, tawdry, ostentatious, flamboyant, overdone, showy, gaudy, garish,brassy, kitsch, kitschy, tinselly, loud; More

Stop lying.

This is the meaning one implies when claiming vulgarity:

"making explicit and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions; coarse and rude."

That's the colloquial meaning.

  1. (of language) used in ordinary or familiar conversation; not formal or literary.
    synonyms: informal, conversational, everyday, nonliterary; More
    Now I've taught you two words.....more than you learned throughout your government schooling.

You intentionally deleted the definition and portrayed one example as if it were the only definition. You are a coward and a liar.

It is the only definition implied by the slur.

So....you are now retracting it...as it clearly is false.

Amazing how I have to teach you Liberals English as well as history, politics and economics.

Say thank you.

Your posts are vulgarity.

As a conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to educate a Liberal....here is your vocabulary lesson:

making explicit and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions; coarse and rude.

If course....I never do so.

So....do not make the mistake you've made in this post, ever again.

And...do try to use language with the same precision that I do.


You're so dishonest till you won't even give the entire definition.
  1. lacking sophistication or good taste; unrefined.
    "the vulgar trappings of wealth"
    synonyms: tasteless, crass, tawdry, ostentatious, flamboyant, overdone, showy, gaudy, garish,brassy, kitsch, kitschy, tinselly, loud; More

Stop lying.

This is the meaning one implies when claiming vulgarity:

"making explicit and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions; coarse and rude."

That's the colloquial meaning.

  1. (of language) used in ordinary or familiar conversation; not formal or literary.
    synonyms: informal, conversational, everyday, nonliterary; More
    Now I've taught you two words.....more than you learned throughout your government schooling.

You intentionally deleted the definition and portrayed one example as if it were the only definition. You are a coward and a liar.

It is the only definition implied by the slur.

So....you are now retracting it...as it clearly is false.

Amazing how I have to teach you Liberals English as well as history, politics and economics.

Say thank you.


BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT. You said stupid crap, and then tried to produce your own personal definition, to misdirect from your bullshit. You are a coward and a liar.
LOL, not the point now is it? I know that you are trying to deflect but that does 't work with me.

"I say after eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started"

What was the unemployment rate in 1940 then?

You are a source of never ending humor kid.
You can't get around what Morgenthau said, I know you feel you need to, but you can't.
HE was not only there, HE was instrumental in the implementation of the policies. HE said they didn't work.
I'm sorry, I know it stings a bit but there you have it.
Actually, it is pretty easy to get around what Morgenthau said when you read the quote in the context of the entirety of his comments at the meeting where he made them and the subsequent responses of those in attendance.


Unlike you, I am able to provide real sources instead of cherry picking and relying on partisan and controversial sources.
This is raw data, a copy of Morgenthau's actual diary and his recollections of the meeting where the quote in question was made. Boring to read, but it shows how distorted and twisted you have presented his quote.

I am used o people like you thinking others are as lazy as you are, your mistake here is ascribing that laziness to me ;)
Here is the quote in question son...


Now here is the paragraph AFTER it....




So you see as usual I've got you talking out of your ass again.
You are dismissed son.
What was the unemployment rate in 1940 then?

You are a source of never ending humor kid.
You can't get around what Morgenthau said, I know you feel you need to, but you can't.
HE was not only there, HE was instrumental in the implementation of the policies. HE said they didn't work.
I'm sorry, I know it stings a bit but there you have it.
Actually, it is pretty easy to get around what Morgenthau said when you read the quote in the context of the entirety of his comments at the meeting where he made them and the subsequent responses of those in attendance.


Unlike you, I am able to provide real sources instead of cherry picking and relying on partisan and controversial sources.
This is raw data, a copy of Morgenthau's actual diary and his recollections of the meeting where the quote in question was made. Boring to read, but it shows how distorted and twisted you have presented his quote.

I am used o people like you thinking others are as lazy as you are, your mistake here is ascribing that laziness to me ;)
Here is the quote in question son...

"View attachment 94388

Now here is the paragraph AFTER it....

View attachment 94389


View attachment 94390

So you see as usual I've got you talking out of your ass again.
You are dismissed son.

Keep digging.

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