Hickenlooper blows it in CA, gets booed

The economy was doing fine for six years under Bush and then the CRA chickens came home to roost.

You asshole Liberals need to understand that your stupid idea of having the filthy government interfere in the free market will always lead to disaster. In this case it was the free market of lending and when the asshole Democrats championed a bill that they thought would make home owners of Negroes and almost tanked our economy.

The economy was good under Bush? Did you miss the 2001 and 2008 recessions? Bush had maybe three good years in there 2004 - 2006.

The Free Market was the problem in 2008. Left to their own devices, the bankers got rich and the rest of us got a lot poorer.

The free market in home loans would never let someone with no job and a 450 credit score get a mortgage. Congress made that happen.
No Moon Bat you are once again confused. You live in a state of confusion. You are confused about a great many things, aren't you? No wonder you vote for these stupid Democrats. You can't help yourself..

The CRA had the Federal government putting pressure on lenders to give credit to people that normally would not have qualified. It was done for the demented Liberal idea to make homeowners out of ghetto trash. One more of Carter's failed policies.

Actually, the CRA did just fine. One of the great accomplishments that Reagan took credit for in the 1980's is the establishment of a black "Middle Class". The CRA was a major contributor to that.

The hilarious thing is you are sticking up for banksters who would take everything you owned if you got an opportunity.

Firstly, stating that you've worked in Government and the Private Sector doesn't make or reinforce your argument, that's an appeal to authority. Supposedly having that experience is supposed to give you the components to construct your argument, not make the argument. I'm amazed that so many people don't understand logical fallacies.

No, dummy, it means that I've actually gotten out of the basement and done stuff, unlike you who lives in someone's basement wanking off to Hentai.

Just because you don't believe the Government is keeping secrets from you, despite the fact they literally have files we're not allowed to view, doesn't make me crazy. Pretty sure that kind of blind religious faith makes YOU crazy, by your own definition.

I'm sure the government keeps all sorts of secrets from me... and I'm kind of fine with that. If I don't need to know, I make sure no one tells me. But when you Sandy Hook nuts try to claim that the government staged and elaborate hoax for... um reasons, and the NRA was in on it, that's just.. silly.

Making Dale Smith seem sane isn't an accomplishment.

Just because you're not willing to accept that the NRA flat-out helps write and lobby for gun legislation, doesn't mean I'm crazy for acknowledging it. Say, Joe, what happens every time the Government threatens to further monopolize guns? Oh wait, the Republican Party Voters give the NRA donations, because they're treated like a boogie man. It's almost like the whole thing is a scam.

Uh, yeah, the gun lobby writes legislation to make it easy for people to get guns, when most of us think it should be HARD to get a gun. The thing is, the government isn't monopolizing guns. They are justmaking half-assed efforts to keep them out of the hands of crazies like most of the NRA membership.

Secondly, if it weren't for Government subsidizing businesses in the first place, those businesses which are making bad decisions would have gone under, and if it weren't for Government making so much red tape to keep competitors out of the Market, they'd be replaced with more competition with better products and services.

Horseshit. Government regulation protects consumers. The problem is, the banks spend a lot of money watering down legislation as much as they can. Banking SHOULD be boring. After the 1929 Depression, we wrote a bunch of very sensible laws to keep the banks from doing what they did. Yes, the banks were insured, but they were also regulated.

Kind of like any other sensible insurance plan. You don't take unnecessary risks.

The problem was that from 1980 onwards, the GOP has worked very hard to undo those regulations, and 1990 and 2008 were the results.

You are confused Moon Bat. You are like these stupid Libtards that refuses to take responsibility for screwed up Liberal polices. It is the denial bullshit we see out of you assholes all the time.

The Libtard Democrats came up with a stupid policy to use the Federal government to pressure lenders into giving credit to people that normally couldn't qualify. They wanted the filthy ass ghetto Blacks to be able to live in a house instead of typical ghetto tenement buildings. Blacks are the special interest group for the Democrats. The Democrats kiss their ass all the time, even when it is the wrong thing for the country to do.

That almost free credit to buy homes crashed the economy when too many people didn't pay their mortgage. Then Obama bailed out the lenders with our taxpayer's money.

Yes the CRA was the cause of the crash. The Democrats were responsible. The Democrats never get anything right.

You can do your stupid Liberal denial all you want but we all know it was the Democrats that fucked this country.
Yes the CRA was the cause of the crash. The Democrats were responsible. The Democrats never get anything right.
Okay, tell me:
  1. How did the CRA force the banks to create shitty, opaque CMOs and the even more hideous CDOs?
  2. How did the CRA force mortgage companies to sell shit mortgages to the banks to be put in those CMO's, often by the very next day?
  3. How did the CRA force the ratings agencies to slap AAA (TREASURY-level) ratings on those shit securities, making them highly attractive to buy?
  4. How did the CRA force mortgage companies to write no-doc loans with insane balloons, knowing they'd be sold off in 12 hours to a shit CMO at NO risk?
  5. How did the CRA force the banks to threaten the ratings agencies with lost business if they didn't give them AAA ratings on shit securities?
  6. How did the CRA force Alan Greenspan to REFUSE to regulate derivatives while CFTC Chairwoman Brooksley Borns was BEGGING him to?
  7. How did the CRA force the banks to drop their standards to the ground when they needed more shit CMO's and CDO's to SELL OFF for huge fees?
  8. How did the CRA force the banks to SHORT the VERY SAME shit securities they were selling to their CLIENTS, WHILE the whole thing was collapsing?
  9. How did the CRA force GS & John Paulson to create shit CMO's that were SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to FAIL so they could buy swaps on them, making Paulson a cool $2 BILLION?
  10. How did the CRA force AIG to write zillions in credit default swaps with ZERO reserves to back them up, since that kind of obvious regulation would be "socialism"?
Go ahead. Show us how much you know. I've numbered 'em for you so you can real specific.

And Pumpkin Row, you're welcome to provide REAL ANSWERS with SPECIFICS for a change, if you'd like.

Take your time. Write it all out. Educate us. Knock it out of the park for us. I could use a good ass kicking.
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The Libtard Democrats came up with a stupid policy to use the Federal government to pressure lenders into giving credit to people that normally couldn't qualify. They wanted the filthy ass ghetto Blacks to be able to live in a house instead of typical ghetto tenement buildings. Blacks are the special interest group for the Democrats. The Democrats kiss their ass all the time, even when it is the wrong thing for the country to do.

That almost free credit to buy homes crashed the economy when too many people didn't pay their mortgage. Then Obama bailed out the lenders with our taxpayer's money.

The problem with your position is that even the Banking Industry didn't blame the CRA for the meltdown.

Not that I think you can be educated...

Low-income loans didn't cause the financial crisis

However, the new evidence from Manuel Adelino of the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, Antoinette Schoar of the MIT Sloan School of Management and Felipe Severino of the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth undermines this story. In their paper, "Changes in Buyer Composition and theExpansion of Credit During the Boom," the researchers found:

"While there was a rapid expansion in overall mortgage origination during this time period, the fraction of new mortgage dollars going to each income group was stable. In other words, the poor did not represent a higher fraction of the mortgage loans originated over the period. In addition, borrowers in the middle and top of the distribution are the ones that contributed most significantly to the increase in mortgages in default after 2007. Taken together, the evidence in the paper suggests that there was no decoupling of mortgage growth from income growth where unsustainable credit was flowing disproportionally to poor people."

Lots of previous evidence supports this conclusion. For example, the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission established by Congress concluded:

"...the CRA was not a significant factor in subprime lending or the crisis. Many subprime lenders were not subject to the CRA. Research indicates only 6% of high-cost loans -- a proxy for subprime loans -- had any connection to the law. Loans made by CRA-regulated lenders in the neighborhoods in which they were required to lend were half as likely to default as similar loans made in the same neighborhoods by independent mortgage originators not subject to the law."
Yes the CRA was the cause of the crash. The Democrats were responsible. The Democrats never get anything right.
Okay, tell me:
  1. How did the CRA force the banks to create shitty, opaque CMOs and the even more hideous CDOs?
  2. How did the CRA force mortgage companies to sell shit mortgages to the banks to be put in those CMO's, often by the very next day?
  3. How did the CRA force the ratings agencies to slap AAA (Treasury-level) ratings on those shit securities, making them highly attractive to buy?
  4. How did the CRA force mortgage companies to write no-doc loans with insane balloons, knowing they'd be sold off in 12 hours to a shit CMO?
  5. How did the CRA force the banks to threaten the ratings agencies with lost business if they didn't give them AAA ratings on shit securities?
  6. How did the CRA force Alan Greenspan to REFUSE to regulate derivatives while CFTC Chairwoman Brooksley Borns was BEGGING him to?
  7. How did the CRA force the banks to drop their standards to the ground when they needed more shit CMO's and CDO's to SELL OFF for huge fees?
  8. How did the CRA force the banks to SHORT the VERY SAME shit securities they were selling to their clients WHILE the whole thing was collapsing?
  9. How did the CRA force GS & John Paulson to create shit CMO's that were SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to fail so they could buy swaps on them, making Paulson a cool $2 BILLION?
  10. How did the CRA force AIG to write zillions in credit default swaps with ZERO reserves to back them up, since that kind of obvious regulation would be "socialism"?
Go ahead. Show us how much you know. I've numbered 'em for you so you can real specific.

And Pumpkin Row, you're welcome to provide REAL ANSWERS with SPECIFICS for a change, if you'd like.

Knock it out of the park for us.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The CRA put pressure on lenders to give credit to people that normally would would not quality and when they didn't pay their mortgage the market collapse.
What part of that don't you understand?

You can dance around that all you want and you can go into your Moon Bat denial but the facts are pretty simple in this case. The Democrats created a stupid policy that almost destroyed the economy. They are responsible.

The American people were idiots in 2006 electing a filthy Democrat controlled Congress with shitheads in it like Barney Queerboy, Tits Pelosi, Dirty Harry and that worthless Neggra Senator from Illinois. Those morons allowed the housing market to fail because they didn't have the courage to put an end to the CRA. Hell, Barney Queerboy was taking money from the lenders.

The Demcrats own the CRA and the CRA is the cause of the housing failure.

Stop doing your typical stupid Moon Bat denial. It just makes you look like a fool.
Yes the CRA was the cause of the crash. The Democrats were responsible. The Democrats never get anything right.
Okay, tell me:
  1. How did the CRA force the banks to create shitty, opaque CMOs and the even more hideous CDOs?
  2. How did the CRA force mortgage companies to sell shit mortgages to the banks to be put in those CMO's, often by the very next day?
  3. How did the CRA force the ratings agencies to slap AAA (Treasury-level) ratings on those shit securities, making them highly attractive to buy?
  4. How did the CRA force mortgage companies to write no-doc loans with insane balloons, knowing they'd be sold off in 12 hours to a shit CMO?
  5. How did the CRA force the banks to threaten the ratings agencies with lost business if they didn't give them AAA ratings on shit securities?
  6. How did the CRA force Alan Greenspan to REFUSE to regulate derivatives while CFTC Chairwoman Brooksley Borns was BEGGING him to?
  7. How did the CRA force the banks to drop their standards to the ground when they needed more shit CMO's and CDO's to SELL OFF for huge fees?
  8. How did the CRA force the banks to SHORT the VERY SAME shit securities they were selling to their clients WHILE the whole thing was collapsing?
  9. How did the CRA force GS & John Paulson to create shit CMO's that were SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED to fail so they could buy swaps on them, making Paulson a cool $2 BILLION?
  10. How did the CRA force AIG to write zillions in credit default swaps with ZERO reserves to back them up, since that kind of obvious regulation would be "socialism"?
Go ahead. Show us how much you know. I've numbered 'em for you so you can real specific.

And Pumpkin Row, you're welcome to provide REAL ANSWERS with SPECIFICS for a change, if you'd like.

Knock it out of the park for us.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The CRA put pressure on lenders to give credit to people that normally would would not quality and when they didn't pay their mortgage the market collapse.
What part of that don't you understand?

You can dance around that all you want and you can go into your Moon Bat denial but the facts are pretty simple in this case. The Democrats created a stupid policy that almost destroyed the economy. They are responsible.

The American people were idiots in 2006 electing a filthy Democrat controlled Congress with shitheads in it like Barney Queerboy, Tits Pelosi, Dirty Harry and that worthless Neggra Senator from Illinois. Those morons allowed the housing market to fail because they didn't have the courage to put an end to the CRA. Hell, Barney Queerboy was taking money from the lenders.

The Demcrats own the CRA and the CRA is the cause of the housing failure.

Stop doing your typical stupid moon Bat denial. It just makes you look like a fool.
That's it?

That's the best you can do?

Well, I'm not surprised.
Use the government to put pressure on lenders to give credit to people that normally wouldn't qualify and then promise them that if the people didn't pay the government would cover the losses with bailouts. What could possibly go wrong?
The same stupid Moon Bats that will swear up and down that Obama was a wonderful President and deny his massive failures are the same yahoos that will claim that the Democrat sponsored CRA was not responsible for the housing failure.

They are always in denial about the damage done by the Party of Moon Bats.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The CRA put pressure on lenders to give credit to people that normally would would not quality and when they didn't pay their mortgage the market collapse.
What part of that don't you understand?

Then why can't you answer his questions... AIG was not making CRA loans....

This is why we don't have any respect for you stupid Moon Bats. You always go into your denial mode when Liberal polices fail.

You assholes knew it was the Democrat CRA that cause the economy bust in 2008 and you shitheads controlled Congress but being the partisan assholes you are you came up with some stupid idea to blame Bush.

You did not take responsibility for your failures.

You Moon Bats don't understand Ethics any more than you understand Economics, Climate Science, Biology, History or the Constitution.

Democrats have always been a disaster for this country. The idiotic idea of using the government to require lenders to give credit to people that normally wouldn't qualify was a real stupid idea and it almost destroyed our economy.

What other brilliant ideas do you Moon Bats have? Raise taxes? Green New Deal? Open the borders? Take away our Constitutional rights? All those Democrat Presidential candidates are running on a platform to do all those things.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The CRA put pressure on lenders to give credit to people that normally would would not quality and when they didn't pay their mortgage the market collapse.
What part of that don't you understand?

Then why can't you answer his questions... AIG was not making CRA loans....

This is why we don't have any respect for you stupid Moon Bats. You always go into your denial mode when Liberal polices fail.

You assholes knew it was the Democrat CRA that cause the economy bust in 2008 and you shitheads controlled Congress but being the partisan assholes you are you came up with some stupid idea to blame Bush.

You did not take responsibility for your failures.

You Moon Bats don't understand Ethics any more than you understand Economics, Climate Science, Biology, History or the Constitution.

Democrats have always been a disaster for this country. The idiotic idea of using the government to require lenders to give credit to people that normally wouldn't qualify was a real stupid idea and it almost destroyed our economy.

What other brilliant ideas do you Moon Bats have? Raise taxes? Green New Deal? Open the borders? Take away our Constitutional rights? All those Democrat Presidential candidates are running on a platform to do all those things.
Lots of name-calling and talk radio talking points, and not one (1) answer to the 10 specific answers I posed in post 125.

Talk radio is lying to you. You truly don't know what happened, even though there is a TON of information out there on this.

That's willful ignorance, and that's what talk radio has done to you.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The CRA put pressure on lenders to give credit to people that normally would would not quality and when they didn't pay their mortgage the market collapse.
What part of that don't you understand?

Then why can't you answer his questions... AIG was not making CRA loans....

This is why we don't have any respect for you stupid Moon Bats. You always go into your denial mode when Liberal polices fail.

You assholes knew it was the Democrat CRA that cause the economy bust in 2008 and you shitheads controlled Congress but being the partisan assholes you are you came up with some stupid idea to blame Bush.

You did not take responsibility for your failures.

You Moon Bats don't understand Ethics any more than you understand Economics, Climate Science, Biology, History or the Constitution.

Democrats have always been a disaster for this country. The idiotic idea of using the government to require lenders to give credit to people that normally wouldn't qualify was a real stupid idea and it almost destroyed our economy.

What other brilliant ideas do you Moon Bats have? Raise taxes? Green New Deal? Open the borders? Take away our Constitutional rights? All those Democrat Presidential candidates are running on a platform to do all those things.
Lots of name-calling and talk radio talking points, and not one (1) answer to the 10 specific answers I posed in post 125.

Talk radio is lying to you. You truly don't know what happened, even though there is a TON of information out there on this.

That's willful ignorance, and that's what talk radio has done to you.
Says a Hillary voter.

I LIVED thru the Clinton/Reno years. I remember the threats of the Attorney General. They did what they did for POLITICS. The nearly destroyed the country.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The CRA put pressure on lenders to give credit to people that normally would would not quality and when they didn't pay their mortgage the market collapse.
What part of that don't you understand?

Then why can't you answer his questions... AIG was not making CRA loans....

This is why we don't have any respect for you stupid Moon Bats. You always go into your denial mode when Liberal polices fail.

You assholes knew it was the Democrat CRA that cause the economy bust in 2008 and you shitheads controlled Congress but being the partisan assholes you are you came up with some stupid idea to blame Bush.

You did not take responsibility for your failures.

You Moon Bats don't understand Ethics any more than you understand Economics, Climate Science, Biology, History or the Constitution.

Democrats have always been a disaster for this country. The idiotic idea of using the government to require lenders to give credit to people that normally wouldn't qualify was a real stupid idea and it almost destroyed our economy.

What other brilliant ideas do you Moon Bats have? Raise taxes? Green New Deal? Open the borders? Take away our Constitutional rights? All those Democrat Presidential candidates are running on a platform to do all those things.
Lots of name-calling and talk radio talking points, and not one (1) answer to the 10 specific answers I posed in post 125.

Talk radio is lying to you. You truly don't know what happened, even though there is a TON of information out there on this.

That's willful ignorance, and that's what talk radio has done to you.
Says a Hillary voter.
You're invited to answer the ten questions in post 125, too.

Show us how much you know.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The CRA put pressure on lenders to give credit to people that normally would would not quality and when they didn't pay their mortgage the market collapse.
What part of that don't you understand?

Then why can't you answer his questions... AIG was not making CRA loans....

This is why we don't have any respect for you stupid Moon Bats. You always go into your denial mode when Liberal polices fail.

You assholes knew it was the Democrat CRA that cause the economy bust in 2008 and you shitheads controlled Congress but being the partisan assholes you are you came up with some stupid idea to blame Bush.

You did not take responsibility for your failures.

You Moon Bats don't understand Ethics any more than you understand Economics, Climate Science, Biology, History or the Constitution.

Democrats have always been a disaster for this country. The idiotic idea of using the government to require lenders to give credit to people that normally wouldn't qualify was a real stupid idea and it almost destroyed our economy.

What other brilliant ideas do you Moon Bats have? Raise taxes? Green New Deal? Open the borders? Take away our Constitutional rights? All those Democrat Presidential candidates are running on a platform to do all those things.
Lots of name-calling and talk radio talking points, and not one (1) answer to the 10 specific answers I posed in post 125.

Talk radio is lying to you. You truly don't know what happened, even though there is a TON of information out there on this.

That's willful ignorance, and that's what talk radio has done to you.

The questions are not relevant because the cold hard fact that you are denying is that a Democrat sponsored program to put pressure on lenders give credit to people that normally would not have qualified fucked up the economy. Terrible idea. No wonder it went bad.

Instead of trying to be cute with stupid non relevant questions of the deniers then you need to pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass and take responsibility for being a stupid Moon Bat.

Democrats are always a disaster for this country. The CRA is the poster child for Democrat stupidity.

The Democrats got the Neggras to vote for them by getting them credit but that fucked up the rest of the country big time.

Kind of like that filthy Obamacare gave subsidies to some welfare queens but fucked up health care for the rest of us.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The CRA put pressure on lenders to give credit to people that normally would would not quality and when they didn't pay their mortgage the market collapse.
What part of that don't you understand?

Then why can't you answer his questions... AIG was not making CRA loans....

This is why we don't have any respect for you stupid Moon Bats. You always go into your denial mode when Liberal polices fail.

You assholes knew it was the Democrat CRA that cause the economy bust in 2008 and you shitheads controlled Congress but being the partisan assholes you are you came up with some stupid idea to blame Bush.

You did not take responsibility for your failures.

You Moon Bats don't understand Ethics any more than you understand Economics, Climate Science, Biology, History or the Constitution.

Democrats have always been a disaster for this country. The idiotic idea of using the government to require lenders to give credit to people that normally wouldn't qualify was a real stupid idea and it almost destroyed our economy.

What other brilliant ideas do you Moon Bats have? Raise taxes? Green New Deal? Open the borders? Take away our Constitutional rights? All those Democrat Presidential candidates are running on a platform to do all those things.
Lots of name-calling and talk radio talking points, and not one (1) answer to the 10 specific answers I posed in post 125.

Talk radio is lying to you. You truly don't know what happened, even though there is a TON of information out there on this.

That's willful ignorance, and that's what talk radio has done to you.

The questions are not relevant because the cold hard fact that you are denying is that a Democrat sponsored program to put pressure on lenders give credit to people that normally would not have qualified fucked up the economy. Terrible idea. No wonder it went bad.

Instead of trying to be cute with stupid non relevant questions of the deniers then you need to pull your head out of your Moon Bat ass and take responsibility for being a stupid Moon Bat.

Democrats are always a disaster for this country. The CRA is the poster child for Democrat stupidity.

The Democrats got the Neggras to vote for them by getting them credit but that fucked up the rest of the country big time.

Kind of like that filthy Obamacare gave subsidies to some welfare queens but fucked up health care for the rest of us.
Wow, that's some great, high-level, Trump-quality stuff there. Well done.

You don't even understand what the "M" in CMO stands for. That's the basis of the whole thing.

Okay, does anyone else want to give it a try? The best this one can do is flail and spit.
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Interesting article:

The Roots of the Crisis

Throughout the 1990s and the early years of this century, both major political parties became intoxicated with the idea of promoting "affordable" housing. By the time the crisis blew up, Congress was mandating that roughly 50 percent of the mortgages issued by Fannie and Freddie go to households making below their area's median income.

Anatomy of a Breakdown

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