Hi, my name's Paul Ryan and I want my junk back

Hi,my name's Paul Ryan, and it's OK for the Donald to keep my cck amd balls so long as he signs the free trade, supply side tax cuts and more spending bills I pass.
"Donald trump is a textbook racist. Now get out there and support the nominee!"

I thought Ryan was a refreshing reasoned voice as the speaker. I was disappointed
"Donald trump is a textbook racist. Now get out there and support the nominee!"

I thought Ryan was a refreshing reasoned voice as the speaker. I was disappointed
Me too. He was my first choice for potus. I'd rather vote for Lindsey Graham now. And I admire Mitt more and more
There is no defense of Trump.... or Paul Ryan.

Paul Ryan, since replacing crybaby Boehner, has done what???


No spending cuts
No investigations into Obama allowed to come to fruition
No replacement of Boehner appointed committee chairs


Paul Ryan is a disaster. So are Hillary and Trump.

I'm not crazy about Gary Johnson, but he's the most benign
Ryan's mantra is unify the party. That sounds good, but it isn't really saying anything. Of course, we can't expect Ryan or any other politician to admit that Trump's remark about the judge has nothing to do with racism but everything to do with politics.

It's easier to tsk tsk Trump for saying it, than it is to acknowledge that many judges allow their own political "unity" to sway their decisions from the bench.

I'm not sure about Ryan's testicles but I am sure that he is just another whore politician most concerned with preserving his own postion.
Let me remind you folks. It never seems to be what Trump says. It always seems to be what everyone says about what Trump says that is repeated over and over.

Paul Ryan represents why Washington is corrupt, yet you feel he's being honest about what Trump meant.
So it appears that what Trump critics say drowns out what Trump said in the first place.

Look, stop listening to those who want to help Hillary and start using your own grey matter.
What Trump said is just an example of what Democrats have been saying all along. This is a racist country. Nobody should be allowed to abuse their position of authority because of their race.

This judge went out of his way to identify with his Latino heritage by joining race-based organizations.

If he was a member of the John Birch Society, could he get away with it? No.
If he was a member of a white only lawyers association, wouldn't it appear like he was a racist? Yes.
Do you feel this activist judge, who was appointed by Barack Obama, can be fair and impartial in a trial involving Donald Trump?

Stop listening to these establishment assholes people.
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