Hey, Cartel bosses! Biden commutes sentences of Drug offenders in certain states!

Not only that. Even though slinging dope isn't violent in and of itself- junkies often commit crimes, sometimes quite violent to get the money to feed their habits.
They do lie and steal, but the crimes are all for money. A $100 shot isn't something that you want to spend your hard earned money on. All I'm saying is that violence and junkies don't belong in the same sentence. That would be extremely rare.
Yep. C'mon Man has given his Drug Cartel killers of 300 people a day "justice!!!" I always thought Biden was pitching for the Drug misery on the American people Foreigners who poison our youth with gruesome fentanyl deaths. We're now seeing 300 drug users per diem dropping dead from the poison from evil Drug people in Mexico and China. Now he's going after parents in mourning to let their child's killers go free. I wonder if Bill Barr thinks he's the only person suffering from what he said was "one damn thing after another."

"Those whose sentences were commuted included men and women convicted of drug possession in Iowa, Indiana, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Hawaii and Texas, and they will all finish serving time June 30. If any are in prison, they will finish out their terms in home confinement, and won't have to pay the rest of their fines which range from $5,000 to $20,000."​
The people whose sentences Biden commuted would not be serving time under the present laws. They were non-violent.

They were not "Drug Cartel killers", moron. Don't be such a dipshit.
The people whose sentences Biden commuted would not be serving time under the present laws. They were non-violent.

They were not "Drug Cartel killers", moron. Don't be such a dipshit.
Namecallers who use invectives earn themselves a little vacation by way of my ignore list. Invectives encourge taboo discourse in politics, and it's wrong of those who use namecalling with invectives in debate, and your personal invective is the worst form of debate board fail since it is hatespeak. Sayonara.
Sleepy Joe is also commuting the fines that these dope pushers were ordered to pay.

Compare and contrast what other world leaders, like Presidente Bukele is doing in the tremendous nation of El Salvador.

Do you think somebody from a foreign country is funding his next run for President? According to Biden on that viral video a few years back, he got one billion dollars loaded on Air Force Two his last year as Vice President. He said he threatened the Ukraine's top cop with a cancelled Foreign Aid Package if they didn't put one billion dollars in cash on Air Force 2 in less than 6 hours. He was addressing a group of men in suits when he delivered this bragging business that anywhere else would be called criminal extortion, not a brilliant point of persuasion that violates the United States Constitution every which way except the truth. I wonder how many paid-for sycophants got rich stuffing ballot boxes with phoney votes in 20 Democrat states in the 2020 election. And I wonder how many more got rich getting rid of that viral video off the face of the internet that makes him look like a conniving, arrogant, corrupt dirty politician? His bragging did it to himself. :cranky:

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