Here's one for the Conspiracy theorists


Jul 20, 2014
Here's a conspiracy..

The Government has an interest to have the disabled working, sure.... but only to a certain point.
It has no interest in having the disabled earn more than minimum wage, for two reasons.

1. If you work, the government don't have to pay you, and if it don't have to, you damn well better know that it wont pay.

2. Working for minimum wage You'll be too poor to live around them, and join them in their lifestyle, and possibly cross paths, so they don't have to hear from ya.

So by having the disabled work for minimum wage, they kill two birds with 1 stone..
They get to not pay them social security benefits, and they keep them poor.

That's how much the government cares about the disabled.

The Government has an interest in only some people not smoking... those are its dignitaries.
Its politicians, Its soldiers, Its police, and its many eyes and ears and hatchetmen.

And you'll be surprised at just who their hatchetmen really are.

The Government wants everybody else to smoke.

why ?

Because cigarettes are their cash cow, a cash cow that they collect from regardless of who it is that is smoking.

They don't want their dignitaries smoking, because they know its so bad for you..

They want the disabled and the troubled to smoke until they die, because they know that cigarettes will kill the disabled, and they get to collect taxes from them, without representing them....

They want their dignitaries... to have that $300,000 house in the south, or that $600,000 house in the mid Atlantic states, or that million plus dollar house in New England..

Why ?

Because its a bigger cash cow for the government, and their dignitaries stay healthy.

The Government has an interest in only teaching its top dignitaries..

Its a politician's children, its General's children, its Psychiatrists and Psychologists Children, Its Chief of Police's Children...

Why ?

Because they are the future Axmen for the Government and its agenda.

Sure the school here will take in my kids if I made it into their neighborhood, out of convenience.. it doesn't have an official segregation policy..

But my children would get the brunt of it by the school administrators, and then my kids will be expelled.

Why ?

Because school administrators are agents of the Government and serve its agenda... and that agenda is to keep the rich, rich... the poor poor, and the politicians in power.

There's a conspiracy....... happy ?

So how about if conspiracy theorists shut the fuck up about UFOs and 9/11, Nasa and JFK... and actually do two bits worth of good... and address the real conspiracies that do exist. like ways to not have to have diversity, ways to create generation after generation of dictators, ways for the rich to win, after they occasionally lose, ways to keep a monopoly so that they stay in power ?

You know why there is a monopoly in America's education system ? so that there is nobody to work for you... the government wants a monopoly so that the only teachers that exist, work for them to keep them in power.. just an example of a monopoly.

So when are conspiracy theorists going to address real issues ?

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