Here's a perfect example of the left-leaning bias in the MSM


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
So typical, and the bastards need to be called out! This is just more evidence of what most Americans already know.

If you read the article, the title could just as easily read: "Human Rights Watch: Palestinian militants war crimes apparent in Gaza war"

The TRUTHFUL title should have read something like 'Human Rights Watch: 'War crimes apparent in Israeli/Palestinian conflict'

Human Rights Watch: Israeli war crimes apparent in Gaza war​


JERUSALEM (AP) — Human Rights Watch on Tuesday accused the Israeli military of carrying out attacks that “apparently amount to war crimes” during an 11-day war in May against the Hamas militant group.

The international human rights organization issued its conclusions after investigating three Israeli airstrikes that it said killed 62 Palestinian civilians. It said “there were no evident military targets in the vicinity” of the attacks.

The report also accused Palestinian militants of apparent war crimes by launching over 4,000 unguided rockets and mortars at Israeli population centers. Such attacks, it said, violate “the prohibition against deliberate or indiscriminate attacks against civilians.”
There's no such thing as a "left leaning media" there's only a corporate media.

Corporations are notoriously rightwing.

Please don't waste everyone's time with your claims.
Everyone knows regardless who owns the media outlet, the "journalists" who do the writing and reporting almost without exception lean to the left.
So typical, and the bastards need to be called out! This is just more evidence of what most Americans already know.

If you read the article, the title could just as easily read: "Human Rights Watch: Palestinian militants war crimes apparent in Gaza war"

The TRUTHFUL title should have read something like 'Human Rights Watch: 'War crimes apparent in Israeli/Palestinian conflict'

Human Rights Watch: Israeli war crimes apparent in Gaza war​


You don't need examples, here is proof. Cnn technical director admitting on camera they lied, created a narrative, pushed and agenda and created propaganda to all viewers so they would think and vote the way they wanted them to.

If they did it once of course they will lie constantly and because they are the msm 90% of people won't ever find out because the msm won't report it.
You don't need examples, here is proof. Cnn technical director admitting on camera they lied, created a narrative, pushed and agenda and created propaganda to all viewers so they would think and vote the way they wanted them to.

If they did it once of course they will lie constantly and because they are the msm 90% of people won't ever find out because the msm won't report it.

Yep, good evidence for sure.

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