Here is the President of Mexico pointing the finger at America for the deaths of the 53 migrants.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Just in case you missed it (you may have since our worthless media didn't cover it) here is the President of Mexico thumbing his nose at Joe Biden and blaming the border patrol for the deaths of the 53 migrants smuggled in from HIS COUNTRY. We should bring the hammer down on Mexico. China is using them an illegal drug launch pad and killing 100,000 US citizens every year. Smugglers are bringing in thousands every day. Our government DOES NOTHING.

Just in case you missed it (you may have since our worthless media didn't cover it) here is the President of Mexico thumbing his nose at Joe Biden and blaming the border patrol for the deaths of the 53 migrants smuggled in from HIS COUNTRY. We should bring the hammer down on Mexico. China is using them an illegal drug launch pad and killing 100,000 US citizens every year. Smugglers are bringing in thousands every day. Our government DOES NOTHING.

Lemmie see, Mexico has numerous billionnaires in the top 20 richest people. They have prisoners and pisanos they don't want to support, so they clear jail houses from coast to coast with liberal defunding of the prisons and police after they get rid of all the people they don't want by sending them across the border with the ridiculous idea they're entitled to anything they want to have up north, and how to get it. So unwanted children are sent down and recycled when they bring a family across to live in the land with their "children.: when they get here and get green cards, the children are sent back to mexico to recycle their "skills" to bring their "families" here when they are placed in Biden's cages that he inherited from the Obama administration. And the rewards to politicians up north? Well, some of them have been collecting from foreign aid packages for 47 years, so they now just collect for every burden Mexico wants to pawn off to anybody else who will take them, for a fee they pay to politicians who invite them to hurry come, hurry, come. hurry come.
And the Democrats want to confuse the citizens of America so they can set up a more expedient form of draining the middle class on up of all the money they can raise taxes to cover their pet rock projects, namely their own bank accounts. How else could someone with a $1,000 savings account and an apartment rental convert nothing into a $200,000,000 portfolio that doesn't include offshore account moneys. And we the people they just all consider us "suckers!" :cranky:

Biden's goal is to remove the American dream from those who worked a lifetime to have one, and he wants to tax us good, so he can use that money to buy favors that gets him oh, say 5 mansions worth a hundred million dollars total or more, and a portfolio of tax-free investments on companies the Democrats decided would be their bread and butter some day as their Congress chairs get plushier and plushier, as they help themselves to the losses of those who worked hard to have a little bit of the American dream, now doled out to reward white and ethnic criminals alike who get caught passing bills they printed themselves and vote Democrat. (checked jealously by incrowd precinct chairpersons and their special helpers). I don't think I've quite covered all the graft the Democrats are smearing other people over to keep the onus off the reality of the truth.

The President of Mexico now has a new punchbag toy, thanks to the control they have over the Congress, Senate, and Oval Office puppet. That good old drug money makes a lot of politicians on both sides of the border, very, very, very wealthy. :cranky:
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Lemmie see, Mexico has numerous billionnaires in the top 20 richest people. They have prisoners and pisanos they don't want to support, so they clear jail houses from coast to coast with liberal defunding of the prisons and police after they get rid of all the people they don't want by sending them across the border with the ridiculous idea they're entitled to anything they want to have up north, and how to get it. So unwanted children are sent down and recycled when they bring a family across to live in the land with their "children.: when they get here and get green cards, the children are sent back to mexico to recycle their "skills" to bring their "families" here when they are placed in Biden's cages that he inherited from the Obama administration. And the rewards to politicians up north? Well, some of them have been collecting from foreign aid packages for 47 years, so they now just collect for every burden Mexico wants to pawn off to anybody else who will take them, for a fee they pay to politicians who invite them to hurry come, hurry, come. hurry come.
And the Democrats want to confuse the citizens of America so they can set up a more expedient form of draining the middle class on up of all the money they can raise taxes to cover their pet rock projects, namely their own bank accounts. How else could someone with a $1,000 savings account and an apartment rental convert nothing into a $200,000,000 portfolio that doesn't include offshore account moneys. And we the people they just all consider us "suckers!" :cranky:

Biden's goal is to remove the American dream from those who worked a lifetime to have one, and he wants to tax us good, so he can use that money to buy favors that gets him oh, say 5 mansions worth a hundred million dollars total or more, and a portfolio of tax-free investments on companies the Democrats decided would be their bread and butter some day as their Congress chairs get plushier and plushier, as they help themselves to the losses of those who worked hard to have a little bit of the American dream, now doled out to reward white and ethnic criminals alike who get caught passing bills they printed themselves and vote Democrat. (checked jealously by incrowd precinct chairpersons and their special helpers. I don't think I've quite covered all the graft the Democrats are smearing other people over to keep the onus off the reality of the truth.

The President of Mexico now has a new punchbag toy, thanks to the control they have over the Congress, Senate, and Oval Office puppet. That good old drug money makes a lot of politicians on both sides of the border, very, very, very wealthy. :cranky:
That's the best post I've read in awhile beautress! 100% nailed it. :113:

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