Heiko Schöning: 100,000 dead due to government measures - Ärzte fur Aufklärung


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
A 'great' job of Merkel. Eight something thousands Corona deaths, more as 100,000 ones due to postponed operations and empty hospitals.
Who will sue criminals who is killing German economy and had already murdered more as 100,000 people?

100,000 deaths threatened as a result of government measures
The Federal Ministry of the Interior writes about COVID-19 in the internal paper KM 4 - 51000/29#2, status: 7 May 2020; quote:
"In March and April 90% of all necessary operations were postponed or not carried out. This means that 2.5 million people were not supplied as a result of government measures. This means that 2.5 million patients were not operated on in March and April 2020, although this would have been necessary. The expected mortality rate cannot be seriously estimated; experts estimate that there will be between 5,000 and 125,000 patients who will die as a result of the postponed operations.

The guy is the leader of the Doctors Movement for Enlightenment, his movement has more as 1000 medics, says Covid-19 as dangerous as flu.


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