Head Turkey says Kurds will drown in their own blood

75 Parliamentarians out of 340 AKP parliamentarians are Kurds.
This is why Erdogan recently began calling his party the "true representative of the Kurds."

In August 2005, during a keynote speech in Diyarbakir, the unofficial capital city of the Kurdish area, the prime minister publicly admitted that the state had made mistakes in its relations with the country's around twelve million Kurds. "The Kurdish problem is everyone's problem and mine in particular," said Erdogan at the time.
He stated that as long as the idea of belonging to the Turkish nation was accepted as a main identity, individuals were free to develop their own sub-identity.
According to government information, billions of euros have flowed into the southeast of the country in recent years.
In cities like Diyarbakir, this funding (...) have resulted in the establishment of small islands of prosperity.
Erdogan succeeded in capturing the greatest number of seats in the Kurdish areas of southeast Anatolia, coming ahead of all the other parties, including the pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party (DTP)
In Turkey's southeast provinces, the country's central Kurdish region, Erdogan's party won almost 52 percent of the votes – some five percentage points higher than the national average. In Diyarbakir, the AKP improved upon its 16 percent vote in 2002, winning 41 percent this time.

Qantara.de - Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

Source = Islam portal founded by various German organizations, including Federal Republic of Germany’s cultural institution Goethe-Institute.
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Turkey's AKP prepares 133-page booklet on Kurdish opening
"Democratization steps are never a concession, but the way we are granting our citizens their most natural right," the booklet said.
Turkey's AKP prepares 133-page booklet on Kurdish opening [ WORLD BULLETIN- TURKEY NEWS, WORLD NEWS ]

The terrorists we bomb, civil society in South-East Turkey is part of inclusive democracy.
We bomb also the terrorists in North-Iraq. Civil Society of North-Iraq gets Turkish investments in return, which have reached about 10 Billion $ since US invasion in 2003, according to General Petraeus.

Turkey had invested some 10 billion USD in north of Iraq so far, Petraeus also said.
U.S. Commander Defines Incirlik as Pivotal Base

Turkey drives 2-way strategy:
- Fighting against terrorism without concessions by military means
- democratic and economic initiatives of the regions effected within and outside of Turkey
40 Ski centers for South-East Turkey's youth

(...) to keep Kurdish youths from joining rebels in the mountains of south-eastern Anatolia, the Turkish government has come up with an original idea: teach them how to ski.
Up to 40 centres for skiing and other winter sports will be opened in the snow-rich region
Other legislative plans announced by the government include the establishment of a new, independent human rights body, a new institution for the prevention of discrimination against members of minorities like the Kurds, and the foundation of a committee charged with investigating complaints from citizens against the security forces. Mr Erdogan argues that the changes will benefit everyone in Turkey, not just the Kurds, and will strengthen democracy.
It’s all downhill for Turkey’s Kurdish youth - The National Newspaper
CHP is the founding party of Turkey.
It probably will be next government of Turkey.
CHP has new Party leader since 22 May 2010.
He is of Kurdish origin.
Kiliçdaroglu's Kurdish and Alevi identity

He is called "Gandhi of Turkey" in Western media and "Gandi Kemal" in Turkish media.
Hew was elected by 1,246 delegates out of the 1,250 CHP party delegates, which set a new record for the CHP.[13]

Kemal Kiliçdaroglu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Inclusive democracy.
Peace at home, peace in the world. Beginning with immediate neighbourhood of Turkey ---> Palestine.
Keep trying ekrem. Maybe someday you'll convince some idiot that the Turks aren't a bunch of warmongers hell bent on destroying the Kurds.
Keep trying ekrem. Maybe someday you'll convince some idiot that the Turks aren't a bunch of warmongers hell bent on destroying the Kurds.

Really? Look what KRG-President Barzani says to your claim:
Press release from KRG

Some 60% of the foreign companies operating in the Kurdistan Region are Turkish.
We are very saddened when a Turkish citizen, be it a Turk or Kurd, is killed.
The Turkish opening initiative [towards the Turkish Kurds] is a significant and helpful policy which we strongly support.
Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)

It's not USA that has brought prosperity and feeds the people giving them work.
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They are drowning in:
(1) Kurdish Blood
(2) Cypriote Blood
(3) Armenian Blood
(4) Christian Blood (You don't become 99.5% Muslim without knocking out religious minorities)
(5) Arab Blood (The Turks were some of the most brutal rulers of the Arabs during the Ottoman Empire, part of the reason the Arabs are still in the dark ages, 400 years of Turkish Whore rule does that)
The Turks' secularism will be their downfall. The religion they've forsaken forbids these kinds of petty ethnic squabbles.
The Turks' secularism will be their downfall. The religion they've forsaken forbids these kinds of petty ethnic squabbles.

LOL, their secularism is what put above everyone but Malaysia and the UAE in the Muslim world. There dark dip into radical Islam is what will be their downfall.

The ethnic squabbles are the WORST in the Radical Islamic countries. Sunni v Shia v Christian in Lebanon. No non-Muslims allowed in Saudi Arabia. Arabs and Sunnis are persecuted the worst in Iran. Afghanistan kills everyone.

Also on your backwards thinking, America is better to be a Christian rather then secular nation that separates Church and State, huh?
LOL, their secularism is what put above everyone but Malaysia and the UAE in the Muslim world. There dark dip into radical Islam is what will be their downfall.
Turkey under the Khilafah:

Turkey today:

Arabia under the Khilafah:

Arabia today:

The ethnic squabbles are the WORST in the Radical Islamic countries. Sunni v Shia v Christian in Lebanon. No non-Muslims allowed in Saudi Arabia. Arabs and Sunnis are persecuted the worst in Iran. Afghanistan kills everyone.
There are no Islamic countries today, only apostate regimes that legislate lies under the pretense of establishing Islamic governance.

Also on your backwards thinking, America is better to be a Christian rather then secular nation that separates Church and State, huh?
Nothing I've said has anything to do with Christianity. Christianity is not Islam; the same standards do not apply. Christian rule in Europe led to the retardation of technological and philosophical devlopment while Islamic governance in the Middle East led to social, economic, scientific, and cultural prosperity.
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Nothing I've said has anything to do with Christianity. Christianity is not Islam; the same standards do not apply. Christian rule in Europe led to the retardation of technological and philosophical devlopment while Islamic governance in the Middle East led to social, economic, scientific, and cultural prosperity.

Wow, you have that so ass backwards its appalling. There hasn't been technological development in Christian countries? What do you think has been going on in America for the last two hundred years? The Middle East had great contributions to the world in all those areas you mentioned until Islam popped up. Since then the middle east has been living in the dark ages.

If not, curious that you choose to live outside the middle east....
Wow, you have that so ass backwards its appalling. There hasn't been technological development in Christian countries? What do you think has been going on in America for the last two hundred years?
Is America under Christian rule?

The Middle East had great contributions to the world in all those areas you mentioned until Islam popped up. Since then the middle east has been living in the dark ages.

How stupid are you?

Islamic Golden Age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If not, curious that you choose to live outside the middle east....
I was born here.

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