Head Of Google Is A Giant Sack Of Shit: Denies Cencorship

Sun Devil 92

Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2015

Google CEO Sundar Pichai brushed off questions Wednesday before the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust related to the tech giant’s apparent blacklisting of conservative groups last week when about a dozen major websites were temporarily de-platformed.

“I will have to look into it,” Pichai said in response to a question from Republican Congressman Gregory Steube over the episode, going on to claim there are “more conservative voices than ever before” on the platform.


Look into it my ass. It's his site for fucks sake and I am sure there is all kinds of traffic about their leanings and other bullshit.

Is there a way to not use google.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai brushed off questions Wednesday before the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust related to the tech giant’s apparent blacklisting of conservative groups last week when about a dozen major websites were temporarily de-platformed.

“I will have to look into it,” Pichai said in response to a question from Republican Congressman Gregory Steube over the episode, going on to claim there are “more conservative voices than ever before” on the platform.


Look into it my ass. It's his site for fucks sake and I am sure there is all kinds of traffic about their leanings and other bullshit.

Is there a way to not use google.

ALL of the Big Tech companies need to be broken up. ESPECIALLY google, who I would love to see a RICO launched upon for tax fraud.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai brushed off questions Wednesday before the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust related to the tech giant’s apparent blacklisting of conservative groups last week when about a dozen major websites were temporarily de-platformed.

“I will have to look into it,” Pichai said in response to a question from Republican Congressman Gregory Steube over the episode, going on to claim there are “more conservative voices than ever before” on the platform.


Look into it my ass. It's his site for fucks sake and I am sure there is all kinds of traffic about their leanings and other bullshit.

Is there a way to not use google.
Not as worried about their censorship, as I don't Google anyway and haven't for years. Agree they are POS though. Just too dang big, pervasive and invasive.

Google CEO Sundar Pichai brushed off questions Wednesday before the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust related to the tech giant’s apparent blacklisting of conservative groups last week when about a dozen major websites were temporarily de-platformed.

“I will have to look into it,” Pichai said in response to a question from Republican Congressman Gregory Steube over the episode, going on to claim there are “more conservative voices than ever before” on the platform.


Look into it my ass. It's his site for fucks sake and I am sure there is all kinds of traffic about their leanings and other bullshit.

Is there a way to not use google.
Obviously you don't get the fact that these "inquiries" are political dog and pony shows for the politicians to show the public that "they are doing something" about the problem when they are actually doing as little as possible. If you read Google's (and most all corporation's) public policy statements you'll see that it's a collection of feel good legalese bull shit that really says nothing. I did find out that Google Netpac, Google's PAC pretty much donates to Republicans and Democrats alike, that's a good way to keep politicians off your back in any meaningful way........ The Google employees aren't happy about the equal sharing though.......
Now that's not the same as what each individual Google Executive gives personally to politicians and political parties though it wouldn't surprise me if those on this subcommittee, at least the powerful ones received "campaign funds" probably through personal PACs and not directly. Yup, even Steube........
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Google CEO Sundar Pichai brushed off questions Wednesday before the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust related to the tech giant’s apparent blacklisting of conservative groups last week when about a dozen major websites were temporarily de-platformed.

“I will have to look into it,” Pichai said in response to a question from Republican Congressman Gregory Steube over the episode, going on to claim there are “more conservative voices than ever before” on the platform.


Look into it my ass. It's his site for fucks sake and I am sure there is all kinds of traffic about their leanings and other bullshit.

Is there a way to not use google.

The web cheats, anyone who denies this sucks. PROGS own the web, they censor all-day everyday. They cheat to win elections and now we have a POTUS calling them out, which is the RIGHT thing to do.

Trump's the best.

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