He thinks they're tuning in to see him.

Trump is bragging on Twitter about his coronavirus briefings getting lots of viewers
Increasingly, members of the media are concerned this large audience is being given dangerous, incorrect information.

President Donald Trump boasted about the ratings of his daily live news conferences on the coronavirus Sunday, and suggested that the large viewer numbers — rather than the misleading remarks he has made during them — are fueling discussions in the media about ending the practice of broadcasting them live and unfiltered.

“Because the ‘Ratings’ of my News Conferences etc. are so high, ‘Bachelor finale, Monday Night Football type numbers’ according to the [New York Times], the Lamestream Media is going CRAZY,” Trump tweeted Sunday afternoon.
This kind of behavior is what would land most people in front of professionals to get psychiatric care.
Captive audience
^^^Chinese Prison Guard^^^
It provides endless entertainment
So......Trump lying to the public about a health crisis provides entertainment. You've reached a new low.
It provides endless entertainment
So......Trump lying to the public about a health crisis provides entertainment. You've reached a new low.
There is nothing Lower than an Effeminate ChiCom DemNazi cheering on Death, Famine, and Pestilence for The American People.

Preach your poison lil Hitler. Personally I think The Mods should ban you as you are nothing but a Propagandist

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Bragging about ratings has been Trump's schtick since he started running, that is not new or news.
The normalization of behavior previously regarded as completely unacceptable is one of the more dangerous aspects of the Divider-in-Chief's presidency.
And the obsequious boot licking that prefaces almost all of the "experts" remarks is nauseatingly similar to what Sum Fat Kim demands from HIS lackeys
It provides endless entertainment
So......Trump lying to the public about a health crisis provides entertainment. You've reached a new low.

And what are the lies....Be specific, and pithy....
Five of Donald Trump's most misleading coronavirus claims

  • Nobody knew there would be a pandemic or epidemic of this proportion’
  • ‘It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle – it will disappear’
  • Anybody that needs a test gets a test. We – they’re there. They have the tests. And the tests are beautiful’
  • ‘I’ve always known this is a real – this is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic. I’ve always viewed it as very serious’
  • Americans will have access ‘to vaccines, I think, relatively soon’
Now would have been an excellent time for Trump to rise above the bullshit and finally become The President. He could have strolled to an easy reelection but he cannot do it. Hard partisan till the bitter end. He is ultimately a coward and true heroics are beyond him.

FYI, he's strolling to an easy election now and if the leftists chose Quid Pro Joe its over.
Bragging about ratings has been Trump's schtick since he started running, that is not new or news.
The normalization of behavior previously regarded as completely unacceptable is one of the more dangerous aspects of the Divider-in-Chief's presidency.

For someone who's "woke" and supposedly champions diversity and tolerance, I'm always mystified by how intolerant the Left is toward all things Trump. As Hannibal Lecter would say "what is it in and of itself"?
You can evaluate Trump's life experiences and personality development the way we looked at Obama's and make judgments. Was he raised by wolves? Was he deprived? Was he privileged? Does he have a personality disorder or two? Is he really smart or just really fucking lucky?
What I like about Trump is that he's a workaholic, and knows how the upper crust runs the country.

So I'm not "normalizing" Trump's behavior, I'm tolerating it knowing that is his personality.
It provides endless entertainment
So......Trump lying to the public about a health crisis provides entertainment. You've reached a new low.

And what are the lies....Be specific, and pithy....
"It’s precisely the critical importance of conveying accurate information in a time of crisis that has spurred many political analysts and members of the press to argue that it’s dangerous to present Trump’s words to the public through live broadcasts. Trump has made dozens of false claims during the briefings, including overstating the potential of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid-19, and falsely saying that anyone who wants to be tested for coronavirus infections can get one."
Bragging about ratings has been Trump's schtick since he started running, that is not new or news.
The normalization of behavior previously regarded as completely unacceptable is one of the more dangerous aspects of the Divider-in-Chief's presidency.

For someone who's "woke" and supposedly champions diversity and tolerance, I'm always mystified by how intolerant the Left is toward all things Trump. As Hannibal Lecter would say "what is it in and of itself"?
You can evaluate Trump's life experiences and personality development the way we looked at Obama's and make judgments. Was he raised by wolves? Was he deprived? Was he privileged? Does he have a personality disorder or two? Is he really smart or just really fucking lucky?
What I like about Trump is that he's a workaholic, and knows how the upper crust runs the country.

So I'm not "normalizing" Trump's behavior, I'm tolerating it knowing that is his personality.

Tolerating behaviors are how they become normalized.
Cable news should cancel the Trump Show
Airing Trump’s daily “briefings” live misinforms people and undermines public health officials.

"For the sake of public health, journalistic integrity, and the public’s basic mental health, it’s time to stop broadcasting President Donald Trump’s daily “coronavirus task force” briefings live.

Every president has had occasion to call upon broadcasters to air his words to the public when he has newsworthy or urgent announcements to make. When Trump said he wanted to address the nation from the Oval Office about coronavirus, it was right to extend him the opportunity to address the crisis. It was even right to offer some forbearance to his history of incessant lying once he started making himself the star of daily coronavirus briefings.

But no president in American history has ever had the privilege of having his every word simulcast across news networks. And we’ve now seen enough of Trump’s daily events to know that these are not briefings in any conventional sense. As James Fallows puts it, they are “Trump campaign rallies with scientists rather than local-government officials as the supporting cast.”
Now would have been an excellent time for Trump to rise above the bullshit and finally become The President. He could have strolled to an easy reelection but he cannot do it. Hard partisan till the bitter end. He is ultimately a coward and true heroics are beyond him.

FYI, he's strolling to an easy election now and if the leftists chose Quid Pro Joe its over.
Nothing leads to reelection like failed policy, huge deficits, and shutting down the country.

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