He, his buyers took over many computers undetected. Now, Lexington hacker faces prison


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
So decades ago when I began trying to unravel how anonymous individuals seemed to know so much about my personal life both online & off, I was treated as nothing more than a crazy person by those whose assistance I attempted to enlist. This in spite of the fact that I have been writing code for at least 30 years and could explain how what I was attempting to explain could programmatically be achieved. I still don't know if they just didn't believe me or they knew exactly what I was talking about and just pretended to know otherwise in order to keep up the "she's just crazy" facade.

In any case there are a lot more cases of this surretiptious spying on a targeted individual utilizing keystroke loggers and spyware as a means of stalking & terrorizing the TI. I was contracting with a government agency about a decade ago and we used an admin tool exactly like this that allowed us to connect to any computer on our network, with or without the end users knowlege or consent and watch everything that occured on that device. Or we could simply turn on the recorder like when you're teleconferencing in Skype, record the entire session and then play it back at your leisure.

LuminosityLink spyware mastermind gets 30 months in the clink, forfeits $725k in Bitcoin • The Register Forums

LuminosityLink spyware mastermind gets 30 months in the clink, forfeits $725k in Bitcoin

Grubby Grubbs' grifting days are gone

By Iain Thomson in San Francisco 17 Oct 2018 at 18:57

A programmer who wrote and sold software that backdoored PCs so they could be remotely controlled has been jailed for 30 months – and forced to give up his stash of 114 Bitcoins.

Colton Grubbs, 21, of Stanford, Kentucky, was sentenced this week after admitting to creating LuminosityLink, a software package he claimed was a tool for systems administrators to remotely control PCs. He sold the code for $39.95 a time, although he admitted that he knew his customers were criminals who would use it for nefarious purposes.

Typically, the program would be installed on victims' Windows machines – physically by bad friends and spouses, or remotely via booby-trapped downloads and attachments, for example – and used to spy on their activities. The software nasty could snoop on computers' cameras and microphones, view and download files, steal usernames and passwords, mine cryptocurrency, launch attacks against other networks, and prevent antivirus packages from detecting and removing it. More than 6,000 people bought the spyware, according to prosecutors.

Grubbs was eventually tracked down and snared by the FBI. He initially denied any wrongdoing, then changed his plea to guilty.

“Our modern society is dependent on computers, mobile devices, and the use of the internet,” said Robert Duncan, Jr, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky.

“People simply have to have confidence in their ability to use these modern instruments to transact their business, privately communicate, and securely maintain their information. It is essential that we vigorously prosecute those who erode that confidence and illicitly gain access to computer systems and the electronic information of others. Everyone benefits when this deceitful conduct is discovered, investigated, and prosecuted.”

While LuminosityLink had some legitimate uses as a remote administration tool, Grubbs promoted it on websites like HackForums.net and, when investigators came calling, he tried to hide his computers and accounts from view.

As part of his plea, he will hand over to Uncle Sam his Bitcoin stash – the proceeds from his spyware peddling – which is currently valued at $725,000. He must also "serve 85 percent of his prison sentence; and upon his release, he will be under the supervision of the United States Probation Office for a term of three years," according to prosecutors. ®

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