Hawks on Syria have a problem: Experts don't think Assad used chemical weapons

Have any of you while you were swallowing Obama's cum think to check out Assad?

No you haven't and here comes a very intelligent man fighting back against #1 asswipe in the White House.

Check out Assad. He's fucking awesome.
If I had some asswipe in a foreign land going just die now buddy because I'm Obama the mighty.....

I'd be doing the same thing. Fuck the so called lib rebels and fuck Obama.
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Have any of you while you were swallowing Obama's cum think to check out Assad?

No you haven't and here comes a very intelligent man fighting back against #1 asswipe in the White House.

Check out Assad. He's fucking awesome.

Had obama done nothing, Assad would have put down the rebellion in a couple of weeks. All those thousands of people would not have died and Syria would again be a stable country. But nooooooo. obama had to stick his nose in their business and help Al Quaeda, like he did in Libya. Where obama was the most foolish was in thinking that Syria was the same as Libya. He should have known that Russia was not going to let Al Quaeda succeed. Libya didn't have a Russian naval base.

I can't believe that obama is this stupid, that his advisors are nothing but synchophant yes men with their noses stuck firmly in the obama butthole.
If the Assad regime did or did not use chemical weapons is no longer the issue what is relevant here is the President drew a line in the sand for Syria not to cross a red line to be precise telling Assad and the world doing so would be a game changer in Syria. When the possibility that Assad crossed that line came up the President backtracked if that is wise or not people can debate but I think it sends a clear message to Assad and any other tyrant dictator out there they don't have to take a red line ultimatum from the U.S. very serious I can't see that being a good thing.
Well, there's too much evidence that chemical weapons have been used. Like the bodies of the dead. But that's neither here nor there. Who used the chemical weapons? That's the question. Each side is blaming the other. It could have been either side, or even both sides.

obama never makes a mistake. Therefore his drawing his idiotic line wasn't a mistake. He's just going to ignore it and make believe he never said anything so utterly stupid.

Had obama had an iota of intelligence, he not only would never have said anything, he would never have given support to the rebels (who turned out to be al quaeda terrorists). It's another one of obama's wars. He is using internal conflicts to destabilize the middle east one country at a time. Too bad he has to thoroughly embarrass the whole country while he plays at being a leader.

The evidence is weak and unconvincing, and only believed by the same morons who still think Iraq had a WMD program.

The reports that a chemical storage area was hit by conventional weapons is far more plausible.

Too bad for the Hawks..it's back to the drawing board for them and warmongering.
Have any of you while you were swallowing Obama's cum think to check out Assad?

No you haven't and here comes a very intelligent man fighting back against #1 asswipe in the White House.

Check out Assad. He's fucking awesome.

Had obama done nothing, Assad would have put down the rebellion in a couple of weeks. All those thousands of people would not have died and Syria would again be a stable country. But nooooooo. obama had to stick his nose in their business and help Al Quaeda, like he did in Libya. Where obama was the most foolish was in thinking that Syria was the same as Libya. He should have known that Russia was not going to let Al Quaeda succeed. Libya didn't have a Russian naval base.

I can't believe that obama is this stupid, that his advisors are nothing but synchophant yes men with their noses stuck firmly in the obama butthole.


Or not. Go figure.
Well, there's too much evidence that chemical weapons have been used. Like the bodies of the dead. But that's neither here nor there. Who used the chemical weapons? That's the question. Each side is blaming the other. It could have been either side, or even both sides.

obama never makes a mistake. Therefore his drawing his idiotic line wasn't a mistake. He's just going to ignore it and make believe he never said anything so utterly stupid.

Had obama had an iota of intelligence, he not only would never have said anything, he would never have given support to the rebels (who turned out to be al quaeda terrorists). It's another one of obama's wars. He is using internal conflicts to destabilize the middle east one country at a time. Too bad he has to thoroughly embarrass the whole country while he plays at being a leader.

The evidence is weak and unconvincing, and only believed by the same morons who still think Iraq had a WMD program.

The reports that a chemical storage area was hit by conventional weapons is far more plausible.

Too bad for the Hawks..it's back to the drawing board for them and warmongering.

Obama is the one authorizing the drone attacks on civilians.
If the Assad regime did or did not use chemical weapons is no longer the issue what is relevant here is the President drew a line in the sand for Syria not to cross a red line to be precise telling Assad and the world doing so would be a game changer in Syria. When the possibility that Assad crossed that line came up the President backtracked if that is wise or not people can debate but I think it sends a clear message to Assad and any other tyrant dictator out there they don't have to take a red line ultimatum from the U.S. very serious I can't see that being a good thing.

The red line wasn't crossed. The Assad regime hasn't used chemical weapons. The American right wing is, however, lying about Assad using them. The US rightwing hawks lie about WMD in Iraq, Iran and Syria. You'd think two Presidential defeats in a row would shut them up, but nooooooooooo. They warmonger on and on.
The obamaforce is strong with you.

It's actually the dead bodies that say that SOMEONE used chemical weapons. My personal feeling is that it wasn't Assad, it was obama's al quaeda allies.
Experts doubt Syria has used chemical weapons

Janelle Dumalaon and Jacob Russell, Special for USA TODAY1:58 p.m. EDT March 21, 2013

"All we really have to go on are the claims of the regime and the opposition, neither of which are very credible," said David Hartwell, Middle East analyst at IHS Jane's in London. "If you were looking at an attack with chemical munitions, you would expect an awful lot more casualties than the deaths yesterday." IHS Jane's is an intelligence and security company.

It's back to the drawing board for the GOP's hawks. They've learn no lessons from their mistakes in Iraq. They are ready to bomb over imaginary WMDs in Syria and Iran. Two deserved election losses in a row have taught them nothing.

Can't be true, Israeli intelligence agency source has proof Syria used chem. weapons
and to many on this board Israel is never wrong
Israeli source has proof Syria used chem. weapons | JPost | Israel News
The same Israelis who just praised Obama and said thanks to him their security has never been better and our two countries have never had better relations?

Diplomacy has always been an Israelie strong point. I doubt they would say anything else, like "we know what a little pissant shit you are" in public with the fool standing right there. Just like obama says "We got Israel's back". No one believes that either.

So it's all an elaborate conspiracy that only you are able to decipher?


Its not elaborate, and it is not a conspiracy. The correct term is total incompetence, compounded by a dumbass ideology, and a "I would be king" complex. Obama loves playing a president, but he is not inclined to do the work necessary to be President.
If the Assad regime did or did not use chemical weapons is no longer the issue what is relevant here is the President drew a line in the sand for Syria not to cross a red line to be precise telling Assad and the world doing so would be a game changer in Syria. When the possibility that Assad crossed that line came up the President backtracked if that is wise or not people can debate but I think it sends a clear message to Assad and any other tyrant dictator out there they don't have to take a red line ultimatum from the U.S. very serious I can't see that being a good thing.

The red line wasn't crossed. The Assad regime hasn't used chemical weapons. The American right wing is, however, lying about Assad using them. The US rightwing hawks lie about WMD in Iraq, Iran and Syria. You'd think two Presidential defeats in a row would shut them up, but nooooooooooo. They warmonger on and on.

Oh you are truly a moron the claims Assad might have used chemical weapons was coming from sources inside the administration not the so called right wing also it has not been confirmed that Assad did or did not use them and none of this changes the fact Obama started back tracking on his red line stance when the possibility arose that he did you may now continue with your idiocy.

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