Have We Noticed.Why Is It.Generally Leftist/Democrat Establishments Keep Biden Ahead.NYT's,ABC,Wash Post,CNN,NBC & The Rest.Trump Is Always In Trouble


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
every once in a while, I will check polls on the net. and it's always the New York Times, Wash. Post, CNN, and the rest that always has Biden ahead by 10 or so points.
I just plugged in something along the lines of "Don't Believe Polls, Trump Is Going To Win". Sure enough, at the top of the page, it's the New York Times explaining why Trump is in deep doo doo. And every site below it are from some New York publication. and LA too.
Are we supposed to believe any story regarding how Trump is doing according to any New York/Los Angeles publication or pollster?
Anyone smell a few rats?
I think something similar to 2016 is happening again now. There are people being vilified for supporting Trump, so, they won't participate in the poll or just flat out lie about who they are voting for. Telling people you're voting for Trump will get you branded.
every once in a while, I will check polls on the net. and it's always the New York Times, Wash. Post, CNN, and the rest that always has Biden ahead by 10 or so points.
I just plugged in something along the lines of "Don't Believe Polls, Trump Is Going To Win". Sure enough, at the top of the page, it's the New York Times explaining why Trump is in deep doo doo. And every site below it are from some New York publication. and LA too.
Are we supposed to believe any story regarding how Trump is doing according to any New York/Los Angeles publication or pollster?
Anyone smell a few rats?

But...but, Lee, Trump IS in deep doo doo.

The Lefts. A pile about 2 feet thick. The Democrats, Biden and the Left are quietly shitting themselves hourly as they realize going into this election all they got are lies and another BLUFF of fake news. And a candidate they gotta keep in a sandwich bag hoping he'll stay fresh till November.

Don't move him, he might break.

Meantime, 120,000 people tried to get tickets to Trump's 4th celebration at Mt. Rushmore where only 7500 seats were available. They see that.

Oops. There goes the Left losing it down their leg again. Crap.
every once in a while, I will check polls on the net. and it's always the New York Times, Wash. Post, CNN, and the rest that always has Biden ahead by 10 or so points.
I just plugged in something along the lines of "Don't Believe Polls, Trump Is Going To Win". Sure enough, at the top of the page, it's the New York Times explaining why Trump is in deep doo doo. And every site below it are from some New York publication. and LA too.
Are we supposed to believe any story regarding how Trump is doing according to any New York/Los Angeles publication or pollster?
Anyone smell a few rats?

You're functionally illiterate so its entirely possible that I have not understood this dribble-drivel but could it be that trump is a lying, stealing, cheating, racist tub of orange lard squatting in the White House?

Fact is, we need a president and a department store mannequin would do a better job than the MAGAt has.
The lib polls will not stop me from voting for trump in november
every once in a while, I will check polls on the net. and it's always the New York Times, Wash. Post, CNN, and the rest that always has Biden ahead by 10 or so points.
I just plugged in something along the lines of "Don't Believe Polls, Trump Is Going To Win". Sure enough, at the top of the page, it's the New York Times explaining why Trump is in deep doo doo. And every site below it are from some New York publication. and LA too.
Are we supposed to believe any story regarding how Trump is doing according to any New York/Los Angeles publication or pollster?
Anyone smell a few rats?
Do. You. Have. Any. Idea. How. to. Properly. Capitalize. and. Punctuate. a. Sentence?!?
every once in a while, I will check polls on the net. and it's always the New York Times, Wash. Post, CNN, and the rest that always has Biden ahead by 10 or so points.
I just plugged in something along the lines of "Don't Believe Polls, Trump Is Going To Win". Sure enough, at the top of the page, it's the New York Times explaining why Trump is in deep doo doo. And every site below it are from some New York publication. and LA too.
Are we supposed to believe any story regarding how Trump is doing according to any New York/Los Angeles publication or pollster?
Anyone smell a few rats?
Do. You. Have. Any. Idea. How. to. Properly. Capitalize. and. Punctuate. a. Sentence?!?
No, he doesn't. He is an uneducated, ignorant little freakazoid.
Meantime, 120,000 people tried to get tickets to Trump's 4th celebration at Mt. Rushmore where only 7500 seats were available. They see that.

To be fair, it was South Dakota. When was the last time that state ever voted for a Democrat?
To be fair, when is the last time you can remember that 120,000 people tried to get tickets to see Biden, Hillary or Obama ANYWHERE?

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