Hate And Violence Knows No Politcal Boundaries...No One Has The 'Moral High Ground'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
This past Saturday white supremacist hate groups and individuals (KKK, Neo-Nazis, etc...) came together, having a permit to protest and after several months of coordination with the Charlottesville police and local officials, to protest the calls for the removal of Confederate statues. They obviously expected violence as some arrived carrying shields, body armor, and weapons.

Opposing political / ideological protestors also came to protest the white supremacists. These groups / people had no permit to protest - they simply came to protest, to agitate, and to attack the white supremacists. Their intent to violently, physically engage the white supremacists was clear as they brought - and used - balloons filled with urine, ink, and paint and chemicals with which they used to spray the white supremacist.

President Trump, after waiting to get all the facts from his US AG, did not just publicly condemned the KKK, the Neo-Nazis, and the white supremacists, he also condemned ALL Racism and violent hate groups:

Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis and white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans,Trump said in a brief statement from the White House.”
- http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/days-after-charlottesville-violence-trump-calls-hate-groups-repugnant-n792491

The Liberal Media and Trump-hating snowflakes immediately became enraged because the President had dared to call out the violence and hate on BOTH sides in Charlottesville, Va instead of just condemning the white supremacists. The President, however, was right to do so. 'Leftist' intolerance, hate, and violence is no better and no more acceptable than 'Right-Wing' intolerance, hate, and violence.

Good on the media for aggressively going after despicable hate groups such as the vile KKK, Neo-Nazis, and white supremacists. The liberal media refused, however, to report any this information regarding the Leftist groups. Their focus was solely on the white Supremacists, telling a biased, one-sided story. The Liberal media, such as MSNBC / The NY Times, and CNN seemed intent to build a wall between the right and the left, condemning only 'Right-Wing' hate groups and violence instead of ALL hate groups and violence.
does the left want the kkk not to be able to protest. maybe the left doesn't like or want jews in the whitehouse.
The media has done a disservice to the American people by cherry-picking the details of the Charlottesville, Va incident and painting the picture with a narrow, biased brush to give only 1 well-crafted liberal side of the story.

The White Supremacists had actually obtained a permit to show up to support an on-going opposition to taking down Confederate statues. They had coordinated with Charlottesville, Va police and local authorities for two months prior to the event.

When they showed up they were obviously expecting potential trouble because so many came with shields. Likewise, the Charlottesville, Va police should have not only expected it as well but should have planned for it. It was apparent that they either did not or planned poorly.

The opposing group showed up in Charlottesville to protest the white supremacists yet had not coordinated with the local police and had no permit to do so. Their intent to physically engage - attack - the white supremacists was also obvious, as they showed up with balloons filled with urine, ink, and paint and containers of chemicals with which they used to attack the white supremacists. They even used aerosol cans and lighters to make make-shift flamethrowers to use against the supremacists:


Throwing balloons filled with urine...

None of this was mentioned by the Liberal media as they attacked President Trump for daring to declare blame for the violence in Charlottesville was deserved by BOTH sides because it would have proven the President was right.

Only one side killed a person and tried to kill many.

Well so far this year only one side has tried to assassinate congresspeople.

Guess which side is that?

We are discussing the Charlottesville tragedy. Only one side killed a person while trying to kill many like a terrorist.

Oh no you fucking don't. You don't get to limit the scope of the discussion like that.

If you want to pin the actions of one person on a whole group, it works both ways dippy.

So I guess all progressives are guilty because that guy decided to shoot up a bunch of Republicans playing baseball.
Only one side killed a person and tried to kill many.

Well so far this year only one side has tried to assassinate congresspeople.

Guess which side is that?

We are discussing the Charlottesville tragedy. Only one side killed a person while trying to kill many like a terrorist.

Oh no you fucking don't. You don't get to limit the scope of the discussion like that.

If you want to pin the actions of one person on a whole group, it works both ways dippy.

So I guess all progressives are guilty because that guy decided to shoot up a bunch of Republicans playing baseball.

All of this talk is because of the recent tragedy. That is the tragedy trump was discussing. The right is way off focus and grasping. When the evil person shot the congressman i didn't hear anyone say but trump supports racists so both sides are equally at fault. He was condemned by both sides with no excuses.
I'm inclined to believe that between a neo-Nazi and someone who opposes neo-Nazism,

the latter would have the moral high ground. Sadly, I'm not surprised that the OP doesn't agree.
Whether you agree with a group's ideology or message does not matter in regards to that group's Constitutional Right to Peacefully Assemble and to the Right to Free Speech.

As despicable as the white supremacists (KKK, Neo-Nazis, etc...) message is / they are, they still have the Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble and to Free Speech.

Like it or not, the white supremacists received legal authorization to march in Charlottesville and had coordinated for months with local police and authorities....the same authorities who stood by and did nothing as the violence broke out...the same authorities who would blame the supremacists and the supremacists alone for the violence that broke out.

If the Charlottesville govt did not want them there they should have denied them a permit, using the threat of violence as the reason. They instead issued the permit. Once they did they assumed responsibility to keep the peace and protect the protestors. They did not. Reports stated the police were told to stand down and remained safely behind barricades during at least parts of the violence. Whether it was because they did not want to 'escalate the violence' (which makes no sense to me) or they believed the white supremacists 'deserved' the violence being inflicted upon them, they failed to carry out their duties.

It is clear that the white supremacists were not the only ones to blame for the violence in Charlottesville, but is was/equally clear that is NOT the message the Liberal media wanted to push in their reporting and in their condemnation of the President for calling out ALL racism, hate, and violence.

The point being here, though, is that US citizens, no matter their message / ideology, have the Constitutional Right to assemble and to Freedom of Speech. That means the KKK, the New Black Panthers, the Neo Nazis, Black Lives matter, Pro-Abortionists, Pro-Lifers, etc... Those rights are not dependent upon people agreeing with their message or not or on whether people will be offended by their message or not.

Those Rights must continue to be protected because those rights are part of the reason why this country is one of the best in the entire world, even when exercised by despicable, vile hate groups.
"No One Has The 'Moral High Ground"

PC Snowflake BS. Act like men and pick a side. Lies or truth? Good or evil?
Whether you agree with a group's ideology or message does not matter in regards to that group's Constitutional Right to Peacefully Assemble and to the Right to Free Speech.

As despicable as the white supremacists (KKK, Neo-Nazis, etc...) message is / they are, they still have the Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble and to Free Speech.

Like it or not, the white supremacists received legal authorization to march in Charlottesville and had coordinated for months with local police and authorities....the same authorities who stood by and did nothing as the violence broke out...the same authorities who would blame the supremacists and the supremacists alone for the violence that broke out.

If the Charlottesville govt did not want them there they should have denied them a permit, using the threat of violence as the reason. They instead issued the permit. Once they did they assumed responsibility to keep the peace and protect the protestors. They did not. Reports stated the police were told to stand down and remained safely behind barricades during at least parts of the violence. Whether it was because they did not want to 'escalate the violence' (which makes no sense to me) or they believed the white supremacists 'deserved' the violence being inflicted upon them, they failed to carry out their duties.

It is clear that the white supremacists were not the only ones to blame for the violence in Charlottesville, but is was/equally clear that is NOT the message the Liberal media wanted to push in their reporting and in their condemnation of the President for calling out ALL racism, hate, and violence.

The point being here, though, is that US citizens, no matter their message / ideology, have the Constitutional Right to assemble and to Freedom of Speech. That means the KKK, the New Black Panthers, the Neo Nazis, Black Lives matter, Pro-Abortionists, Pro-Lifers, etc... Those rights are not dependent upon people agreeing with their message or not or on whether people will be offended by their message or not.

Those Rights must continue to be protected because those rights are part of the reason why this country is one of the best in the entire world, even when exercised by despicable, vile hate groups.

Yes they have the right. But when one side kills a person and tries to kill many it is clear who is at fault for the tragedy.
I'm inclined to believe that between a neo-Nazi and someone who opposes neo-Nazism,
the latter would have the moral high ground. Sadly, I'm not surprised that the OP doesn't agree.

As usual you attempt to imply something that is not true. I completely agree that racism - Neo-Nazi-ism is vile, repugnant, and to be rejected...stamped / bred out.

You either miss or attempt to mis-represent my point that ALL violent groups motivated by any ideology, religious or political, is unacceptable. NONE of it must be tolerated. I reject the cherry-picking of groups to (deservedly) condemn for politically biased reasons / objectives.

Charlottesville is not a case in which your choice is to condemn the violent white supremacists OR condemn the violent Leftist group, both of who are responsible for the violence. BOTH should be simultaneously condemned.
Only one side killed a person and tried to kill many.

Well so far this year only one side has tried to assassinate congresspeople.

Guess which side is that?

We are discussing the Charlottesville tragedy. Only one side killed a person while trying to kill many like a terrorist.

Oh no you fucking don't. You don't get to limit the scope of the discussion like that.

If you want to pin the actions of one person on a whole group, it works both ways dippy.

So I guess all progressives are guilty because that guy decided to shoot up a bunch of Republicans playing baseball.

All of this talk is because of the recent tragedy. That is the tragedy trump was discussing. The right is way off focus and grasping. When the evil person shot the congressman i didn't hear anyone say but trump supports racists so both sides are equally at fault. He was condemned by both sides with no excuses.

So far all we know is the car idiot acted alone with no help or instructions to do what he did.

And when you try to say any conservative = Nazi just because we support the 1st amendment, you try to link us to the car idiot, as he is linked to the white power morons.

So i just did the same thing to you, feels sucky doesn't it?
I'm inclined to believe that between a neo-Nazi and someone who opposes neo-Nazism,
the latter would have the moral high ground. Sadly, I'm not surprised that the OP doesn't agree.

As usual you attempt to imply something that is not true. I completely agree that racism - Neo-Nazi-ism is vile, repugnant, and to be rejected...stamped / bred out.

You either miss or attempt to mis-represent my point that ALL violent groups motivated by any ideology, religious or political, is unacceptable. NONE of it must be tolerated. I reject the cherry-picking of groups to (deservedly) condemn for politically biased reasons / objectives.

Charlottesville is not a case in which your choice is to condemn the violent white supremacists OR condemn the violent Leftist group, both of who are responsible for the violence. BOTH should be simultaneously condemned.

So two guys have a heated political argument. One pulls out a gun and shoots the other. He shouldn't be prosecuted because they were both responsible right? The person who went way too far isn't more responsible?
Whether you agree with a group's ideology or message does not matter in regards to that group's Constitutional Right to Peacefully Assemble and to the Right to Free Speech.

As despicable as the white supremacists (KKK, Neo-Nazis, etc...) message is / they are, they still have the Constitutional Right to peacefully assemble and to Free Speech.

Like it or not, the white supremacists received legal authorization to march in Charlottesville and had coordinated for months with local police and authorities....the same authorities who stood by and did nothing as the violence broke out...the same authorities who would blame the supremacists and the supremacists alone for the violence that broke out.

If the Charlottesville govt did not want them there they should have denied them a permit, using the threat of violence as the reason. They instead issued the permit. Once they did they assumed responsibility to keep the peace and protect the protestors. They did not. Reports stated the police were told to stand down and remained safely behind barricades during at least parts of the violence. Whether it was because they did not want to 'escalate the violence' (which makes no sense to me) or they believed the white supremacists 'deserved' the violence being inflicted upon them, they failed to carry out their duties.

It is clear that the white supremacists were not the only ones to blame for the violence in Charlottesville, but is was/equally clear that is NOT the message the Liberal media wanted to push in their reporting and in their condemnation of the President for calling out ALL racism, hate, and violence.

The point being here, though, is that US citizens, no matter their message / ideology, have the Constitutional Right to assemble and to Freedom of Speech. That means the KKK, the New Black Panthers, the Neo Nazis, Black Lives matter, Pro-Abortionists, Pro-Lifers, etc... Those rights are not dependent upon people agreeing with their message or not or on whether people will be offended by their message or not.

Those Rights must continue to be protected because those rights are part of the reason why this country is one of the best in the entire world, even when exercised by despicable, vile hate groups.

Yes they have the right. But when one side kills a person and tries to kill many it is clear who is at fault for the tragedy.

One guy did that.

As for the rest of the violence it was from both sides. Both came ready for it.

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