Hat Person?

Only if'n yer a yankee. Black hat=too hot


Besides, it's not black. It's brown.

I probably could have found one I liked better, but I wasn't gonna look for a picture all day.

I have a picture of me wearing mine, but I seriously doubt there's enough bandwidth to manage that much sex appeal at one time.

It's a burden I have to live with. Sigh....
I started wearing ball caps when I started machining.
You could tilt your head down to deflect the hot chips from your face,and it kept you from smelling burned hair.
The only problem was they could also deflect off the underside of the brime and behind your safety glasses leaving a blister on your eyelid but that was rare.
Used to wear the foam earplugs,not because of the sound but to keep chips from getting in your ear.
It sounds like someone's frying bacon in your head when they get in your ears.
It got to the point that everyone who didnt know me assumed I was bald since I always wore a ball cap.
They are saying that it was the advent of the automobile...the low head room didn't leave room for hats the way covered carriages did. So people began to stop wearing them so much.
I'm sure there are lots of factors at play.

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