h t t p : / / w w w . b l o o m b e r g . c o m / a p p s / n e w s ? p i d = 2 0 6 0 1 0 8 7 & s i d = a a p K i 2 H a o f q U
The monstrous dictator in Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh is finally being challenged by the people of his country. After 28 years the people have finally had enough of this tyranny.
Now of course the puppet of all puppets King Abdullah in Saudi Arabia is sprinting to the defense of the Yemeni dictator and the Iran is being blamed for backing the freedom fighters in Yemen.
King Abdullah, the racist bastard and great friend to the US bureaucrats is our pawn in getting the War with Iran started. Something is going to happen and some time will pass but War with Iran backed or executed by the US in some way is guaranteed to happen. Either by Obama or the next president, doesn't matter who you vote for or what party you choose.
For God's sake I ask my American brothers and sisters to not fall for the next group of lies that cost us so much in Iraq, and if you go back further the lies that cost us so much in Vietnam.
If we fight this war tens of thousands of Americans will die, millions of innocent Iranian civilians will die, the middle and lower class will pay for the war through taxes and with our blood. No matter what the monsters in Washington say, whatever it is they tell you we're fighting for, it's not worth it.
The monstrous dictator in Yemen Ali Abdullah Saleh is finally being challenged by the people of his country. After 28 years the people have finally had enough of this tyranny.
Now of course the puppet of all puppets King Abdullah in Saudi Arabia is sprinting to the defense of the Yemeni dictator and the Iran is being blamed for backing the freedom fighters in Yemen.
King Abdullah, the racist bastard and great friend to the US bureaucrats is our pawn in getting the War with Iran started. Something is going to happen and some time will pass but War with Iran backed or executed by the US in some way is guaranteed to happen. Either by Obama or the next president, doesn't matter who you vote for or what party you choose.
For God's sake I ask my American brothers and sisters to not fall for the next group of lies that cost us so much in Iraq, and if you go back further the lies that cost us so much in Vietnam.
If we fight this war tens of thousands of Americans will die, millions of innocent Iranian civilians will die, the middle and lower class will pay for the war through taxes and with our blood. No matter what the monsters in Washington say, whatever it is they tell you we're fighting for, it's not worth it.