Has anybody noticed...?


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2004
Columbus, OH
It's been 2045 days since 9/11 and the Bush administration hasn't come close to capturing, or producing the lifeless body, of Osama bin Laden? What ever happened to "...Bring 'im back, dead or alive..."? Just what have we bought with this administration's "war on terror"? Apparently nothing beyond the seemingly interminable expenditure of blood and treasure in a country that had NOTHING to do with 9/11, despite the Dick and Bush's continuing efforts to conflate the two.
Sure we noticed. If it wasn't for the mean spirited Christian Conservatives from Ohio giving Bush the election we may have mitigated the dying and suffering.

These mean spirited Christian Conservatives knew in their guts that Bush was hurting the nation.

These mean spirited Christian Conservatives knew in their guts that millions of their fellow Americans lost jobs, are without health insurance, are suffering at the hand of a spoiled yankee ivy league frat boy. These mean spirited Christian Conservatives bought into the spoiled rich boy's song and dance God posturing photo opt.

These mean spirited Christian Conservatives knew that their fellow Americans were loosing sons, daughters, mothers and fathers in a war that a fortunate man's son lied this nation into just so Cheney's war profiteer friends can make money.

These mean spirited Christian Conservatives knew voting Bush in for a second term would do damage to this nation for generations and you know why these mean spirited Christian Conservatives voted yankee ivy league spoiled brat into office? The answer is that these mean spirited Christian Conservatives voted spoiled rich boy into office was because of one stupid issue and that was gay marriage and abortion.

And of all the hypocritical act that can be committed once the Republicans got done using the mean spirited Christian Conservatives the Republicans dump them and picked their guy Rudy to run.

And meanwhile people are dying and suffering because of spoiled frat boy who pulled a good photo opt.

4 Bombs Kill at Least 157 People in Baghdad

BAGHDAD (AP) -- Four large bombs exploded in mostly Shiite areas of Baghdad on Wednesday, killing at least 157 people and wounding scores as violence climbed toward levels seen before the U.S.-Iraqi campaign to pacify the capital began two months ago.

In the deadliest of the attacks, a parked car bomb detonated in a crowd of workers at the Sadriyah market in central Baghdad, killing at least 112 people and wounding 115, said Raad Muhsin, an official at Al-Kindi Hospital where the victims were taken.


Deadly bombings rock Baghdad

A series of car bombings killed at least 169 people in Baghdad on Wednesday, the deadliest violence since the start of a US-led security crackdown in the capital in February.

The attacks came only hours after Nuri al-Maliki, the country’s prime minister, said his forces would take over security in Iraq from US-led forces by the end of the ye


Not lessen the tragedy that occured this week, but there is far less outcry and anger in America regarding a situation that would in all likelyhood not exist if not for US presence.

31 people died, I dont deny that this is horrific, but there have been 65,000+ people killed in a country we occupy.

and just yesterday the number went up 157 ppl.

Anyone who speaks out about this can expect to be called "unamerican"

Death is much more horrible when its on American soil, as unimagainable as it is, what if 65,000+ Americans died in the past 4 years?

It would be considered the most horrific slaughter in history.

How many people have died on american soil from terrorism since 9/11?

Is it because we have been killing people over seas and strengthening our homeland security and pretection?

Potentially, i dont deny or dispute that we are safer due to government paranoia and efforts, but would the threat and fear be as great if we didnt kill 65,000+ people in a country we invaded?

I doubt it.

we are so screwed now because there is honestly NO way out. not any time soon.

Realistically, a Democratic Iraq will have a Shiite majority, which Iran also happens to be, which means they will start relations.

If you look at the signs people carry in Iraq during protests, they say two things,

Death to America

Death to Isreal.

If the US leaves and Iraq and Iran befriend each other, they could and probably would re-arm, and attack Israel.

Israel is home to the largest US military base in the region.

which would mean we will be forced to return to defend Israel if there is movement by Iraq/Iran against them.

The US is far more screwed than imagined, there can be no deadline woven into war funding, its not recommended and its barely feasable as a resolution to this mess.

The US needs a PLAN first and foremost.
More Bullyshit with extra crap from the lobotomized cartoon rabbit. nothing to bother with hear.
Care to defend or dispute?

When you claim that the United States has killed 65,000 Irarqis I realize that not only are you looking through completely different lenses but your brain is wired in a way that is foreign to me, there is no possible way to communicate with you......I'm bored with attempting to dialog with people who are so consumed by hate that they will believe anything negative about our country, from any source, as long as it confirms their agenda..... I will not waste my time any longer, been where you are and it isn't a healthy or good place to be(your only chance is to grow out of it but even that doesn't work with a lot of you).

Vote for whatever person that you believe will work for you, screw our country and our identity, as long as you win.
An American identity is a fluid concept..

Im betting that you are not indicative of the American identity circa 1801...

im sure it is easier to turn your back on communication than it is to meet someone halfway....
When you claim that the United States has killed 65,000 Irarqis I realize that not only are you looking through completely different lenses but your brain is wired in a way that is foreign to me,

there is no possible way to communicate with you

......I'm bored with attempting to dialog with people who are so consumed by hate that they will believe anything negative about our country, from any source, as long as it confirms their agenda..... I will not waste my time any longer, been

where you are and it isn't a healthy or good place to be

(your only chance is to grow out of it but even that doesn't work with a lot of you).

Vote for whatever person that you believe will work for you, screw our country and our identity, as long as you win.

Please feel free to not read this, cause I am about to go into a bit of a rant, and I apologise in advance.

First of all, you havent even tried to communicate with me.

This is your second post toward me in this thread, and in both you have openly refused dialogue, negative or not, you obviously feel your views are right, and mine wrong, and you feel it necessary to openly claim so without debate.
thats fine, and it is your choice.

Im just curious as to how many Americans and Iraqi's you think would be dead if the US had never entered and wasnt currently occupying Iraq?

I do believe that the US should not be there, but there is no point in debating that, its a moot point

the fact is the US is in Iraq.

People are dying and the US cannot leave. for the reasons ive posted above, which I find logical.

Your dismissal of my viewpoint only provides strength to the assertion that you are content in your ignorance which I find unhealthy, feel free to continue plugging your ears and closing your eyes when someone raises questions about the US foreign policy and the administration.

The fact is:

On every available indicator the year just ended (March 2006 – March 2007) has been by far the worst year for violence against civilians in Iraq since the invasion:

almost half (44%) of all violent civilian deaths after the initial invasion phase occurred in the just-ended fourth year of the conflict

mortar attacks that kill civilians have quadrupled in the last year (from 73 to 289)

massive bomb blasts that kill more than 50 people have nearly doubled in the last year (from 9 to 17)

fatal suicide bombs, car bombs, and roadside bombing attacks have doubled in the last year (from 712 to 1476)

one in 160 of Baghdad’s 6.5 million population has been violently killed since the beginning of the war, representing 64% of deaths recorded so far

These are the stark headlines derived from Iraq Body Count’s ongoing compilation and analysis of media reports of civilian casualties in the Iraq conflict, which has documented 65,000 violent deaths to date.


We can argue symantics of who actually killed 65,000 people all day, the fact of the matter is, since the US invasion that many people and more have died.

So my eyes may see through different lenses and my brain is definetly wired to question the state of affairs going on in a country currently occupied by another country.

They may not all have been killed directly by a US bomb or bullet, but they have indirectly been killed due to an invading/occupying 'US liberation force'.

You can say 'well they may have been killed by Saddam if we let him continue ruling',

But thats not the discussion and thats not what im saying,

Im saying that there are ALOT of people dying in Iraq, and its not going to stop any time soon.

Not until the armchair generals come up with a strategy and a plan in regards to the direction of this occupation, the President has asked for patience, I have every right to say,

"ITS BEEN FOUR YEARS", and there has been NO EVIDENCE that anything has gone according to ANY plans this administration has initiated.

So I respectfully apologize to you, if you find it offensive that I am questioning things this administration has done, and that I see through different eyes and have my brain wired differently than you do, I believe that Democracy means having the ability as a citizen to question and hold those in power responsible for their actions.

But if you can honesly look at the situation The United States of American is in, and with out a doubt in your heart tell me that everything is fine and that we should continue on our merry way,

Then I commend you. because you obvisouly dont realize how lucky we are that we can do so.

We are lucky that we can live in a democracy where bombs arent exploding every other day and killing people who simply went grocery shopping.

So you keep ignoring people who think there are injustices occurring, you keep thinking that there is something wrong with people who believe the deaths of humans, whether it be 31 or 65,000 is wrong.

If my so called "agenda" makes me ignorant, and unamerican, then so be it.

I dont know what you are, but it sure isnt helping to blindly go along with whatever the government says.

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