Has America....sold out America to the Chinese? Many think so.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
After Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt called on American corporations to rise to the call to defend the nation and produce 50,000 warplanes per year.....a request that was mocked by Nazi Germany as impossible. America eventually ended up producing 100,000 war planes per year.

Today, a majority of those same corporations might not side with America at all.

Is Corporate America Selling Out Our Country? | RealClearPolitics

RealClearPolitics.com said:
Google has been working on a censored search engine: Project Dragonfly, built for the Chinese government and designed to keep the Chinese people from seeing a free flow of information. At the same time, Google refused to work with the U.S. military. Thiel suggested that the FBI and CIA should investigate Google, which seems like a good place to start. More broadly, though, can we really call Google an American company?

While the Chinese are laser focused on world domination, America is either looking the other way, ignoring the looming storm on the horizon, or actually assisting the Chinese in their plans, either willfully or by proxy.

While we do not know precisely what the future holds, we clearly can see history.....and a globally powerful and militarily advanced or superior Communist regime is clearly a human catastrophe in the making.


Just remember....it's not necessarily the Chinese People themselves as much as it is a totalitarian, oppressive political party. Today's leftist, "progressive/socialist" movements in America for example.
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After Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Roosevelt called on American corporations to rise to the call to defend the nation and produce 50,000 warplanes per year.....a request that was mocked by Nazi Germany as impossible. America eventually ended up producing 100,000 war planes per year.

Today, a majority of those same corporations might not side with America at all.

Is Corporate America Selling Out Our Country? | RealClearPolitics

RealClearPolitics.com said:
Google has been working on a censored search engine: Project Dragonfly, built for the Chinese government and designed to keep the Chinese people from seeing a free flow of information. At the same time, Google refused to work with the U.S. military. Thiel suggested that the FBI and CIA should investigate Google, which seems like a good place to start. More broadly, though, can we really call Google an American company?

While the Chinese are laser focused on world domination, America is either looking the other way, ignoring the looming storm on the horizon, or actually assisting the Chinese in their plans, either willfully or by proxy.

While we do not know precisely what the future holds, we clearly can see history.....and a globally powerful and militarily advanced or superior Communist regime is clearly a human catastrophe in the making.

View attachment 290119

Has America....sold out America to the Chinese? Many think so.
NO....Mexifornia, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas have been ‘sold out’ / conceded to Mexico. We don’t have 100 million chinese here illegally or with illegal roots voting and dragging our systems down.
Has America....sold out America to the Chinese? Many think so.
NO....Mexifornia, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas have been ‘sold out’ / conceded to Mexico. We don’t have 100 million chinese here illegally or with illegal roots voting and dragging our systems down.

Did you read the article?
What about all the American Corporations coddling the Chinese Communist party?
Knowledge is power.

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Why Chinese parents come to America to give birth - Marketplace

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Will Trump end the Chinese boom in US birthright citizenship?
Has America....sold out America to the Chinese? Many think so.
NO....Mexifornia, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas have been ‘sold out’ / conceded to Mexico. We don’t have 100 million chinese here illegally or with illegal roots voting and dragging our systems down.

Did you read the article?
What about all the American Corporations coddling the Chinese Communist party?

I did, and the editorial is spot on.
Look, we’ve become a nation of fools, a nation of people scared to be patriotic and nationalistic, a nation that holds nothing about ‘America’ dear, a nation where many honesty believe America is not ours anymore, they believe America belongs to the world now. The pro-globalists have accomplished this through FORCED diversity...this is undeniable.
Mexico has infiltrated our communities, cities, states and blue collar industries with tens of millions of foot soldiers while the Chinese and India infiltrate us in the white collar sectors....All while we stand by and watch it happen....most celebrate it as it happens. They cite the beauty in DIVERSITY which unmasked is really the bridge to full globalization, greater population and GDP for the elites.
Ask the pro-globalists here how they feel about it and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about...ask Mac1958 Golfing Gator Slade3200 g5000 to tell you how cool going global is.
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I did, and the editorial is spot on.
Look, we’ve become a nation of fools, a nation of people scared to be patriotic and nationalistic, a nation that holds nothing about ‘America’ dear, a nation where many honesty believe America is not ours anymore, they believe America ibelongs to the world now. The pro-globalists have accomplished this through FORCED diversity...this is undeniable.
Mexico has infiltrated our communities, cities, states and blue collar industries with tens of millions of foot soldiers while the Chinese and India infiltrate us in the white collar sectors....All while we stand by and watch it happen....most celebrate it as it happens. They cite the beauty in DIVERSITY which unmasked is really the bridge to full globalization, greater population and GDP for the elites.
Ask the pro-globalists here how they feel about it and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about...ask Mac1958 Golfing Gator Slade3200 g5000 to tell you how cool going global is.

I pretty much agree with this....so I'm not sure why you disagree about the number of Americans and American firms that have indeed "sold out" to the Chinese.

I do know that the Left has embraced latin America, for diversity (and voting) purposes, but an even bigger looming problem is the sell out to China.
We are being hammered and eroded from all fronts.

It's not sustainable.
Third Party rated the OP as 'Informative"

I wonder if He/She is aware at all of what's going on or like so many, has no clue?

Or worse yet, is an American who is in bed with the Communist party?
Has America....sold out America to the Chinese? Many think so.
NO....Mexifornia, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas have been ‘sold out’ / conceded to Mexico. We don’t have 100 million chinese here illegally or with illegal roots voting and dragging our systems down.

Did you read the article?
What about all the American Corporations coddling the Chinese Communist party?

I did, and the editorial is spot on.
Look, we’ve become a nation of fools, a nation of people scared to be patriotic and nationalistic, a nation that holds nothing about ‘America’ dear, a nation where many honesty believe America is not ours anymore, they believe America ibelongs to the world now. The pro-globalists have accomplished this through FORCED diversity...this is undeniable.
Mexico has infiltrated our communities, cities, states and blue collar industries with tens of millions of foot soldiers while the Chinese and India infiltrate us in the white collar sectors....All while we stand by and watch it happen....most celebrate it as it happens. They cite the beauty in DIVERSITY which unmasked is really the bridge to full globalization, greater population and GDP for the elites.
Ask the pro-globalists here how they feel about it and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about...ask Mac1958 Golfing Gator Slade3200 g5000 to tell you how cool going global is.

I am not a globalists, I am a capitalist.

Learn the difference.
I did, and the editorial is spot on.
Look, we’ve become a nation of fools, a nation of people scared to be patriotic and nationalistic, a nation that holds nothing about ‘America’ dear, a nation where many honesty believe America is not ours anymore, they believe America ibelongs to the world now. The pro-globalists have accomplished this through FORCED diversity...this is undeniable.
Mexico has infiltrated our communities, cities, states and blue collar industries with tens of millions of foot soldiers while the Chinese and India infiltrate us in the white collar sectors....All while we stand by and watch it happen....most celebrate it as it happens. They cite the beauty in DIVERSITY which unmasked is really the bridge to full globalization, greater population and GDP for the elites.
Ask the pro-globalists here how they feel about it and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about...ask Mac1958 Golfing Gator Slade3200 g5000 to tell you how cool going global is.

I pretty much agree with this....so I'm not sure why you disagree about the number of Americans and American firms that have indeed "sold out" to the Chinese.

I do know that the Left has embraced latin America, for diversity (and voting) purposes, but an even bigger looming problem is the sell out to China.
We are being hammered and eroded from all fronts.

It's not sustainable.

Awww, that’s where we disagree....You see, while the Chinese may be practicing to become puppet masters at the top to eventually reign supreme the “Latin Americans” as you so eloquently refer to them are pillaging, raping and killing our people...they are changing America at its core and shredding the pillars and foundations of this nation...NOW AND IN REAL TIME.
So while many stress out over shit happening in high places that may never really reach them or have any measurable affect on them...they’ll pull up to a stop light everyday, many times a day with an uninsured drunk wetback in a shitty Toyota truck sitting next them.
Again, these same people are quick to scream....but, but, but...,RUSSIA or CHINA yet rarely or never scream but, but, but MEXICO.....Fucking weird.
Has America....sold out America to the Chinese? Many think so.
NO....Mexifornia, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas have been ‘sold out’ / conceded to Mexico. We don’t have 100 million chinese here illegally or with illegal roots voting and dragging our systems down.

Did you read the article?
What about all the American Corporations coddling the Chinese Communist party?

I did, and the editorial is spot on.
Look, we’ve become a nation of fools, a nation of people scared to be patriotic and nationalistic, a nation that holds nothing about ‘America’ dear, a nation where many honesty believe America is not ours anymore, they believe America ibelongs to the world now. The pro-globalists have accomplished this through FORCED diversity...this is undeniable.
Mexico has infiltrated our communities, cities, states and blue collar industries with tens of millions of foot soldiers while the Chinese and India infiltrate us in the white collar sectors....All while we stand by and watch it happen....most celebrate it as it happens. They cite the beauty in DIVERSITY which unmasked is really the bridge to full globalization, greater population and GDP for the elites.
Ask the pro-globalists here how they feel about it and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about...ask Mac1958 Golfing Gator Slade3200 g5000 to tell you how cool going global is.

Not that it will matter, but I do not support FORCED diversity. I do not support Affirmative Action or even anti-discrimination laws applied to anyone but the government.

Where you and I differ is that I also do not support FORCED homogeneity while you do.
Has America....sold out America to the Chinese? Many think so.
NO....Mexifornia, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas have been ‘sold out’ / conceded to Mexico. We don’t have 100 million chinese here illegally or with illegal roots voting and dragging our systems down.

Did you read the article?
What about all the American Corporations coddling the Chinese Communist party?

I did, and the editorial is spot on.
Look, we’ve become a nation of fools, a nation of people scared to be patriotic and nationalistic, a nation that holds nothing about ‘America’ dear, a nation where many honesty believe America is not ours anymore, they believe America ibelongs to the world now. The pro-globalists have accomplished this through FORCED diversity...this is undeniable.
Mexico has infiltrated our communities, cities, states and blue collar industries with tens of millions of foot soldiers while the Chinese and India infiltrate us in the white collar sectors....All while we stand by and watch it happen....most celebrate it as it happens. They cite the beauty in DIVERSITY which unmasked is really the bridge to full globalization, greater population and GDP for the elites.
Ask the pro-globalists here how they feel about it and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about...ask Mac1958 Golfing Gator Slade3200 g5000 to tell you how cool going global is.

I am not a globalists, I am a capitalist.

Learn the difference.

You are definitely, unequivocally, 100% pro-globalist.
One can not (kinda) stand for illegal immigration, be afraid to herd the illegals here for deportation and then claim not to be a globalist. Sorry bud, no toeing the line. You either are or you aren’t
Awww, that’s where we disagree....You see, while the Chinese may be practicing to become puppet masters at the top to eventually reign supreme the “Latin Americans” as you so eloquently refer to them are pillaging, raping and killing our people...they are changing America at its core and shredding the pillars and foundations of this nation...NOW AND IN REAL TIME.
So while many stress out over shit happening in high places that may never really reach them or have any measurable affect on them...they’ll pull up to a stop light everyday, many times a day with an uninsured drunk wetback in a shitty Toyota truck sitting next them.
Again, these same people are quick to scream....but, but, but...,RUSSIA or CHINA yet rarely or never scream but, but, but MEXICO.....Fucking weird.

I know quite a few Mexicans. For the most part they are peace loving people. While I agree our borders should be....MUST be protected, I think the problem at the Southern border is something we can fix.....unlike the growing Chinese threat.

BOTH are problems. But the Mexicans will never dominate globally and have no such desires.
Mexico has no advanced stealth fighters and billions of soldiers. Mexico is not (yet) a Communist country. Mexico is not and will not be a military threat to the US in the foreseeable future.

We may be absorbing millions of Mexicans illegally, but the real damage is being done by the Chinese. We are also absorbing a LOT of Chinese through the Chinese government sponsoring mass immigration of Chinese nationals with absolute loyalty to China for the purpose of implanting a large number of operatives here. And we are ignorantly overlooking the problem. My opinion. Of course, ymmv.
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Has America....sold out America to the Chinese? Many think so.
NO....Mexifornia, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas have been ‘sold out’ / conceded to Mexico. We don’t have 100 million chinese here illegally or with illegal roots voting and dragging our systems down.

Did you read the article?
What about all the American Corporations coddling the Chinese Communist party?

I did, and the editorial is spot on.
Look, we’ve become a nation of fools, a nation of people scared to be patriotic and nationalistic, a nation that holds nothing about ‘America’ dear, a nation where many honesty believe America is not ours anymore, they believe America ibelongs to the world now. The pro-globalists have accomplished this through FORCED diversity...this is undeniable.
Mexico has infiltrated our communities, cities, states and blue collar industries with tens of millions of foot soldiers while the Chinese and India infiltrate us in the white collar sectors....All while we stand by and watch it happen....most celebrate it as it happens. They cite the beauty in DIVERSITY which unmasked is really the bridge to full globalization, greater population and GDP for the elites.
Ask the pro-globalists here how they feel about it and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about...ask Mac1958 Golfing Gator Slade3200 g5000 to tell you how cool going global is.

Not that it will matter, but I do not support FORCED diversity. I do not support Affirmative Action or even anti-discrimination laws applied to anyone but the government.

Where you and I differ is that I also do not support FORCED homogeneity while you do.

“Forced homogeneity” is not a phrase I’ve ever used even once in my lifetime nor is it something I believe in.
I take an even simpler point of view....try this once....ALWAYS take the position on ALL matters that is most beneficial for good, REAL Americans. This shit is ALWAYS simple as fuck if you follow that simple rule.
Awww, that’s where we disagree....You see, while the Chinese may be practicing to become puppet masters at the top to eventually reign supreme the “Latin Americans” as you so eloquently refer to them are pillaging, raping and killing our people...they are changing America at its core and shredding the pillars and foundations of this nation...NOW AND IN REAL TIME.
So while many stress out over shit happening in high places that may never really reach them or have any measurable affect on them...they’ll pull up to a stop light everyday, many times a day with an uninsured drunk wetback in a shitty Toyota truck sitting next them.
Again, these same people are quick to scream....but, but, but...,RUSSIA or CHINA yet rarely or never scream but, but, but MEXICO.....Fucking weird.

I know quite a few Mexicans. For the most part they are peace loving people. While I agree our borders should be....MUST be protected, I think the problem at the Southern border is something we can fix.....unlike the growing Chinese threat.

BOTH are problems. But the Mexicans will never dominate globally and have no such desires.
Mexico has no advanced stealth fighters and billions of soldiers. Mexico is not (yet) a Communist country.

We may be absorbing millions of Mexicans illegally, but the real damage is being done by the Chinese. My opinion. Of course, ymmv.

See, there it is, you just proved my point for me.
You said...”I know quite a few Mexicans. For the most part they are peace loving people.”
You have have been taught / programmed to justify and accept that Mexicans have a right to be here...of course you toss in that clever ‘well kind of’ caveat like Gator often does.

Look, it was “Germany is gonna take over the world” followed by “Russia is gonna take over the world” and now its “China is gonna take over the world”....all fun THEORIES and great conversation pieces....MEANWHILE while you people are losing sleep over who’s gonna take over the world wetbacks are taking your country, stealing your tax dollars, raping our daughters, murdering Mollie Tibbetts....Read my lips...THIS IS ALL HAPPENING RIGHT NOW....TODAY.
Exhaust all effort on this REALITY and let’s move on to theories next...Whatta ya say?
Has America....sold out America to the Chinese? Many think so.
NO....Mexifornia, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas have been ‘sold out’ / conceded to Mexico. We don’t have 100 million chinese here illegally or with illegal roots voting and dragging our systems down.

Did you read the article?
What about all the American Corporations coddling the Chinese Communist party?

I did, and the editorial is spot on.
Look, we’ve become a nation of fools, a nation of people scared to be patriotic and nationalistic, a nation that holds nothing about ‘America’ dear, a nation where many honesty believe America is not ours anymore, they believe America ibelongs to the world now. The pro-globalists have accomplished this through FORCED diversity...this is undeniable.
Mexico has infiltrated our communities, cities, states and blue collar industries with tens of millions of foot soldiers while the Chinese and India infiltrate us in the white collar sectors....All while we stand by and watch it happen....most celebrate it as it happens. They cite the beauty in DIVERSITY which unmasked is really the bridge to full globalization, greater population and GDP for the elites.
Ask the pro-globalists here how they feel about it and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about...ask Mac1958 Golfing Gator Slade3200 g5000 to tell you how cool going global is.

I am not a globalists, I am a capitalist.

Learn the difference.

You are definitely, unequivocally, 100% pro-globalist.
One can not (kinda) stand for illegal immigration, be afraid to herd the illegals here for deportation and then claim not to be a globalist. Sorry bud, no toeing the line. You either are or you aren’t

I do not stand for illegal immigration, you just assume so because I am not a racist and do not use racial slurs when speaking of them.
“Forced homogeneity” is not a phrase I’ve ever used even once in my lifetime nor is it something I believe in.
I take an even simpler point of view....try this once....ALWAYS take the position on ALL matters that is most beneficial for good, REAL Americans. This shit is ALWAYS simple as fuck if you follow that simple rule.

of course you have never used the phrase, you more than likely had to Google it to find out what the word meant.

You have no clue what a good, REAL American is.
Trump was selling Ukraine out to Russia so why not America to China ?? Must be big bucks in it for him someplace
Has America....sold out America to the Chinese? Many think so.
NO....Mexifornia, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas have been ‘sold out’ / conceded to Mexico. We don’t have 100 million chinese here illegally or with illegal roots voting and dragging our systems down.

Did you read the article?
What about all the American Corporations coddling the Chinese Communist party?

I did, and the editorial is spot on.
Look, we’ve become a nation of fools, a nation of people scared to be patriotic and nationalistic, a nation that holds nothing about ‘America’ dear, a nation where many honesty believe America is not ours anymore, they believe America ibelongs to the world now. The pro-globalists have accomplished this through FORCED diversity...this is undeniable.
Mexico has infiltrated our communities, cities, states and blue collar industries with tens of millions of foot soldiers while the Chinese and India infiltrate us in the white collar sectors....All while we stand by and watch it happen....most celebrate it as it happens. They cite the beauty in DIVERSITY which unmasked is really the bridge to full globalization, greater population and GDP for the elites.
Ask the pro-globalists here how they feel about it and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about...ask Mac1958 Golfing Gator Slade3200 g5000 to tell you how cool going global is.

I am not a globalists, I am a capitalist.

Learn the difference.

You are definitely, unequivocally, 100% pro-globalist.
One can not (kinda) stand for illegal immigration, be afraid to herd the illegals here for deportation and then claim not to be a globalist. Sorry bud, no toeing the line. You either are or you aren’t

I do not stand for illegal immigration, you just assume so because I am not a racist and do not use racial slurs when speaking of them.

Cool...I’m certain you can link us to your posts which confirm your support for rounding up illegals, prying the criminals from the clutches of their poor families and sending them home to Mexico...right? I mean, there’s been plenty of discussion on this here and you’ve got plenty of posting history. Prove it.

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