harsher sentencing and for profit prison


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
I've seen a number of people here advocate for more severe criminal punishment, particularly in the form of longer sentences. Is this really the answer? Has it not been demonstrated that harsher punishments do not create less crime? We have more people per thousand locked up than anybody as far as I'm aware. We have a corrupt prison system with a vested interest in creating more prisoners for profit. Do we really need more people in prison for longer?
I've seen a number of people here advocate for more severe criminal punishment, particularly in the form of longer sentences. Is this really the answer? Has it not been demonstrated that harsher punishments do not create less crime? We have more people per thousand locked up than anybody as far as I'm aware. We have a corrupt prison system with a vested interest in creating more prisoners for profit. Do we really need more people in prison for longer?

Clear out the victimless crime convicts altogether. They don't belong in jail. If anything, fines only.

Put white collar and non-violent criminals to work (infrastructure, whatever) in exchange for shorter sentences.

Keep repeat violent criminals locked up forever or better yet, tap them under the left ear and save a boatload of cash.

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