Hard to Believe


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
I have always accepted as fact that Democrats with all their social programs run higher deficits compared to Republicans. I was really shocked when I saw these figures.

Take a look at this chart.

National debt by U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Every Democratic president for the last 50 years has had a decrease in debt to GDP ratio.
Every Republican president for the last 50 years with the exception of Nixon has had and increase.

The biggest increase was in George Bush's second term (+20.0%).
The biggest decrease was in Clinton's second term (-9.0%).

"I guess this goes to show that what most people believe most of the time is mostly wrong."
Bubba's decrease was driven by a confluence of demographics, a congress controlled by the opposition party for 3/4 of his term, and by emasculating the military.

Dubya was a paleoprogressive noecon RINO, whose policy agenda more closely resembled that of LBJ than any republican since....since....Abraham Lincoln.

Nice try, though.
Bubba's decrease was driven by a confluence of demographics, a congress controlled by the opposition party for 3/4 of his term, and by emasculating the military.

Dubya was a paleoprogressive noecon RINO, whose policy agenda more closely resembled that of LBJ than any republican since....since....Abraham Lincoln.

Nice try, though.

I wonder what the chart of congressional control would reveal.
Doesn't matter how effectively you can prove it.

Partisans will still believe the myths about both parties.

They cling to these myths because they NEED an enemy and their betters tell then WHO to hate.

Stupid people ARE like that, ya know.
Doesn't matter how effectively you can prove it.

Partisans will still believe the myths about both parties.

They cling to these myths because they NEED an enemy and their betters tell then WHO to hate.

Stupid people ARE like that, ya know.

Yep. I find it laughable that people don't see that it benefits both sides to keep the fires of "hatred" (although I find it ridiculous to "hate" anyone because they hold a different political view to me) between the "democrats" and "republicans"... Truth of it is that both sides are scum. And while we argue between ourselves, they continue trampling on the Constitution and laughing at all of us while they line their own pockets.

The only loyalty I have is to my country. Certainly not to any political party.
Bush was not a real republican is no excuse.

And no MAN is an Island unto himself...what's yer point?

You state the Obvious.

remember THAT and say that to your compadres when they are doing their OBAMARAMA DRAMA every nano second of the day! :eek:

Yeah, I read these anti-Obama threads and wonder if these people understand how many villians it takes to ruin a nation.

Apparently they think the POTUS is a king who does whatever he wants and nobody else is responsible.
Bush was not a real republican is no excuse.

And no MAN is an Island unto himself...what's yer point?

You state the Obvious.

remember THAT and say that to your compadres when they are doing their OBAMARAMA DRAMA every nano second of the day! :eek:
Personally, I took every available opportunity --and brother was that a target rich environment-- to rip Chimpola and his neocon butt boys to shreds, for the eight years they were screwing up virtually everything they touched.

Odd thing though...I never got branded as a "hater", "propagandist", or any permutation of the accusation that I was better suited to distilling whiskey in a tin shed somewhere while wearing a bed sheet.
Why is it that people think the PRESIDENT is the driving force behind the economy?

Do most people not know what Congress is, or what function it serves????
So...I guess that means that Obama will blow the trend out of the water.
Maybe Maybe Not

· The healthcare bill is front loaded with taxes. Big spending won't happen for years..
· The Bush tax cuts expire this year. Unless Congress extends them revenues will go up.
· With the stock market going up and the economy projected to continue to expand, tax revenues will rise.
· Much of the remaining Obama’s legislative agenda is deficit neutral. The most expensive one, healthcare is behind us.
· Payback from some of the government bailout has started and will continue.
So...I guess that means that Obama will blow the trend out of the water.
Maybe Maybe Not

· The healthcare bill is front loaded with taxes. Big spending won't happen for years..
· The Bush tax cuts expire this year. Unless Congress extends them revenues will go up.
· With the stock market going up and the economy projected to continue to expand, tax revenues will rise.
· Much of the remaining Obama’s legislative agenda is deficit neutral. The most expensive one, healthcare is behind us.
· Payback from some of the government bailout has started and will continue.

You are assuming that big tax increases will have no effect on the economy. I doubt that. If/when the Fed decides to raise rates (and they will have to soon to maintain credibility) the economy will take another hit and financing the deficit will become more expensive.
The big borrowers on the bailout, Fannie and Freddie, are not paying back, nor will they.
Doesn't matter how effectively you can prove it.

Partisans will still believe the myths about both parties.

They cling to these myths because they NEED an enemy and their betters tell then WHO to hate.

Stupid people ARE like that, ya know.
Right on target.
Bush was not a real republican is no excuse.

And no MAN is an Island unto himself...what's yer point?

You state the Obvious.

remember THAT and say that to your compadres when they are doing their OBAMARAMA DRAMA every nano second of the day! :eek:

Then there are those that subscribe to the Obama agenda, and is exactly my point. Obama is not a REAL Democrat either. he is a Marxist/Statist, bordering on being Stalin-Like. [At least his actions support the view...as does those in charge of the Congress in BOTH houses].

Their actions speak volumes, as did GW Bush to a lesser degree but he is still guiltyof the same.

Again? My point is right on.
And no MAN is an Island unto himself...what's yer point?

You state the Obvious.

remember THAT and say that to your compadres when they are doing their OBAMARAMA DRAMA every nano second of the day! :eek:
Personally, I took every available opportunity --and brother was that a target rich environment-- to rip Chimpola and his neocon butt boys to shreds, for the eight years they were screwing up virtually everything they touched.

Odd thing though...I never got branded as a "hater", "propagandist", or any permutation of the accusation that I was better suited to distilling whiskey in a tin shed somewhere while wearing a bed sheet.

And notice being a 'Neocon Buttboy' is out of vogue now we are face with something more stark...? The buttboys know now they weren't too far off the reservation being run by Obama...just to a lesser degree.

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