Hard at work behind bars


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Apr 15, 2004
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There was this case here in CT just heard before the Supreme Court. Some female inmates wrote a book and the government was trying to prevent them from collecting for it, insisting that any profits should go to paying for their incarceration. The Court decided that they should have to pay $500 each, but could keep the rest. I think each woman got like $500 with one woman winning a $25,000 award for her work.

It seems the court felt that it was best to support rehabilitation, in this case through writing. Assuming most or many inmates will return to society, I generally agree with this.

My question is, how much money should you be able to earn in prison and, if any, what part of that ought you have to pay for the cost of incarceration? I think I understand now why prison wages are so low, the state is paying for your room and board!
Originally posted by nycflasher
There was this case here in CT just heard before the Supreme Court. Some female inmates wrote a book and the government was trying to prevent them from collecting for it, insisting that any profits should go to paying for their incarceration. The Court decided that they should have to pay $500 each, but could keep the rest. I think each woman got like $500 with one woman winning a $25,000 award for her work.

It seems the court felt that it was best to support rehabilitation, in this case through writing. Assuming most or many inmates will return to society, I generally agree with this.

My question is, how much money should you be able to earn in prison and, if any, what part of that ought you have to pay for the cost of incarceration? I think I understand now why prison wages are so low, the state is paying for your room and board!

Not just the state. Us citizens are paying for their room and board with our taxes.
Right, all of us pay for it at a cost of around $30,000 per year per prisoner. $1 million total for death row inmates.
Anything you earn in prison should be set aside for your use after your release - up to about $10,000, i fyou can earn that much. Anything above that should go directly to the operational funds of that prison.
People should be allowed to earn no money from prison if the work involves anything involving profit from details or discussion of the crime. People could commit strange crimes just to make cash from jail by capitalizing on the crime itself.
Hard to argue with that, jeff.

I mean, you shouldn't be able to enrich yourself in prison.
But, allowing a prisoner to save/work for something to be used upon his/her release helps ensure that that person has a chance at alife after prison. A chance not to be a recidivist.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
People should be allowed to earn no money from prison if the work involves anything involving profit from details or discussion of the crime. People could commit strange crimes just to make cash from jail by capitalizing on the crime itself.

In the case I speak of, I think the women wrote a book about their experiences in prison.

But yeah, a Manson-type can't write abook about about all the horrible things he did an be enriched by it.
Originally posted by nycflasher
Hard to argue with that, jeff.

I mean, you shouldn't be able to enrich yourself in prison.
But, allowing a prisoner to save/work for something to be used upon his/her release helps ensure that that person has a chance at alife after prison. A chance not to be a recidivist.

I would agree. How about a slight variation....

If the perp is supposed to be paying a debt to society, He has to repay in this order:

1. The victim (or immediate family of)
2. The prison system to cover room and board
3. The perp's release fund up to a maximum of minimum wage for 1 year to help stabilize living after release.
Originally posted by NewGuy
I would agree. How about a slight variation....

If the perp is supposed to be paying a debt to society, He has to repay in this order:

1. The victim (or immediate family of)
2. The prison system to cover room and board
3. The perp's release fund up to a maximum of minimum wage for 1 year to help stabilize living after release.

yep. policy wonk. Good luck in the election.
I truly think that everyone should be forced to work in prison for some aspect of society. Whether that means in the prison, making license plates, worker camps or "chain gangs" on the highway they should work. Anything earned by them should go directly to pay the victim and the state/feds for the cost of the incarceration. Just like an allowance for a young child, 1/3 goes to the above refund, 1/3 to a "savings account" for the prisoner and 1/3 should go into a general fund for charity. That way, the prisoner learns real life skills- pay your debts, use your money and give to others.

Moreover, I believe that their family should be forced to pay too. Perhaps we would still not get any money, but the entire fact of having to pay us first is more crucial. Every act has consequences. How truly awful could someone actually have it when they get room, board, hygiene, laundry, schooling, etc. with absolutly no mandate to pay for it.

It's completely obvious that the prison system in this country does not work to either deter crime from happening, punish the offenders or to create a more safe environment for the country.
Moreover, I believe that their family should be forced to pay too.

any set limitations on this or should we have great grandma in north carolina pay for junior's thieving run in california?
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
any set limitations on this or should we have great grandma in north carolina pay for junior's thieving run in california?
I think parents should be made to pay for minor children. Let me also say that families who can (and, more importantly, do) go after welfare, social security or any other benefit of those in prison should damn well be made to pay. If they can get benefits, they should have to make reparations.

I'm tired of the free ride society for all but those of us who work for a living.
Originally posted by Moi
I think parents should be made to pay for minor children. Let me also say that families who can (and, more importantly, do) go after welfare, social security or any other benefit of those in prison should damn well be made to pay. If they can get benefits, they should have to make reparations.

I'm tired of the free ride society for all but those of us who work for a living.

I can agree with all of that with some MINOR, and extremely qualified, exceptions. Children or spouses should indeed be entitled to social security if it can be shown that they themselves are unable to make a decent living on their own. thats all. thanks.
Originally posted by Moi
I truly think that everyone should be forced to work in prison for some aspect of society. Whether that means in the prison, making license plates, worker camps or "chain gangs" on the highway they should work. Anything earned by them should go directly to pay the victim and the state/feds for the cost of the incarceration. Just like an allowance for a young child, 1/3 goes to the above refund, 1/3 to a "savings account" for the prisoner and 1/3 should go into a general fund for charity. That way, the prisoner learns real life skills- pay your debts, use your money and give to others.

Moreover, I believe that their family should be forced to pay too. Perhaps we would still not get any money, but the entire fact of having to pay us first is more crucial. Every act has consequences. How truly awful could someone actually have it when they get room, board, hygiene, laundry, schooling, etc. with absolutly no mandate to pay for it.

It's completely obvious that the prison system in this country does not work to either deter crime from happening, punish the offenders or to create a more safe environment for the country.

I am with you in the first paragraph here, it makes some sense.

But as for the rest, what about personal responsibility? Having someones' family pay for the crimes? No way.

As for the public incurring these costs, I much prefer that than the idea of the criminal running free. I see Criminal Justice as the cost of living in a civil society, and one of the most important roles our government plays. Although, the system is far from perfect.

And I have to disagree wholeheartedly with you regarding your final comment: "It's completely obvious that the prison system in this country does not work to either deter crime from happening, punish the offenders or to create a more safe environment for the country."

I assume part of what you were referring to is high recidivism rates. This is certainly a problem and a sign thqat prison isn't working as a deterrant. But, as far as public safety goes, there is no way you are going to convince us that we would be equally safe were the government to release the 2 million+ prison population(the highest percentage of citizens incarcerated of any country in the world).
I think we should go back in time to where prison was for debtors and real criminals were put down like dogs.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
I think we should go back in time to where prison was for debtors and real criminals were put down like dogs.

Well, okay. But dwelling in fantasy will change nothing.
EDIT: maybe you would rather be a Saudi citizen?
Originally posted by nycflasher
Well, okay. But dwelling in fantasy will change nothing.
EDIT: maybe you would rather be a Saudi citizen?

There's still trials, but if you're convicted of a heinous violent crime resulting in death or severe injury, you should be put down. You're an animal. Any violence with a weapon not commited in self defense or defense of others would also result in death.

It's a better system.
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