Happy We Kicked the Brits Out: Changing Sex on a Whim Edition


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Warning over transgender guidance to judges
The Bench Book advises that transgender defendants should be addressed by the pronouns of their choice and that ‘self-definition is the most important criteria’ (sic). At least one victim of violence by a transgender woman has been reprimanded in court for using male pronouns while describing the attack. Finding the defendant guilty, the judge refused the victim compensation, saying that when asked to refer to the defendant as ‘she’, the victim had done so with ‘bad grace’ or continued to use ‘he’.

Yeah ... during court proceedings, everyone is expected to respect everyone else ... showing disrespect can get you thrown in jail for contempt ... even if the judge rules against me, I always thanked him for that ruling ... [smile] ... good chance I'll be before that judge again real soon ... they remember shit like that ...

I do think folks have the right to decide what they are called ... I grew up with a guy who hated his first name, and asked us to call him by his middle name ... my own son uses his initials because of the screwy messed up names I gave him ...

He/she/it is a personal choice ... not ours ... fight it him on the streets, in our schools, at the Capitol Building ... the fight doesn't belong in the courtroom is all ...

Lord Above ... every noun in the German language has a gender ... us English speakers are spoiled rotten ...
Yeah ... during court proceedings, everyone is expected to respect everyone else ... showing disrespect can get you thrown in jail for contempt ... even if the judge rules against me, I always thanked him for that ruling ... [smile] ... good chance I'll be before that judge again real soon ... they remember shit like that ...

I do think folks have the right to decide what they are called ... I grew up with a guy who hated his first name, and asked us to call him by his middle name ... my own son uses his initials because of the screwy messed up names I gave him ...

He/she/it is a personal choice ... not ours ... fight it him on the streets, in our schools, at the Capitol Building ... the fight doesn't belong in the courtroom is all ...

Lord Above ... every noun in the German language has a gender ... us English speakers are spoiled rotten ...

The courts should deal with the reality of situations brought before them. Anything else encourages delusion, which should not be recognized by a court.
Yeah ... during court proceedings, everyone is expected to respect everyone else ... showing disrespect can get you thrown in jail for contempt ... even if the judge rules against me, I always thanked him for that ruling ... [smile] ... good chance I'll be before that judge again real soon ... they remember shit like that ...

I do think folks have the right to decide what they are called ... I grew up with a guy who hated his first name, and asked us to call him by his middle name ... my own son uses his initials because of the screwy messed up names I gave him ...

He/she/it is a personal choice ... not ours ... fight it him on the streets, in our schools, at the Capitol Building ... the fight doesn't belong in the courtroom is all ...

Lord Above ... every noun in the German language has a gender ... us English speakers are spoiled rotten ...

We fought a war in part to not speak German. :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah ... during court proceedings, everyone is expected to respect everyone else ...

He/she/it is a personal choice ... not ours ... fight it him on the streets, in our schools, at the Capitol Building ... the fight doesn't belong in the courtroom is all ...

When one is testifying in court, one is usually under oath,and to speak untruth is perjery, a ciminal offense.

And the hard, objective, undeniable truth is that one's gender sex, and therefore the pronouns by which one ought to be addressed, is defined by objective biological criteria, and not by how the person in question claims to “identify”

To knowing refer to a person, while under oath, using pronouns that are contrary to that person actual, biological sex, would constitute perjury under any sane interpretation.

Such forced falsehood belongs in mental hospitals, not in a courtroom at all.
Why are people so obsessed with this stuff? Just call people what they want to be called. That's it. End of. Get over it, people. This sexual obsession that right-wingers have is so laughable.
And the hard, objective, undeniable truth is that one's gender sex, and therefore the pronouns by which one ought to be addressed, is defined by objective biological criteria, and not by how the person in question claims to “identify”

This is for the legislature to decide ... and if the legislature has not weighed in on the matter, then the first judge who faced this made a decision ... and now every judge after has to make the same decision ... until the legislature does their job and passes a law regarding that ...

You're asking the court to do something they're not designed to do ... make a political decision ... worst people in the world to do that ...
Why are people so obsessed with this stuff? Just call people what they want to be called. That's it. End of. Get over it, people. This sexual obsession that right-wingers have is so laughable.
Dufus, the thread is about you freaks putting people in prison for calling a male a male.

Why are you people so sexually obsessed? It's constant. And it's boring. Have sex or don't. That's up to you, but don't harp on it constantly. There is no reason to care what pronoun a person wishes to be referred to by. You and pigpence and the whole lot of you need to have your heads examined.
Motorcyclist Who Identifies As Bicyclist Sets Cycling World Record

NEW YORK, NY—In an inspiring story from the world of professional cycling, a motorcyclist who identifies as a bicyclist has crushed all the regular bicyclists, setting an unbelievable world record.

In a local qualifying race for the World Road Cycling League, the motorcyclist crushed the previous 100-mile record of 3 hours, 13 minutes with his amazing new score of well under an hour.

Professional motorcycle racer Judd E. Banner, the brave trans-vehicle rider, was allowed to race after he told league organizers he's always felt like a bicyclist in a motorcyclist's body.

"Look, my ride has handlebars, two wheels, and a seat," he told reporters as he accepted a trophy for his incredible time trial. "Just because I've got a little extra hardware, such as an 1170-cc flat-twin engine with 110 horsepower, doesn't mean I have any kind of inherent advantage here."

Banner also said he painted the word "HUFFY" on the side of his bike, ensuring he has no advantage over the bikes that came out of the factory as bicycles.

Some critics say he needs to cut off his motor in order to make the competition fairer, but he quickly called these people bigots, and they were immediately banned from professional cycle racing.
Why are people so obsessed with this stuff? Just call people what they want to be called. That's it. End of. Get over it, people. This sexual obsession that right-wingers have is so laughable.

What reaction do you expect, when you try to compel sane, decent people to play along with what we can clearly see to be insane and immoral nonsense?

Our objections to attempts to so compel us are not evidence of any “obsession” with such things on our part. That obsession would be on the part of those of you who not only embrace this madness, but who want to drag others into it who want no part of it.
This is for the legislature to decide ... and if the legislature has not weighed in on the matter, then the first judge who faced this made a decision ... and now every judge after has to make the same decision ... until the legislature does their job and passes a law regarding that ...

You're asking the court to do something they're not designed to do ... make a political decision ... worst people in the world to do that ...

It is no more for legislature to decide, or a judge to decide, than it is for legislature or a court to decide whether or not two plus two equals four.

Hard scientific facts cannot be altered by passing a law, nor by issuing a court ruling.
It is no more for legislature to decide, or a judge to decide, than it is for legislature or a court to decide whether or not two plus two equals four.

Hard scientific facts cannot be altered by passing a law, nor by issuing a court ruling.

I think you're confusing biological sex of individuals with the gender of words ... it's a hard scientific fact whether an individual has 45 X-Chromosomes or 46 ... no doubt there ... but with words things aren't so cut-and-dry ... there's a few words than hold the "logical" gender ... but many don't make sense ... "Church" is feminine in German, what scientific explanation can be given for that distinction? ...

$300,000 times 20% equals zero ... weird but the IRS accepted that ... so don't be so sure written law complies with scientific fact all the time ... it's called "tyranny of the majority"; if you don't like it, make sure you hire an attorney to speak for you in court ... 'cause if you start railing on the judge, you gonna be in a heap of trouble ...
I think you're confusing biological sex of individuals with the gender of words ... it's a hard scientific fact whether an individual has 45 X-Chromosomes or 46 ... no doubt there ... but with words things aren't so cut-and-dry ... there's a few words than hold the "logical" gender ... but many don't make sense ... "Church" is feminine in German, what scientific explanation can be given for that distinction? ...

$300,000 times 20% equals zero ... weird but the IRS accepted that ... so don't be so sure written law complies with scientific fact all the time ... it's called "tyranny of the majority"; if you don't like it, make sure you hire an attorney to speak for you in court ... 'cause if you start railing on the judge, you gonna be in a heap of trouble ...

I'm not the one who is confused.

That would be those of you who are so f•••ed-up in the head that you don't even know the difference between a man and a woman, who believe that it is possible for one to become the other.
That would be those of you who are so f•••ed-up in the head that you don't even know the difference between a man and a woman, who believe that it is possible for one to become the other.

She left me with three, two in diapers ... I'm the only mother these children ever knew ... are you saying I was wrong for acting like a mother when it was needed? ... mothering children is about as feminine and feminine can get, and I played that gender roll as best I could ...

I'm certainly not so fucked-up in the head to not be able to type "fuck" into a chat server ... be a man and type the goddamn word in ...

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