Hamlet Halloween*


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a Halloween-time yarn about a sense of panic on a college campus as Devil's Night approaches, which drives three bright English professors to rethink their defined securities! Enjoy,


"It was Halloween season in New England, and the decorations and flock of spirit was out and about near the Ivy League school Dartmouth College, where the professors Christie Hewitt, Isaac Satan, and Ali McAfee worked as English teachers."


"Christie had taught English classes to freshman students at Dartmouth for 3 years and specialized in the works of John Milton and Mary Shelley. She'd become known as an accessible but very bright English teacher. Her students liked her, since she was great at conveying the contextual history of the English language."


"Isaac taught a special senior-year seminar course at Dartmouth about the interplay between English language transformation and the flowery in street-vernacularized literature and modernism writing and the works of Kerouac, Silverstein, Koontz, and Stephen King. Isaac was considered very eccentric but creative in his intellectualism and lessons, and his students were intrigued by his imagination and offbeat connections between literature and psychology. Isaac was once dating his fellow English department peer/teacher Ali McAfee."


"Ali taught an English class at Dartmouth specifically focusing on women writers, including Mary Shelley, Emily Dickinson, Edith Wharton, and Agatha Christie. She was a specialist in the blending of education and lifestyle, and she thought once Isaac was her dream-man, but they broke up, since Isaac turned out to be a Stephen King fanatic, and Ali preferred non-horror art."


"As the English classes in the autumn season at Dartmouth proceeded, and Christie, Isaac, and Ali taught their respective English classes while Halloween Eve approached, people were a touch anxious about Devil's Night, the annual night of ritualized mischief and vandalism that falls right before Halloween. Nevertheless, studied proceeded at Dartmouth College!"


"The administration VP Deborah Thomas was concerned the most about Devil's Night, since there was a strange omen-letter sent to the Trustees by an anonymous self-proclaimed 'artist' who insisted that the maleficent spirit of the dark Hobgoblin would surface during the Halloween season at Dartmouth and turn out to be a vengeful anti-Hamlet force. Deborah thought the threat-letter signified the messenger's intent to cast Halloween at Dartmouth as a frailty event regarding natural rebelliousness towards parents and faculty. Deborah decided to be conservative and ordered the organization of extra security on campus."


"The same person who sent the Hobgoblin omen-letter to Dartmouth sent a comic book stylized childlike sarcastic stick-figure doodle of Marvel Comics' Hobgoblin to the three English professors Christie, Isaac, and Ali. In this new letter, he told the three Dartmouth English teachers to be wary of what the Hobgoblin would bring to campus as an anti-Hamlet dark force on Devil's Night."


ISAAC SATAN: "I've told the Dartmouth security and Deborah Thomas of the omen-letter sent to me and my two department peers, Christie and Ali; we agree that this Hobgoblin Devil's Night threat symbolizes this homegrown terrorist's intention to bring some kind of explosive diary on campus during this Halloween season to deliver the message that autumn in New England just ain't that divine!"


“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” (Hamlet, Shakespeare)


ALI MCAFEE: "I'm feeling so spooky this Halloween season as Devil's Night approaches, so I've decided to get back together with Isaac, since having him around my campus apartment just makes me feel safer at Dartmouth...and dearer!"


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)
My new community has gone all out in Halloween decorations.....a real community effort....there will be a barn dance outside of the barn of course with a BBQ and baking contest...the kids will be doing three legged races and other contests...live music all weekend....

I've found my new home.....I'm renting for now in a nice neighborhood and every home is decorated....the leaves are turning and falling and every place I go I meet nice welcoming people with big smiles on their faces..being from CA I'm not used to that at all.....

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