Hamas: Here to stay

[Palestinian Children Taught to Hate]Palestinian Children Taught to Hate[/url]
Pretty clear from here.

Hillary says that Palestinian children deserve peace than she gives Israel more bombs.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

They deserve peace but their leaders give them war and she supports Israel in that war.

Makes sense from here. Not from your head PF, but that's to be expected.

That's why you have all the red love marks.

I believe it was the foreigners who invaded Palestine who gave them war.
Oh Snap, now I get it, your not really a Canadian

Don't care. They did not accept their partition and they have nothing yet. When the end comes, they will be holding their...

And begging for money still. Whilst Israel consolidates more land, and readies for the final...

We will see who's methods are working.



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Don't care. They did not accept their partition and they have nothing yet. When the end comes, they will be holding their...

And begging for money still. Whilst Israel consolidates more land, and readies for the final...

We will see who's methods are working. So far it seems....

Israel has not won anything yet since the war is still going.

Speaking of begging, Israel is still getting its multi billion dollar welfare checks from the US.
The Arab League...


Don't care. They did not accept their partition and they have nothing yet. When the end comes, they will be holding their...

And begging for money still. Whilst Israel consolidates more land, and readies for the final...

We will see who's methods are working. So far it seems....

Israel has not won anything yet since the war is still going.

Speaking of begging, Israel is still getting its multi billion dollar welfare checks from the US.

Israel is Israel. The Jews have won their country back. The ones you support, not so much...
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You laugh easily. Whilst those you support?

That is the proof of your psychopathy. Only your side matters. That's why the world does not seem to care. Your side doesn't either.

But you don't see that. Look at your red marks. Do you think you gain support with your one sided approach.

Israel is still pretending that it wan land in "defensive" wars.:lol:

You harm your side more than help them, but you don't see that all you do is preach to your converted...

You laugh easily. Whilst those you support?

That is the proof of your psychopathy. Only your side matters. That's why the world does not seem to care. Your side doesn't either.

But you don't see that. Look at your red marks. Do you think you gain support with your one sided approach.

Israel is still pretending that it wan land in "defensive" wars.:lol:

You harm your side more than help them, but you don't see that all you do is preach to your converted...


Israel pretending that it won land is not a "side." It is merely a fact.
Hamas are Palestinian patriots who have a clear mandate from the West Bank.

Hamas should be commended for providing Palestinians with medical and other social care, despite the Jews' murderous attempts to ethnically cleanse Palestine.

As Brits, we all too well remember the evil nature of Jews in that part of the world. The Irgun terrorists for starters should have been hung, drawn and quartered. Thankfully, Britain did indeed manage to kill off a considerable number of the Irgun Jewish terrorists.

God bless Britain. And I would add that Europe is united in wishing to see a liberated Palestine. We will support Israel's existence, but only on condition of a move back to the 1967 borders. Otherwise, we should regard the Jewish occupiers as terrorist vermin.
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I believe in the one state solution. Jerusalem would be open for anybody to live anywhere they want.

sure you want a one-state solution... and yet you're just fine with the dozen muslim countries surrounding the one jewish one.

but it's not like you're anti-semitic or anything.

I have heard that there are about 3000 Jews living in Palestine who are not Israeli settlers. They live there by choice. Some even work in the Palestinian government. Twenty minutes in a U-Haul and they could be living in Israel. But they won't move.

Why not?

There are Jews living in Israel who want to move to Palestine to be Palestinian citizens.

Hmmm, interesting.

A Catholic woman is the mayor of Ramallah. Her support by Hamas helped her win that seat. In the "Unity Government" with Hamas leader, Ismail Heneyh, as prime minister, there was a Christian woman in his cabinet. One of the Christian members of the PLC (parliament) won his seat on the Hamas ticket.

Ok there are 3000 Jews living in Palestine well there are even more Muslims living in Israel.

Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
sure you want a one-state solution... and yet you're just fine with the dozen muslim countries surrounding the one jewish one.

but it's not like you're anti-semitic or anything.

I have heard that there are about 3000 Jews living in Palestine who are not Israeli settlers. They live there by choice. Some even work in the Palestinian government. Twenty minutes in a U-Haul and they could be living in Israel. But they won't move.

Why not?

There are Jews living in Israel who want to move to Palestine to be Palestinian citizens.

Hmmm, interesting.

A Catholic woman is the mayor of Ramallah. Her support by Hamas helped her win that seat. In the "Unity Government" with Hamas leader, Ismail Heneyh, as prime minister, there was a Christian woman in his cabinet. One of the Christian members of the PLC (parliament) won his seat on the Hamas ticket.

Ok there are 3000 Jews living in Palestine well there are even more Muslims living in Israel.

Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The difference being that the Jews in Palestine are there by choice. The Palestinians living in Israel are living under occupation. They have no choice.
The Palestinians living in Israel are living under occupation. They have no choice.


I’ve been arguing for quite some time – along with about a million other people – that the Palestinians do not want a state in peace next to Israel, because they refuse, time and again, to accept such a state. As I’ve noted repeatedly, they turned down such offers in 1937 and 1947 and 2000 and as recently as 2008.

Well, guess what? A brand spanking new poll from the Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) neatly demonstrates the truth of the claim.

With regards to the final status of Palestine and Israel please indicate which of the following you consider to be Essential, Desirable, Acceptable, Tolerable or Unacceptable as part of a peace agreement.

Historic Palestine – from the Jordan River to the sea as a national homeland for Palestinians – Essential, 78.2%

Two state solution – two states for two peoples: Israel and Palestine according to UN resolutions – Essential, 17.7%

One joint state – a state in which Israelis and Palestinians are equal citizens between the Jordan River and the sea. – Essential, 9.6%

In other words, almost 80 percent of Palestinians want their future state to include all of existing Israel and virtually none of them (under 10 percent) find it essential that it be a state with equal political rights for Jews.

This means, needless to say, that the conflict will continue and the Palestinians will, therefore, continue to live in misery, even as Israel thrives.

They made their choice long ago, have been living with the consequences of that choice ever since, and, despite poverty, misery, and the lack of political autonomy, refuse to change their minds. They still do not want a Palestinian state in peace next to Israel. What they want is a 23rd Arab state to replace the lone Jewish state.

Meanwhile, anti-Zionist and Israel Hating westerners, mainly within the left, will continue to blame the Jews.

Steel your soul, Israelis, chances for peace with Muslims is slim or none. Besides the hereditary envy and hatred for jews and christians instilled in his minions by Mohamed in the Koran, there is that sense of inferiority with which Muslims live all over the world when they see the success of a little country in their midst. They can't stand the humiliation, and just as children do, they want to destroy what they can't emulate or have.

Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) Neatly Demonstrates the Truth of Their Claims

Which is what you call for PF.
The Palestinians living in Israel are living under occupation. They have no choice.


I’ve been arguing for quite some time – along with about a million other people – that the Palestinians do not want a state in peace next to Israel, because they refuse, time and again, to accept such a state. As I’ve noted repeatedly, they turned down such offers in 1937 and 1947 and 2000 and as recently as 2008.

Well, guess what? A brand spanking new poll from the Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) neatly demonstrates the truth of the claim.

With regards to the final status of Palestine and Israel please indicate which of the following you consider to be Essential, Desirable, Acceptable, Tolerable or Unacceptable as part of a peace agreement.

Historic Palestine – from the Jordan River to the sea as a national homeland for Palestinians – Essential, 78.2%

Two state solution – two states for two peoples: Israel and Palestine according to UN resolutions – Essential, 17.7%

One joint state – a state in which Israelis and Palestinians are equal citizens between the Jordan River and the sea. – Essential, 9.6%

In other words, almost 80 percent of Palestinians want their future state to include all of existing Israel and virtually none of them (under 10 percent) find it essential that it be a state with equal political rights for Jews.

This means, needless to say, that the conflict will continue and the Palestinians will, therefore, continue to live in misery, even as Israel thrives.

They made their choice long ago, have been living with the consequences of that choice ever since, and, despite poverty, misery, and the lack of political autonomy, refuse to change their minds. They still do not want a Palestinian state in peace next to Israel. What they want is a 23rd Arab state to replace the lone Jewish state.

Meanwhile, anti-Zionist and Israel Hating westerners, mainly within the left, will continue to blame the Jews.

Steel your soul, Israelis, chances for peace with Muslims is slim or none. Besides the hereditary envy and hatred for jews and christians instilled in his minions by Mohamed in the Koran, there is that sense of inferiority with which Muslims live all over the world when they see the success of a little country in their midst. They can't stand the humiliation, and just as children do, they want to destroy what they can't emulate or have.

Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) Neatly Demonstrates the Truth of Their Claims

Which is what you call for PF.

In other words, almost 80 percent of Palestinians want their future state to include all of existing Israel and virtually none of them (under 10 percent) find it essential that it be a state with equal political rights for Jews.

Where did you get that. It looks more like speculation than fact.

Besides the hereditary envy and hatred for jews and christians instilled in his minions by Mohamed in the Koran,..

In this conflict it is the Christians and Muslims on one side and Israel on the other.
In this conflict it is the Christians and Muslims on one side and Israel on the other.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:


Copied for next months sig...

Mercy sakes, you better back off another 10...

At the time of the creation of the Israeli state in 1948, it is estimated that the Christians of Palestine numbered some 350,000. Almost 20 percent of the total population at the time, they constituted a vibrant and ancient community; their forbears had listened to St. Peter in Jerusalem as he preached at the first Pentecost. Yet Zionist doctrine held that Palestine was “a land without a people for a people without a land.” Of the 750,000 Palestinians that were forced from their homes in 1948, some 50,000 were Christians—7 percent of the total number of refugees and 35 percent of the total number of Christians living in Palestine at the time.

In the process of “Judaizing” Palestine, numerous convents, hospices, seminaries, and churches were either destroyed or cleared of their Christian owners and custodians. In one of the most spectacular attacks on a Christian target, on May 17, 1948, the Armenian Orthodox Patriarchate was shelled with about 100 mortar rounds—launched by Zionist forces from the already occupied monastery of the Benedictine Fathers on Mount Zion. The bombardment also damaged St. Jacob’s Convent, the Archangel’s Convent, and their appended churches, their two elementary and seminary schools, as well as their libraries, killing eight people and wounding 120.

The Palestinian Christians see themselves, and are seen by their Muslim compatriots, as an integral part of the Palestinian people, and they have long been a vital part of the Palestinian struggle. As the Anglican bishop of Jerusalem, the Reverend Riah Abu al-Assal has explained, “The Arab Palestinian Christians are part and parcel of the Arab Palestinian nation. We have the same history, the same culture, the same habits and the same hopes.”

The American Conservative -- Forgotten Christians
As long as they say that, they are safe.

I support the Christians in Gaza saying anything to stay secure from Islam... Just like they do in any other Muslim arena, country or not.
I have heard that there are about 3000 Jews living in Palestine who are not Israeli settlers. They live there by choice. Some even work in the Palestinian government. Twenty minutes in a U-Haul and they could be living in Israel. But they won't move.

Why not?

There are Jews living in Israel who want to move to Palestine to be Palestinian citizens.

Hmmm, interesting.

A Catholic woman is the mayor of Ramallah. Her support by Hamas helped her win that seat. In the "Unity Government" with Hamas leader, Ismail Heneyh, as prime minister, there was a Christian woman in his cabinet. One of the Christian members of the PLC (parliament) won his seat on the Hamas ticket.

Ok there are 3000 Jews living in Palestine well there are even more Muslims living in Israel.

Arab citizens of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The difference being that the Jews in Palestine are there by choice. The Palestinians living in Israel are living under occupation. They have no choice.

I thought the Arabs living in Israel were there because they wanted to be? are you telling me Israel is stopping them from leaving?

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