Hamas funds movie trilogy on Schalit abduction

Wow, you are such a moron.

You do not even know the boundaries of Israel/Palestine.

I was addressing who was destroying Churches and killing Christians in Palestine.

That is Zionists as I proved.


Do you want the pre partion map of Palestine again sharia, the one that shows just how big it is and just how small a piece was allocated as Israel ?
She is the one who does not understand English, do you understand English?

Try to follow this, if your English skills and mind can handle it.

My post was in response to a false claim being made by Phoneall that Hamas was destroying Churches and killing Christians in Gaza.

My response was that the only ones destroying Churches and killing Christians in Palestine were Zionists.

And I proved my statement was true, presenting evidence of a Christian village where Christians were massacred by Zionists in 1948 and presenting evidence of a Church attacked in Bethlehem in 2002 by Israel and a priest murdered by Israel. I also presented a video of an attack on a Christian run medical clinic in Gaza by Israel.

I proved Zionists destroy Churches and kill Christians in Palestine.

Her response is to post photos of Churches allegedly destroyed by someone in Egypt, that proves nothing about attacks on Churches and killing of Christians in Palestine.

Since when is Cairo in Palestine?

perhaps you don't understand her post?

good to know you're still covering the board with terrorist supporting propaganda, though.

Here you go sharia the proof of your fellow islamonazi's attacking Christians and destroying churches in gaza

Church destroyed in Gaza, Gaza?s Christians fear for their lives : Jihad Watch

Father Manuel Musalam, leader of the small Latin community in the Gaza Strip, said masked gunmen torched and looted the Rosary Sisters School and the Latin Church.
“The masked gunmen used rocket-propelled grenades to storm the main entrances of the school and church,” he said. “Then they destroyed almost everything inside, including the Cross, the Holy Book, computers and other equipment

Christian School, Church Destroyed in Gaza | Doctor Bulldog & Ronin

A Catholic priest in Gaza Monday said Christians need protection from escalating attacks by Muslim extremists.

PALESTINE Protestant Christian tortured and killed in Gaza - Asia News

Gaza (AsiaNews) – A Palestinian protestant missionary was killed yesterday. He went missing Saturday October 6th in the afternoon and his body was found yesterday in a city street, tortured and with to bullet wounds to the head

Arab Christian Killed by Hamas in Gaza | thebereancall.org

Rami Ayyad the director of the Protestant Holy Bible Society in Gaza was stabbed to death and his body dumped in a field near Gaza city’s Zeitoun neighborhood.

Since the Hamas takeover in Gaza there have been an increasing number of attacks against Palestinian Christians who comprise a small percentage of the 1.5 million living in the Gaza Strip.

Plenty more such reports if you want then sharia
Israel has made mistakes, but it's actions are to defend itself from threats or respond to attacks.
The existence of Israel is a bone in the throat of the Middle East and needs to be removed. ... :cool:

militant arabs that attack Israel should be an embarrassment to the rest of the muslims community.
Israel has a right to exist as much as an arab state. They were all created at the same time. Instead of violence they should be bartering the issues of a peace agreement that would lead to a defined state for the palestinians.

they should not be glamorizing or inciting hate, but tolerance and cooperation.
The existence of Israel is a bone in the throat of the Middle East and needs to be removed. ... :cool:

militant arabs that attack Israel should be an embarrassment to the rest of the muslims community.
Israel has a right to exist as much as an arab state. They were all created at the same time. Instead of violence they should be bartering the issues of a peace agreement that would lead to a defined state for the palestinians.

they should not be glamorizing or inciting hate, but tolerance and cooperation.
If a gang of zionists broke into your home and set up residence.

And moved you and your family into a tent in the back yard.

Would you be talking about 'tolerance and cooperation' with them?? .. :cool:
Israel is a fascist state ruled by zionist psychopaths who are hell bent on world domination and enslaving the non juden. . :doubt:
Amongst themselves, the State of Israel is a Jewish-focused parliamentary democracy, in practice as well as nominally...

There is very little about the State of Israel which even marginally approaches the status of Fascist in nature...

For Fascist and Nazi connections, we need look no further than the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem or the Nazi roots and salutes of Palestinian and Lebanese Muslim militias...

The Jews don't want world domination, just a place in the world, limited to their little sliver of the Middle East, and a place in the community of nations...

The Jews don't want to enslave non-Jews...

The Jews don't want to enslave the Muslim Palestinians...

They Jews just want them to leave for Jordan or Lebanon, and to go away, so that they can complete the re-conquest of Eretz Yisrael, from the River to the Sea...

Want to look for Fascism, and Fascist roots and connections?

Muslim Miltants need only look in the mirror.
Israel is a fascist state ruled by zionist psychopaths who are hell bent on world domination and enslaving the non juden. . :doubt:
Amongst themselves, the State of Israel is a Jewish-focused parliamentary democracy, in practice as well as nominally...

There is very little about the State of Israel which even marginally approaches the status of Fascist in nature...

For Fascist and Nazi connections, we need look no further than the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem or the Nazi roots and salutes of Palestinian and Lebanese Muslim militias...

The Jews don't want world domination, just a place in the world, limited to their little sliver of the Middle East, and a place in the community of nations...

The Jews don't want to enslave non-Jews...

The Jews don't want to enslave the Muslim Palestinians...

They Jews just want them to leave for Jordan or Lebanon, and to go away, so that they can complete the re-conquest of Eretz Yisrael, from the River to the Sea...

Want to look for Fascism, and Fascist roots and connections?

Muslim Miltants need only look in the mirror.

One thing that Muslims like Sunni Man are good at, is accusing Israel of EXACTLY what the Arab/Muslim states are doing. It's a tactic to take the light away from the atrocities and failures of those Muslim states and bring the Jewish country into the light.
It's pathetic, but can you blame him
Imagine you were a Muslim who supported Muslim/Arab states. You would be hostile towards Israel as well if Israel kicked your Muslim countries ass 3 times in 3 separate conventional wars, where 5 MUCH LARGER states attacked Israel.
So really, I don't blame Sunni Troll for the things he says. He's just another bitter Muslim Jew - Hating sore loser :cool:
I've had property broken into and robbed, bought by the state, destroyed, "occupied" and our home sold from underneath me.
You deal with it and move on.
We might never get the occupied property back. Even if we did, it would have to be torn down and rebuilt, presuming the neighborhood was also evacuated. I'll let my cousins deal with it now that dad is gone. We've eventually sold everything else back home.
People leave, escape, conflict to protect the lives of loved one. You start over some place else. New home, new neighborhood, new country and all adjustments involved. Not easy but life goes on and people adapt to their surroundings.
Propaganda piece.

Hamas funds movie trilogy on Schalit abduction

Hamas funds $95,000 of the $120,000 required to produce the film • Writer-director Majed Jundiyeh: "I'm working to establish a movie industry of resistance in Gaza, to reflect the Palestinian story with Palestinian actors."
Daniel Siryoti, The Associated Press and Israel Hayom Staff

Mahmoud Karira plays Gilad Schalit in the Hamas-funded film "Losing Schalit"

The Gaza Strip's film industry will soon release the first part of a movie trilogy on the abduction of Israeli soldier Gilad Schalit in 2006.

"Losing Schalit" will be the second feature-length film made in the Gaza Strip since 2009. It is the first of a planned three-part series about the abduction, which was carried out by gunmen allied with the Islamic terrorist group Hamas. The second and third parts will depict Schalit's time in captivity and his 2011 swap for hundreds of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel.

Schalit is played by Mahmoud Karira, a 27-year-old resident of Gaza. The budget for the film was $120,000, of which $95,000 was financed by Hamas.

Schalit's abduction and eventual prisoner swap are seen by Hamas as a triumph in its long-running confrontation with Israel, and helped boost the movement's support in Gaza.

Writer-director Majed Jundiyeh, who also made the territory's first full-length feature "Emad Akel" -- a 2009 film about the Hamas military wing commander of the same name -- said his work was intentionally political.

"I'm working to establish a movie industry of resistance in Gaza, to reflect the Palestinian story with Palestinian actors," he said.

Jundiyeh, 47, studied film in Germany in the 1980s and 1990s and said his teachers included director Volker Schloendorff, a prominent member of the New German Cinema. After his return to Gaza in 1996, Jundiyeh made documentaries and acted in a soap opera on Palestine TV
What happened the day before Shalit was lost?
Let's ask Chomsky!

"Well, one day before Gilad Shalit was captured, Israeli forces went into Gaza City and kidnapped two Palestinian civilians (the Muamar Brothers) and brought them across the border to Israel in violation of international law and hid them somewhere in the huge Israeli prisons.

"Nobody knows what happened to them since.

"I mean, kidnapping civilians is a much worse crime than capturing a soldier of an attacking army.

"And furthermore this has been regular Israeli practice for decades.

"They've been kidnapping civilians in Lebanon or on the high seas ... They take them to Israel, put them into prisons, sometimes keeping them as hostages for long periods.

"So you know, if the capturing of Gilad Shalit is a terrorist act, well, then israel's regular practice supported by the US is incomparably worse. And that's quite apart from repeated aggression and other crimes.

"I don't like Hamas by any means, there is plenty to criticize about them, but if you compare their actions with US and Israel, they are minor criminals."

Chomsky On Gaza, Noam Chomsky interviewed by Christiana Voniati
Osama and Mustafa Muamar were in the preparations for a terrorist mission when they were arrested.
Osama and Mustafa Muamar were in the preparations for a terrorist mission when they were arrested.
What "terrorist mission" were they planning?

"One day before, on June 24, Israeli forces kidnapped two Gaza civilians, Osama and Mustafa Muamar, by any standards a far more severe crime than capture of a soldier. The Muamar kidnappings were certainly known to the major world media.

"They were reported at once in the English-language Israeli press (Jerusalem Post, Ha’aretz English edition, June 25), basically IDF handouts.

"And there were indeed a few brief, scattered and dismissive reports in several newspapers around the US; the only serious news report in English that day was in the Turkish press.

"Very revealingly, there was no comment, no follow-up, no call for military or terrorist attacks against Israel.

"A google search will quickly reveal the relative significance in the West of the kidnapping of civilians by the IDF and the capture of an Israeli soldier a day later.

The paired events, a day apart, demonstrate with bitter clarity that the show of outrage over the Shalit kidnapping was cynical fraud. They reveal that by Western moral standards, kidnapping of civilians is just fine if it is done by 'our side,' but capture of a soldier on 'our side' a day later is a despicable crime that requires severe punishment of the population.

"As Gideon Levy accurately wrote in Ha’aretz, the IDF kidnapping of civilians the day before the capture of Cpl. Shalit strips away any 'legitimate basis for the IDF's operation,' and, we may add, any legitimate basis for support for these operations.

"The same assessment carries over to the July 12 kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers near the Lebanon border, heightened, in this case, by the (null) reaction to the regular Israeli practice for many years of abducting Lebanese and holding many as hostages for long periods, and of course killing many Lebanese."

Apocalypse Near, Noam Chomsky interviewed by Merav Yudilovitch

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