Hamas deploys forces on Egypt-Gaza border over IS concerns

Hamas has never been a threat to Egypt.
Except when it is a threat.

16 Egyptian soldiers killed in Sinai buried
That attack was a phony as a three dollar bill. You wouldn't notice though.

Four Egypt soldiers killed in Sinai bombing - Al Arabiya ...
Al Arabiya
Jul 23, 2015 - Four Egyptian soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb on Thursday in the ... shows smoke billowing in Egypt's North Sinai on July 16, 2015.
Scores killed in Sinai clashes - Al Jazeera English
Al Jazeera
Egyptian military says operations in violence-hit peninsula have left seven soldiers and 59 fighters dead. 19 Jul 2015 21:39 GMT | War & Conflict, Egypt, Middle ...
Soldiers killed in attacks in Egypt's Sinai - Al Jazeera English
Al Jazeera
Apr 2, 2015 - Ambushes by armed men in the restive northern Sinai Peninsula have killed at least 15 soldiers and two civilians, according to Egyptian ...
More than 100 dead as militants, Egyptian army clash in ...
Jul 1, 2015 - More than 100 dead as militants, Egyptian army clash in North Sinai ... as seen from the border of southern Gaza Strip with Egypt July 1, 2015.
OK, so?
Hamas has never been a threat to Egypt.
Except when it is a threat.

16 Egyptian soldiers killed in Sinai buried
That attack was a phony as a three dollar bill. You wouldn't notice though.

Four Egypt soldiers killed in Sinai bombing - Al Arabiya ...
Al Arabiya
Jul 23, 2015 - Four Egyptian soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb on Thursday in the ... shows smoke billowing in Egypt's North Sinai on July 16, 2015.
Scores killed in Sinai clashes - Al Jazeera English
Al Jazeera
Egyptian military says operations in violence-hit peninsula have left seven soldiers and 59 fighters dead. 19 Jul 2015 21:39 GMT | War & Conflict, Egypt, Middle ...
Soldiers killed in attacks in Egypt's Sinai - Al Jazeera English
Al Jazeera
Apr 2, 2015 - Ambushes by armed men in the restive northern Sinai Peninsula have killed at least 15 soldiers and two civilians, according to Egyptian ...
More than 100 dead as militants, Egyptian army clash in ...
Jul 1, 2015 - More than 100 dead as militants, Egyptian army clash in North Sinai ... as seen from the border of southern Gaza Strip with Egypt July 1, 2015.
OK, so?

It is not a phony problem.
P F Tinmore, et al,

You do this same thing every time you are confronted by something you don't like.

Hamas has never been a threat to Egypt.
Except when it is a threat.

16 Egyptian soldiers killed in Sinai buried
That attack was a phony as a three dollar bill. You wouldn't notice though.
I noticed your stuttering and mumbling.

The arab-Moslem terrorists occupying the disputed territories were never a threat to Egypt?

Egypt floods Gaza tunnels used for smuggling

You still haven't proven any threat.

Political and counterterrorism intelligence is very hard to prove. But I noticed that the HAMAS Deputy Political Bureau Chief (Dr Mousa Abu Marzook) is in Cairo right now trying to smooth over the latest allegation.

Cairo (AFP) - Egypt on Sunday accused the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas and the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood of involvement in last year's killing of the country's top prosecutor Hisham Barakat.

Interior Minister Magdy Abdel Ghaffar said that 14 members of the Muslim Brotherhood participated directly in the plan to murder Barakat, who was assassinated in a car bomb attack on June 29.

"This plot was carried out on the orders of the Muslim Brotherhood... in close coordination with Hamas, which played a very important role in the assassination of the chief prosecutor from start to finish," Abdel Ghaffar told reporters.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

You do this same thing every time you are confronted by something you don't like.

Hamas has never been a threat to Egypt.
Except when it is a threat.

16 Egyptian soldiers killed in Sinai buried
That attack was a phony as a three dollar bill. You wouldn't notice though.
I noticed your stuttering and mumbling.

The arab-Moslem terrorists occupying the disputed territories were never a threat to Egypt?

Egypt floods Gaza tunnels used for smuggling

You still haven't proven any threat.

Political and counterterrorism intelligence is very hard to prove. But I noticed that the HAMAS Deputy Political Bureau Chief (Dr Mousa Abu Marzook) is in Cairo right now trying to smooth over the latest allegation.

Egypt says Hamas, Brotherhood involved in top prosecutor's murder
Mona Salem
March 6, 2016
Cairo (AFP) - Egypt on Sunday accused the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas and the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood of involvement in last year's killing of the country's top prosecutor Hisham Barakat.

Interior Minister Magdy Abdel Ghaffar said that 14 members of the Muslim Brotherhood participated directly in the plan to murder Barakat, who was assassinated in a car bomb attack on June 29.

"This plot was carried out on the orders of the Muslim Brotherhood... in close coordination with Hamas, which played a very important role in the assassination of the chief prosecutor from start to finish," Abdel Ghaffar told reporters.

Most Respectfully,
"Egypt says." And, of course, a military dictatorship would never lie, right?
P F Tinmore, et al,

You do this same thing every time you are confronted by something you don't like.

That attack was a phony as a three dollar bill. You wouldn't notice though.
I noticed your stuttering and mumbling.

The arab-Moslem terrorists occupying the disputed territories were never a threat to Egypt?

Egypt floods Gaza tunnels used for smuggling

You still haven't proven any threat.

Political and counterterrorism intelligence is very hard to prove. But I noticed that the HAMAS Deputy Political Bureau Chief (Dr Mousa Abu Marzook) is in Cairo right now trying to smooth over the latest allegation.

Egypt says Hamas, Brotherhood involved in top prosecutor's murder
Mona Salem
March 6, 2016
Cairo (AFP) - Egypt on Sunday accused the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas and the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood of involvement in last year's killing of the country's top prosecutor Hisham Barakat.

Interior Minister Magdy Abdel Ghaffar said that 14 members of the Muslim Brotherhood participated directly in the plan to murder Barakat, who was assassinated in a car bomb attack on June 29.

"This plot was carried out on the orders of the Muslim Brotherhood... in close coordination with Hamas, which played a very important role in the assassination of the chief prosecutor from start to finish," Abdel Ghaffar told reporters.

Most Respectfully,
"Egypt says." And, of course, a military dictatorship would never lie, right?
As opposed to Hamas, an Islamist terrorist group. They always tell the truth, right?
Is this going to ease the relationship between Hamas and Egypt that could lead to the border being opened?

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — The militant Hamas group deployed forces on Thursday along the Egypt-Gaza border to counter Cairo's concerns that it is aiding Islamic State extremists in Egypt's lawless Sinai Peninsula.

Egypt accuses Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, of providing a safe haven for the IS affiliate in Sinai through a network of smuggling tunnels. Hamas denies the charge.

Hamas and a high-ranking Egyptian security official said the deployment is part of an agreement reached with Egyptian officials last month.

"This emphasizes the Palestinian stand to tighten security on the border and nothing that harms Egypt will come out of Gaza," said Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri.

The Egyptian security official said the deployment is part of the new deal with Egypt that sees Hamas halt tunnel construction in return for opening the Rafah border crossing, Gaza's main gateway to the outside world.

Hamas deploys forces on Egypt-Gaza border over IS concerns

Will the US threaten to cut aid to Egypt if the border is opened?

Another plot by hamas to escape the upcoming battle that they will start, and leave the civilians to take the brunt of the returned fire. The US will just wag it finger at hamas and tell them to put it all right
You are daft

Hamas and Egypt have been going at it in the Sinai for a long long time, to the point where Egypt built a lovely moat to keep the bastards out
No they haven't. Hamas has always courted Egypt's favor. Any attack on Egypt would run counter to their other activities.

Once again you ignore the news that goes against your POV, and deny that hamas has been killing Egyptians.
Hamas has never been a threat to Egypt.
Except when it is a threat.

16 Egyptian soldiers killed in Sinai buried
That attack was a phony as a three dollar bill. You wouldn't notice though.

And you do because your imam told you it was a phoney attack.

Try these for size

Egypt threatens Hamas with military response to Sinai attacks - Middle East

Egypt's army says militants from Hamas-run Gaza have staged joint attacks with hardline Islamists in North Sinai.

The source for this is Reuters office in Cairo
Hamas has never been a threat to Egypt.
Except when it is a threat.

16 Egyptian soldiers killed in Sinai buried
That attack was a phony as a three dollar bill. You wouldn't notice though.

Four Egypt soldiers killed in Sinai bombing - Al Arabiya ...
Al Arabiya
Jul 23, 2015 - Four Egyptian soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb on Thursday in the ... shows smoke billowing in Egypt's North Sinai on July 16, 2015.
Scores killed in Sinai clashes - Al Jazeera English
Al Jazeera
Egyptian military says operations in violence-hit peninsula have left seven soldiers and 59 fighters dead. 19 Jul 2015 21:39 GMT | War & Conflict, Egypt, Middle ...
Soldiers killed in attacks in Egypt's Sinai - Al Jazeera English
Al Jazeera
Apr 2, 2015 - Ambushes by armed men in the restive northern Sinai Peninsula have killed at least 15 soldiers and two civilians, according to Egyptian ...
More than 100 dead as militants, Egyptian army clash in ...
Jul 1, 2015 - More than 100 dead as militants, Egyptian army clash in North Sinai ... as seen from the border of southern Gaza Strip with Egypt July 1, 2015.
OK, so?

Proves you WRONG again, but you are so thick skinned you don't let the laughter get to you
P F Tinmore, et al,

You do this same thing every time you are confronted by something you don't like.

That attack was a phony as a three dollar bill. You wouldn't notice though.
I noticed your stuttering and mumbling.

The arab-Moslem terrorists occupying the disputed territories were never a threat to Egypt?

Egypt floods Gaza tunnels used for smuggling

You still haven't proven any threat.

Political and counterterrorism intelligence is very hard to prove. But I noticed that the HAMAS Deputy Political Bureau Chief (Dr Mousa Abu Marzook) is in Cairo right now trying to smooth over the latest allegation.

Egypt says Hamas, Brotherhood involved in top prosecutor's murder
Mona Salem
March 6, 2016
Cairo (AFP) - Egypt on Sunday accused the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas and the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood of involvement in last year's killing of the country's top prosecutor Hisham Barakat.

Interior Minister Magdy Abdel Ghaffar said that 14 members of the Muslim Brotherhood participated directly in the plan to murder Barakat, who was assassinated in a car bomb attack on June 29.

"This plot was carried out on the orders of the Muslim Brotherhood... in close coordination with Hamas, which played a very important role in the assassination of the chief prosecutor from start to finish," Abdel Ghaffar told reporters.

Most Respectfully,
"Egypt says." And, of course, a military dictatorship would never lie, right?

You mean like hamas and fatah who you believe implicitly. You twist everything around so that it meets with your POV and you can feel happy with yourself all over again.
P F Tinmore, et al,

HAMAS has (had) a strong affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood. HAMAS (The Islamic Resistance Movement) is a springboard for the belief in: “Allah is our objective, the Prophet is our leader, the Koran is our law, Jihad is our way, and dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allahu-akbar!”

Hamas has never been a threat to Egypt.

THE SECURITY ASPECT: Egypt was to maintain it distance from those radical Islamist activities that may aggravate an internal security threat. Egypt has no clear agenda to help Israel against HAMAS; but, instead it wants to avoid providing a backdoor for a resurgence of the Muslim Brotherhood and anything else (including DAESH) that could create the seeds of political discontent for the Egyptian Leadership into the future. While HAMAS has an interest in reopening and maintaining a good relations with Egypt; there is a concern that HAMAS will turn a blind eye to the detection and neutralization of political insurgents and radical Islamists that might use the cover of "normal Gazans" as a means to infiltrate through the border and into Egypt.

THE POLITICS: The discord between HAMAS and Egypt was aggravated by the harsh words when HAMAS Senior Leaders boycotted the Reconciliation Meeting between Fatah and HAMAS. The Egyptians viewed the breakdown in the reconciliation to be HAMAS's fault; as did the Arab League, which extended its recognition of Mahmoud Abbas as the Palestinian President.

At the current time, there is no reason to assume that HAMAS and it allied Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) factions will even consider a more realistic position on the mediation and negotiation of of Peace. The HoAP want to first, secure the territory now in the hands of the Israeli Security Occupation. In this first step, it can put Israel in an exceedingly difficult defensive position, and then open a gradually increased insurgency such that the Arab League will have a better opportunity to overcome the IDF. The HoAP has no intention of acquiescing to a long-term Peace.

By effectively pinning-down the IDF, the other Regional Threats like DAESH will be able to move into the adjacent neighbors without fear; just ever more close to Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon.

Most Respectfully,
The Fatah and Hamas reconciliation was destroyed by Egypt.

"The Fatah and Hamas reconciliation was destroyed by Egypt.."

are you sure all the drama doesn't have anything to do with Hamas being terrorists,

.....and are basically a people who are:


all deeply rooted in terrorism for years and years.
(you disgusting terrorist apologist) ?


It's interesting that for pompous islamo-parades and when the Hamas terrorists need to appease the Egyptian government, The welfare fraudsters in Gaza somehow manage to find military style uniforms for their heroes.... guarding a gate.... in the desert.

Heroes, I tell ya'.
Notice they're so brave, they're posing for pictures right behind a bunch of 5 year olds.

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