Hamas Begging For Help


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
Ft Worth,TX
Hamas is pleading for Iran and Hezbollah for money, arms and supplies to end the occupation by the evil Jews.

In a recent plea to help further their goal of destroying Israel, Hamas reached out to their two “big brothers”, Iran and Hezbollah. The Gaza-based terror group asked for more military supplies and an increase in financial aid to carry out more terror attacks against the “Zionist enemy.”

Senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahar formally asked the two radical Islamic powers to help them in their fight against the only democracy in the Middle East.

According to the Iranian Fars News Agency, al-Zahar told Al-Manar TV over the weekend, “We stretch our hand of cooperation for materializing the Palestinian cause, because Palestine is an essential issue and more efforts should be put into it.”

He noted that Hamas needs Iran’s further financial and arms aid to continue its “resistance” against the Jewish state and “destroy the Israeli occupation.”

Hamas Pleas with Big Brothers Iran Hezbollah to Save Terror Group Breaking Israel News

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