Halloween Time ... what horror bits left you scarred for life?


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
Let's start with this 16 minute gem. 1975, "Trilogy of Terror", episode 3, "Amelia". AKA "The one with that little African doll." Even though it looks a bit hokey now, I know a couple people who will still flat out refuse to watch this.

The other 70s bit that scarred me for life was the 1973 "Don't Be Afraid of the Dark", with the little furry goblin-dudes coming up to get Sally. Sigh. Don't open up the bricked-up fireplace. That never turns out well. My older brother, doing what older brothers do, would scratch at the door and mimic their voices.
I told my son how terrifying "The Exorcist" was when they re-released it. As we watched it, um, ok, it WAS Scary when it first came out, but state of the art scariness has left it in the dust.

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