Guy gets $21,000 in gift cards for 3D printed AR Autosears At Buyback


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
This guy 3D printed DIASā€™s (Drop In Auto Sear) and brought them to a gun buyback as the department hadnā€™t issued a rule against it at that point. Walked away with a pile of gift cards. If you go to his twitter, he says two other guys did it with him and they cleaned them out for a total of almost $45,000.

I don't know if the risk vs reward was worth it.....Sure, gun buy backs only work because they offer amnesty along with money but that's no protection against the feds who tend to be a bit more hard-nosed on such matters.

Meh, at least 21k will buy him a new dog after the raid. ;)
Some guy in Houston got them for several thousand with a bunch of 3-D printed single shot handguns.

American exceptionalism, American ingenuity, and good old American capitalism in action.

Is this a great country or what? Make gun buybacks great again. :laughing0301:

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