Gun control polls

Having a 'gun free zone' in a 'civilized' country should set off some alarms.
Nope. You don't make no sense. Try again.

Gun Free and Civilized are not mutually exclusive concepts.

What I said makes perfect sense, you are just being an adjective that rhymes with sense.
Again, Guns and civilized are not contradictory nor mutually exclusive.

THAT is the lie.

If you still don't believe that, explain Switzerland who has a higher per capita ASSAULT RIFLE ownership than we have gun ownership in the US.
----Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

We need our guns to protect us from the government. They need to know, we have them. There will always be victims of guns. Let it not be a defenseless society.

Why is it that every time there is a tragic incident that involves an idiot doing bad things with guns, somebody, usually a loon themselves, yells and screams about gun control? GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE. IDIOT ASS HOLES WITH GUNS KILL PEOPLE.

Always attack the gun owners and we are all loons. This guy could have used bombs which he cleary understood, thrown acid, set fire to the place or any number of lunatic actions. It is far easier to blame the object than the person. I have guns and I am not a nut. Not one of my guns have ever been used in the commision of any kind of act that would harm anyone or their property.
Nope. You don't make no sense. Try again.

Gun Free and Civilized are not mutually exclusive concepts.

What I said makes perfect sense, you are just being an adjective that rhymes with sense.
Again, Guns and civilized are not contradictory nor mutually exclusive.

THAT is the lie.

If you still don't believe that, explain Switzerland who has a higher per capita ASSAULT RIFLE ownership than we have gun ownership in the US.
This means and proves nothing other than the fact that the Swiss are obviously more civilized than Americans.
----Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

We need our guns to protect us from the government. They need to know, we have them. There will always be victims of guns. Let it not be a defenseless society.

Why is it that every time there is a tragic incident that involves an idiot doing bad things with guns, somebody, usually a loon themselves, yells and screams about gun control? GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE. IDIOT ASS HOLES WITH GUNS KILL PEOPLE.

Always attack the gun owners and we are all loons. This guy could have used bombs which he cleary understood, thrown acid, set fire to the place or any number of lunatic actions. It is far easier to blame the object than the person. I have guns and I am not a nut. Not one of my guns have ever been used in the commision of any kind of act that would harm anyone or their property.

the second any gun jumps out of its stored case, loads itself, goes down the street & shoots someone on its own will be the day I support complete gun control. If you think this is ridiculous example, I am just pointing out the ridiculous thinking the gun control crowd exhibit daily.

Did Prohibition lead to a less drunk society back in the 30s? Of course not. It lead to more organized crime & greater corruption. Criminals don't care about the law, that's why they are criminals.
Yes it is, it is the ultimate civilised society that we can strive for.
So you're pro slavery? Nice. Clarifies a lot.

Aother stupid statement.
For another stupid argument.

You're the one who wants a disarmed and helpless class of citizen who cannot defend themselves against the abuse of those they put in power or those who break the law. Sounds like a slave owner's, or criminal's for that matter, argument to me. Reduce the risk of something bad happening to you once the abuses or criminal activity starts.
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----Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

We need our guns to protect us from the government. They need to know, we have them. There will always be victims of guns. Let it not be a defenseless society.

I'm sure your deer rifle will go a long way in stopping the big bad gov't with its M1 Abram tanks, B52 bombers, and attack drones.

Yeah, right.

I think it's to prevent abusive government from doing this:

What I said makes perfect sense, you are just being an adjective that rhymes with sense.
Again, Guns and civilized are not contradictory nor mutually exclusive.

THAT is the lie.

If you still don't believe that, explain Switzerland who has a higher per capita ASSAULT RIFLE ownership than we have gun ownership in the US.
This means and proves nothing other than the fact that the Swiss are obviously more civilized than Americans.

They also don't have to worry about national defense.
Strange how all of this happens right when stories have surfaced in the last couple of weeks about Obama planning on totally removing gun ownership in America after the election.

This guy has great timing, doesn't he?

One of the reasons for the attack that was floated was that James Holmes couldn't find a job after he graduated btw.
No amount of the best written gun control laws can prevent a Columbine, Aurora or Virginia Tech. Also, some equate ANY gun regulation as mass confiscation, absurd as the notion is.

The purpose of the second amendment means no restrictions on magazine size and no supposed assault weapon ban. Care to explain what an assault weapon IS? And remember the 2nd applies to citizenry having access to firearms that the military might use.

How exactly does limiting my ability to buy 15 round magazines or 30 round magazines stop a crazy from obtaining them illegally? The 2nd is clear if the military can use it citizenry must have reasonable access to it. That INCLUDES 30 round magazines.
I'm sure your deer rifle will go a long way in stopping the big bad gov't with its M1 Abram tanks, B52 bombers, and attack drones.

I'd rather go down shooting it, than standing there holding a stick while yellow liquid streams down my legs. When government becomes tyrannical, I want all the weapons I can find, nearby by. I am no sheep!

The trouble is what some of you think "tyranny" is. Some people think providing healthcare to citizens is tyranny. Some people think traffic laws are tyrannical. Some nutters shoot at census workers. I'm a bit more outraged about the Patriot Act, the TSA, and DHS, but I'm not going to start sniping at gov't workers with my 10/22. Some of you people are friggin nuts!

You are aware of course that the dead guy with supposed census connections killed himself and staged it to look other wise? RIGHT? Care to provide any examples of anyone shooting at census workers?
[We agree; idiot assholes with guns kill people.

If we can agree idiot assholes should not own or have in their possession, custody or control firearms can't we agree that a rational policy of gun control is necessary?

None of the guns in the possesson of today's shooter are capable of defending a home owner from our government. If the government is the threat, it won't appear as a late middle aged over weight Senator or even a middle aged former basketball player. It will be in the form being used against the citizens in Syria under the command of Assad.

So far as we know... this guy was a model citizen though.

No amount of reasonable gun control could have kept guns out of his hands.

I just hope we dont jump to rash decisions because of this terrible massacre. Let's let calmer heads prevail this time.

The Second Amendment is not under assault, at least not by anyone with the power and influence necessary. So put that aside.

No one who has been convicted of a Felony, a crime of violence, a DUI or has been addicted to drugs, been confined for any period of time as a danger to themselves or others should be able to own, possess or have in their custody and control any firearm.

Make it a felony to provide a firearm to any of those outlined above. Hence any citizen or dealer who illegally furnishes a firearm will lose their right to own, possess, etc. a firearm.

You obviously do not know the law, ANY felony means no ownership of firearms, it is a FEDERAL Law. Anyone even charged with domestic violence is now denied weapons, no conviction needed. So that is already FEDERAL LAW. Any one convicted of using most drugs have committed a felony again no guns. And as for confinement, anyone adjudicated as needing confinement to a mental institute is barred by Federal Law from buying any firearm. This is what we mean by stupid gun grabbers, you don't even kow the laws already on the books.
What I said makes perfect sense, you are just being an adjective that rhymes with sense.
Again, Guns and civilized are not contradictory nor mutually exclusive.

THAT is the lie.

If you still don't believe that, explain Switzerland who has a higher per capita ASSAULT RIFLE ownership than we have gun ownership in the US.
This means and proves nothing other than the fact that the Swiss are obviously more civilized than Americans.
So there you go. Guns don't CAUSE anything. People do.

But to use your logic for taking guns, we should use the Swiss example and ARM every military serving age male with an assault rifle in their home.
----Then, there's another shooting and even though we know our fixation with being able to blast the life out of little old ladies, children and babies is somehow less than healthy, we let it go because we're scared to take on the damn gun lobby.

We need our guns to protect us from the government. They need to know, we have them. There will always be victims of guns. Let it not be a defenseless society.

I'm sure your deer rifle will go a long way in stopping the big bad gov't with its M1 Abram tanks, B52 bombers, and attack drones.

Yeah, right.

I think it's to prevent abusive government from doing this:


Wonder what "little" Elian is up to these days.....
[We agree; idiot assholes with guns kill people.

If we can agree idiot assholes should not own or have in their possession, custody or control firearms can't we agree that a rational policy of gun control is necessary?

None of the guns in the possesson of today's shooter are capable of defending a home owner from our government. If the government is the threat, it won't appear as a late middle aged over weight Senator or even a middle aged former basketball player. It will be in the form being used against the citizens in Syria under the command of Assad.

So far as we know... this guy was a model citizen though.

No amount of reasonable gun control could have kept guns out of his hands.

I just hope we dont jump to rash decisions because of this terrible massacre. Let's let calmer heads prevail this time.

The Second Amendment is not under assault, at least not by anyone with the power and influence necessary. So put that aside.

No one who has been convicted of a Felony, a crime of violence, a DUI or has been addicted to drugs, been confined for any period of time as a danger to themselves or others should be able to own, possess or have in their custody and control any firearm.

Make it a felony to provide a firearm to any of those outlined above. Hence any citizen or dealer who illegally furnishes a firearm will lose their right to own, possess, etc. a firearm.
The Second Amendment is not under assault, at least not by anyone with the power and influence necessary. So put that aside.

Bullshit. The very demands for new gun laws or disarmament of the citizenry is a direct assault. Don't shit on my cupcake and tell me it's frosting.

No one who has been convicted of a Felony, a crime of violence, a DUI or has been addicted to drugs, been confined for any period of time as a danger to themselves or others should be able to own, possess or have in their custody and control any firearm.

Bold emphasis by me.

That is already law. The rest is of course a silly overextension. With that you could disarm for life anyone who spent a night in jail for avoiding paying parking tickets, child support, brought in on a domestic violence charge whether ANY of these things are true or not. They'd been in jail. Time to take their guns away regardless of the facts of the case.

Make it a felony to provide a firearm to any of those outlined above.

Aren't you on the Tardtard crazy train that there are too many people in prison already? Don't you whine about jail/prison time for owning a 'dime bag' of pot?

You do realize that none of your proposed statutes would have stopped this massacre?

Hence any citizen or dealer who illegally furnishes a firearm will lose their right to own, possess, etc. a firearm.

So if I legally sell a person a gun, and for 10 years, this person is a model citizen, then say has a George Zimmerman moment, and shoots someone in self defense and is brought in on trumped up political charges... both he and the gun seller from 10 years ago are now presumed guilty of a felony because the gun one day would be used in a crime? Is that what you're proposing?

Hey... here's an idea, let's let car sellers be charged with conspiracy to commit murder if a car they sell is in a hit and run fatality! How about that? Or maybe we can slap them with a conspiracy racketeering charge and RICO the shit out of them for connections to endanger the public by selling cars to drunk drivers if it happens more than once or... OR! if they knowingly sell a car to someone with a DUI or other traffic violation!

Yeahhhhhhh.... that's the ticket!