Gun Battle Erupts as Hundreds of ‘Youths’ Riot at Six Flags in Georgia

I suppose there are only so many ways to say "going to hell in a handbasket."

But at the very least, at this late juncture of our dying Republic, it's shockingly undebatable that's where we're inexorably headed without a stark course correction in November.

I weep for America's troubled youth.

I'm sure it was some clean cut Irish boys,
You people are just noisy vermin, so it's understandable why you're panicked over any facts that show you to be degenerates and deviants;
What facts? I asked you to provide said facts and you devolved into this little temper tantrum of yours.

Right on schedule.
Need we say more?
But somehow, MAGA is racist.
Yea. We certainly don’t see those kind of comments from MAGA.

”Black culture people are rotten to the core. They are a cancer on america that needs to be removed.”

”They are not ’youths’ . They are low life ghetto Negro trash. The scum of America. Jungle monkeys. The ones that these stupid idiot Moon Bats that post on here love so much.”

And not a word from you about this from the people you choose to align yourself with. Hmmmm, interesting.
You people are just noisy vermin, so it's understandable why you're panicked over any facts that show you to be degenerates and deviants; most of you aren't Americans anyway, so your sniveling doesn't matter as anything but entertainment and just more proof left wiingers are frauds.
You seem angry. Don't start shooting the place up red stater.
Biden won Georgia. Is it a red state?
Red governor. Red statehouse. MTG.
The dims are better at promoting bad ideas than repubs are at promoting good ideas
And that’s your excuse for failing to pass your conservative good ideas in deep red states. LoL

The party of personal responsibility indeed.
I suppose there are only so many ways to say "going to hell in a handbasket."

But at the very least, at this late juncture of our dying Republic, it's shockingly undebatable that's where we're inexorably headed without a stark course correction in November.

I weep for America's troubled youth.


Lol. Nothing to worry about. Just small thing in America. The Mainstream media outlets do not care. Those immigrants at the border are a lot more dangerous, right? Guns Make America great again! Go get big guns!
lol. 😁😁😁
This stuff seems to be an every day occurrence these days.

Always a big gang attack on an Individual, too. Mob-like domestic warfare...

dang 500 to 600 teens fighting and then shooting at the the police and banging on their patrol car and a cop shot 15 year old. Mark my words if this is black kid were going to here the same crap olla from the parents. Kids a live in the hospital . hostile youth.

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