'Guest' of Merkel almost kills a 73 years old grannie for refusing sex on the open street.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Merkel invited millions of African Muslims to live in Germany and to enjoy benefits of welfare state paid by hardly-working taxpayers. It is a common situation when naked monkeys running in cities and seeking sex.'Police' doing nothing because it is 'racism' and politically incorrect to thwart a rape.Probably the grannie rejected offer of the ape to perform a sexual act on the open street.Watch the revenge of the New German.

A man who raped a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in Austria has had his conviction overturned after judges found he may have believed the child consented.

Speaking to local media, the victim’s mother revealed her son had been “screaming and crying every night” since the attack and had talked of suicide.

Prosecutors said the boy, known as Goran, suffered serious physical injuries from the rape as well as “profound depression”.
Man who raped 10-year-old boy because of 'sexual emergency' has conviction overturned
Refugee ‘rapes pensioner, 79, in German cemetery while she visited sister's grave’

The attack follows a spate of sexual offences committed by migrants across Europe.

New Years Eve celebrations in Cologne were marred when as many as 1,000 women were sexually assaulted and robbed by men of North African and Arabic origin.
Refugee ‘rapes pensioner, 79, in German cemetery while she visited sister's grave’
‘Absolute madness’: German town to separate refugees, residents with barrier taller than Berlin Wall
Those rapefugees are savages!

Not a minute passes without one of them killing or raping somebody.

I't almost unbelievable....how much more will Europe take?

View attachment 166099

This picture has been taken in the streets of Germany when Obama was a POTUS.

Merkel is a creature of Deep State which purposes totally annihilation of Germany and its folk.
Because in difference to Russia Germany has a fake democracy and fake election Merkel will became chancellor again
almost she is hated by most of Germans
While 14 years Merkel gradually transformed former Free Republic to a schizophrenic sewage run by insane corrupted politicians.
Many Germans envy Russians due to their Great President Putin.

Merkel is the most worst ruler in the entirely European History
Those rapefugees are savages!

Not a minute passes without one of them killing or raping somebody.

I't almost unbelievable....how much more will Europe take?


Merkel allowed more as 5m Muslim 'refugees' in.
10m will follow soon. She wants to kill this country according to the command of Deep State.
A man who raped a 10-year-old boy at a swimming pool in Austria has had his conviction overturned after judges found he may have believed the child consented.

Speaking to local media, the victim’s mother revealed her son had been “screaming and crying every night” since the attack and had talked of suicide.

Prosecutors said the boy, known as Goran, suffered serious physical injuries from the rape as well as “profound depression”.
Man who raped 10-year-old boy because of 'sexual emergency' has conviction overturned
Refugee ‘rapes pensioner, 79, in German cemetery while she visited sister's grave’

The attack follows a spate of sexual offences committed by migrants across Europe.

New Years Eve celebrations in Cologne were marred when as many as 1,000 women were sexually assaulted and robbed by men of North African and Arabic origin.
Refugee ‘rapes pensioner, 79, in German cemetery while she visited sister's grave’
‘Absolute madness’: German town to separate refugees, residents with barrier taller than Berlin Wall

So-called 'refugees' are to 95 % youth Muslim illiterate males with IQ60 or lower.
Those rapefugees are savages!

Not a minute passes without one of them killing or raping somebody.

I't almost unbelievable....how much more will Europe take?


Merkel allowed more as 5m Muslim 'refugees' in.
10m will follow soon. She wants to kill this country according to the command of Deep State.
Up to 1,750 jihadists back in Europe from warzones, ready for attacks – report
Kosovan Lavdrim Muhaxheri is 'back in Europe with 400 of his trusted soldiers'

Intelligence source says men disguised themselves as refugees to reach Europe

Ex-NATO soldier fled from Syria warzone after ISIS suffered huge military loses

He left for Syria in late 2012 and has appeared in several propaganda videos

Intelligence sources say they 'disguised themselves as refugees' to reach Europe

Disguised as refugees and able to cross borders without being identified: ISIS general who blew up a hostage with a rocket and decapitated another prisoner is 'back in Europe with 400 soldiers' after fleeing Syria | Daily Mail Online
I honestly think - seeing what is happening - that Europe is on a suicide mission.

That is the only explanation to this Islamic invasion madness that is occurring over there.

And all with the help of the Globalist elites...

Europe is submitting to Islam and to Globalism and it's such a sad thing to behold.:(
Merkel invited millions of African Muslims to live in Germany and to enjoy benefits of welfare state paid by hardly-working taxpayers. It is a common situation when naked monkeys running in cities and seeking sex.'Police' doing nothing because it is 'racism' and politically incorrect to thwart a rape.Probably the grannie rejected offer of the ape to perform a sexual act on the open street.Watch the revenge of the New German.
This is one of the several reasons I support trumps efforts to stop illegal immigration, and to bring legal immigration to a trickle.

Imo, we shouldn't allow any immigrants from the middle east or Africa into this country, ever. Not a single one. Their cultures are vastly different from our own, and they seem completely incapable of adapting to any modern society. Fuck them. Keep them all out. And repatriate the animals who are already here.
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This picture has been taken in the streets of Germany when Obama was a POTUS.
It looks like trump bending over for Putin.
..., says a miserable victim of Soros propaganda.
trump LOVES Putin. Don't you trump supporters ever listen to what your Orange Dildo says?
I can't say Trump loves Putin, they have respect for each other that's true. But what's wrong with loving Putin? I love Putin. Half a world [the ones who haven't been brainwashed] loves Putin. Only Trump and Putin together can challenge Deep State, who is a REAL enemy of the world. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
View attachment 166099

This picture has been taken in the streets of Germany when Obama was a POTUS.

Merkel is a creature of Deep State which purposes totally annihilation of Germany and its folk.
Because in difference to Russia Germany has a fake democracy and fake election Merkel will became chancellor again
almost she is hated by most of Germans
While 14 years Merkel gradually transformed former Free Republic to a schizophrenic sewage run by insane corrupted politicians.
Many Germans envy Russians due to their Great President Putin.

Merkel is the most worst ruler in the entirely European History
Somebody from America needs to be willing to smuggle a gun into Germany and put a bullet in her misshapen head.
View attachment 166099

This picture has been taken in the streets of Germany when Obama was a POTUS.
It looks like trump bending over for Putin.
..., says a miserable victim of Soros propaganda.
trump LOVES Putin. Don't you trump supporters ever listen to what your Orange Dildo says?
I can't say Trump loves Putin, they have respect for each other that's true. But what's wrong with loving Putin? I love Putin. Half a world [the ones who haven't been brainwashed] loves Putin. Only Trump and Putin together can challenge Deep State, who is a REAL enemy of the world. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Yep, you are right, I'm agree with you 100 %. Remark:in comparison with Putin, Trump looks like a pussy.

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